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Walker, Iain S., Yang-Seon Kim, Brett C. Singer, and Wanyu R. Chan."Assessing Occupant and Outdoor Air Impacts on Indoor Air Quality in New California Homes."AIVC Conference
(2017). DOI
Rojas, Gabriel, Iain S. Walker, and Brett C. Singer."Comparing extracting and recirculating residential kitchen range hoods for the use in high energy efficient housing."AIVC Conference
(2017). DOI
Jin, Ling, Doris Lee, Alex Sim, Sam Borgeson, Kesheng Wu, C. Anna Spurlock, and Annika Todd."Comparison of Clustering Techniques for Residential Energy Behavior using Smart Meter Data." AAAI Workshops - Artificial Intelligence for Smart Grids and Buildings, March 2017
Walker, Iain S., Gariel Rojas, Jordan D. Clark, and Max H. Sherman."Evaluating the Performance of Island Kitchen Range Hoods."AIVC Conference
(2017). DOI
Liu, Xu, Jing Ge, Wei Feng, and Nan Zhou."An Overview of the U.S. Better Buildings Initiative as a Model for Other Countries."
Walker, Iain S., Max H. Sherman, Jordan D. Clark, and Gaelle Guyot."Residential Smart Ventilation: A Review."
Less, Brennan, and Iain S. Walker."Smart Ventilation Controls for Occupancy and Auxiliary Fan Use Across U.S. Climates."
Abhyankar, Nikit, Nihar Shah, Amol A. Phadke, and Won Young Park."Technical and Economic Aspects of Designing an Efficient Room Air-Conditioner Program in India."
Kirchstetter, Thomas W., Chelsea V. Preble, Odelle L. Hadley, Tami C. Bond, and Joshua S. Apte."Large reductions in urban black carbon concentrations in the United States between 1965 and 2000."Atmospheric Environment
151 (2016) 17-23. DOI
Fisk, William J., and Wanyu R. Chan."Health benefits and costs of filtration interventions that reduce indoor exposure to PM2.5 during wildfires."Indoor Air
27.1 (2016) 191 - 204. DOI
Stukel, Laura, Ben Hoen, Sandra Adomatis, Craig Foley, and Laura Parsons."Capturing the Sun: A Roadmap for Navigating Data-Access Challenges and Auto-Populating Solar Home Sales Listings."
Nachtrieb, Robert, David Fridley, Wei Feng, Nihan Karali, Nina Khanna, Nan Zhou, Jimmy Tran, and Carolyn Szum."CERC-BEE Impact Model."
Park, Won Young, Anand R. Gopal, and Amol A. Phadke."Energy savings opportunities in the global digital television transition."Energy Efficiency
(2016). DOI
Schiller, Steven R., Lisa Skumatz, Juan Pablo Carvallo, Jessica Burdette, and Matt Klucher."Evaluating and Quantifying the Non-Energy Impacts of Energy Efficiency."Energy Efficiency EM&V Webinar Series
Dennis, Jeffery S., Suedeen G. Kelly, Robert R. Nordhaus, and Douglas W. Smith."Federal/State Jurisdictional Split: Implications for Emerging Electricity Technologies."
Singer, Brett C., William W. Delp, Douglas R. Black, and Iain S. Walker."Measured performance of filtration and ventilation systems for fine and ultrafine particles and ozone in an unoccupied modern California house."Indoor Air
(2016). DOI
Jin, Ming, Wei Feng, Ping Liu, Chris Marnay, and Costas Spanos."MOD-DR: Microgrid optimal dispatch with demand response."Applied Energy
187 (2016). DOI
Mai, Trieu, Ryan H. Wiser, Galen L. Barbose, Lori Bird, Jenny Heeter, David Keyser, Venkat Krishnan, Jordan Macknick, and Dev Millstein."A Prospective Analysis of the Costs, Benefits, and Impacts of U.S. Renewable Portfolio Standards."
(2016). DOI
Cappers, Peter, and Rich Scheer."American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009: Final Report on Customer Acceptance, Retention, and Response to Time-Based Rates from Consumer Behavior Studies."
Leventis, Greg, Emily Martin Fadrhonc, Chris Kramer, and Charles A. Goldman."Current Practices in Efficiency Financing: An Overview for State and Local Governments."
Jeong, Seongeun, Sally Newman, Jingsong Zhang, Arlyn E. Andrews, Laura Bianco, Justin Bagley, Xinguang Cui, Heather Graven, Jooil Kim, Peter Salameh, Brian W. LaFranchi, Chad Priest, Mixtli Campos-Pineda, Elena Novakovskaia, Christopher D. Sloop, Hope A. Michelsen, Ray P. Bambha, Ray F. Weiss, Ralph Keeling, and Marc L. Fischer."Estimating methane emissions in California's urban and rural regions using multitower observations."Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres
121 (2016). DOI
Lin, Jiang, Xu Liu, and Fredrich Kahrl."Excess Capacity in China's Power Systems: A Regional Analysis."
Maasakkers, Joannes D., Daniel J. Jacob, Melissa P. Sulprizio, Alexander J. Turner, Melissa Weitz, Tom Wirth, Cate Hight, Mark DeFigueiredo, Mausami Desai, Rachel Schmeltz, Leif Hockstad, Anthony A. Bloom, Kevin W. Bowman, Seongeun Jeong, and Marc L. Fischer."Gridded National Inventory of U.S. Methane Emissions."Environmental Science & Technology
50.23 (2016) 13123-13133. DOI
Levinson, Ronnen M., Sharon S. Chen, George A. Ban-Weiss, Haley E. Gilbert, Paul H. Berdahl, Pablo J. Rosado, Hugo Destaillats, Mohamad Sleiman, and Thomas W. Kirchstetter."Next-Generation Factory-Produced Cool Asphalt Shingles: Phase 1 Final Report."
Smith, Sarah Josephine, Max Wei, and Michael D. Sohn."A retrospective analysis of compact fluorescent lamp experience curves and their correlations to deployment programs."Energy Policy
98 (2016) 505 - 512. DOI