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Eto, Joseph H, Jonathan G. Koomey, James E. McMahon, and Peter T. Chan."Financial Impacts on Utilities of Load Shape Changes: The Texas Utility Electric Company."
Pignone, Chris, Joseph H Eto, and Edward P Kahn."Corporate Planning Models as Least‑Cost Utility Planning Tools."
Goldman, Charles A., and Kathleen M. Greely."Measured Energy Savings in Retrofitted Multifamily Buildings."
Vine, Edward L., Jayant A. Sathaye, and Arthur H. Rosenfeld."Planning for Oil Overcharge Funds: The California Experience."
Eto, Joseph H."Characterizing the Effects of Weather on Commercial Building Energy Use."IBPSA Building Simulation Conference
Eto, Joseph H, James E. McMahon, and Peter T. Chan."Financial Impacts on Utilities of Load Shape Changes Project: Stage III Summary Report - Virginia Electric and Power Company."
Kahn, Edward P, Chris Pignone, Joseph H Eto, James E. McMahon, and Mark D. Levine."Regulatory Factors Affecting the Financial Impact of Conservation Programs on Utilities."American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (ACEEE) Summer Study in Energy Efficient Buildings, August 1984
Goldman, Charles A., Ronald L. Ritschard, and , Ronald Atkielski."Energy Conservation in Public Housing: the San Francisco Experience."
Eto, Joseph H, James E. McMahon, and Peter T. Chan."Financial Impacts on Utilities of Load Shape Changes Project: Stage II Technical Report - Pacific Gas and Electric Company."
Goldman, Charles A., and Barbara S. Wagner."Saving Energy in Occupied Buildings: Results from the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory Residential Data Bases."
Schipper, Leon J., Jayant A. Sathaye, and Stephen Meyers."Energy Demand in the Developing Countries: Towards a Better Understanding."
Wall, Leonard W., Charles A. Goldman, and Arthur H. Rosenfeld."A Summary Report of Building Energy Compilation and Analysis (BECA) Part B: Existing North American Residential Buildings."ACEEE 1982 Summer Study in Energy Efficient Buildings