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Barbose, Galen L., John Miller, Ben Sigrin, Emerson Reiter, Karlynn Cory, Joyce McLaren, Joachim Seel, Andrew D. Mills, Naïm R. Darghouth, and Andrew Satchwell."Utility Regulatory and Business Model Reforms for Addressing the Financial Impacts of Distributed Solar on Utilities." On the Path to Sunshot
Stratton, Hannah, Heidi Fuchs, Yuting Chen, Camilla Dunham, and Alison A. Williams."Water and Wastewater Rate Hikes Outspace CPI."
Huang, Sen, Wangda Zuo, and Michael D. Sohn."Amelioration of the cooling load based chiller sequencing control."Applied Energy
168 (2016) 204 - 215. DOI
Adomatis, Sandra, and Ben Hoen."An Analysis of Solar Home Paired Sales across Six States."The Appraisal Journal
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Lin, Jiang, Gang He, and Alexandria Yuan."Economic Rebalancing and Electricity Demand in China."The Electricity Journal
29.3 (2016) 48 - 54. DOI
Khanna, Nina, Jin Guo, and Xinyi Zheng."Effects of Demand Side Management on Chinese Household Electricity Consumption: Empirical Findings from Chinese Household Survey."
Zhang, Jingjing, Nan Zhou, Adam Hinge, Wei Feng, and Shicong Zhang."Governance strategies to achieve zero-energy buildings in China."Building Research & Information
44.5-6 (2016) 604-618. DOI
Phillips, Julia A., Kelly E. Wallace, Terence Y. Kudo, and Joseph H Eto."Onsite and Electric Power Backup Capabilities at Critical Infrastructure Facilities in the United States."
Allen, , Riley, , Donna Brutkoski, , David Farnsworth, and Peter H. Larsen."Sustainable Energy Solutions for Rural Alaska."
Liszka, Michael J., Aram Kang, NVSN M. Konda, Kim Tran, John M. Gladden, Seema Singh, Jay D. Keasling, Corinne D. Scown, Taek Soon Lee, Blake A. Simmons, and Kenneth L. Sale."Switchable ionic liquids based on di-carboxylic acids for one-pot conversion of biomass to an advanced biofuel."
18 (2016) 4012-4021. DOI
Meyers, Stephen, Alison A. Williams, Peter T. Chan, and Sarah K. Price."Energy and Economic Impacts of the U.S. Federal Energy and Water Conservation Standards Adopted From 1987 Through 2015."
Hoffman, Alex, Gregory M. Rybka, David Shephard-Gaw, Ian M. Hoffman, Charles A. Goldman, and Lisa C. Schwartz."Energy Efficiency Reporting Tool for Public Power Utilities."
Feng, Wei, Chris Marnay, Nan Zhou, Yan Ding, and Zhaoxia Wang."Influence of Occupancy-oriented Interior Cooling Load on Building Cooling Load."Applied Thermal Engineering
96 (2016) 411-420. DOI
Letschert, Virginie E., Michael Scholand, Ana Maria Carreno, and Carolina Hernandez."International Review of Standards and Labeling Programs for Distribution Transformers."
Schiller, Steven R.."Introduction to Technical Reference Manuals (TRMs) for Kentucky Energy Efficiency Programs."
Rivero, Ana Jimenez, Roger Sathre, and Justo Garcia Navarro."Life cycle energy and material flow implications of gypsum plasterboard recycling in the European Union."Resources, Conservation and Recycling
108 (2016). DOI
Bolinger, Mark, Joachim Seel, and , Manfei Wu."Maximizing MWh: A Statistical Analysis of the Performance of Utility-Scale Photovoltaic Projects in the United States."
Sanstad, Alan H.."Regional Economic Modeling of Electricity Supply Disruptions: A Review and Recommendations for Research."
Schiller, Steven R.."Demand Side Efficiency, EM&V and the Clean Power Plan: NARUC Presentation."
Walker, Iain S., J. Chris Stratton, William W. Delp, and Max H. Sherman."Development of a Tracer Gas Capture Efficiency Test Method for Residential Kitchen Ventilation."
Schwartz, Lisa C., Greg Leventis, Steven R. Schiller, and Emily Martin Fadrhonc."SEE Action Guide for States: Energy Efficiency as a Least-Cost Strategy to Reduce Greenhouse Gases and Air Pollution and Meet Energy Needs in the Power Sector."
Hoen, Ben, and Carol Atkinson-Palombo."Wind Turbines, Amenities and Disamenities: A Study of Home Value Impacts in Densely Populated Massachusetts."Journal of Real Estate Research
38.N o . 4 – 2 0 1 6 (2016) 473-504.