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Khanna, Nina, Xu Liu, and Nan Zhou."International review of ecodesign programs for products and lessons learned for China."China Economic Journal
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Thorpe, Andrew K., Riley Duren, Stephen A. Conley, Kuldeep R. Prasad, Brian De. Bue, Vineet Yadav, Kelsey T. Foster, Talha Rafiq, Francesca M. Hopkins, Mackenzie L. Smith, Marc L. Fischer, David R. Thompson, C. Frankenberg, Ian B. McCubbin, Michael L. Eastwood, Robert O. Green, and Charles E. Miller."Methane emissions from underground gas storage in California."Environmental Research Letters
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Bandaru, Siva R.S., Case M. van Genuchten, Arkadeep Kumar, Sara Glade, Dana Hernandez, Mohit Nahata, and Ashok J. Gadgil."Rapid and Efficient Arsenic Removal by Iron Electrocoagulation Enabled with in Situ Generation of Hydrogen Peroxide."Environmental Science & Technology
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Leifer, Ira, Christopher Melton, Robert Chatfield, Xinguang Cui, Marc L. Fischer, Matthew Fladeland, Warren Gore, Dennis L. Hlavka, Laura T. Iraci, Jocette E. Marrero, Ju-Mee Ryoo, Tomoaki Tanaka, Emma L. Yates, and John E. Yorks."Air pollution inputs to the Mojave Desert by fusing surface mobile and airborne in situ and airborne and satellite remote sensing: A case study of interbasin transport with numerical model validation."Atmospheric Environment
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Szum, Carolyn, Jing Hou, and Nan Zhou."Building Energy Efficiency Target Manual: General Guidelines for Cities."
Wiser, Ryan H., and Dev Millstein."Evaluating the economic return to public wind energy research and development in the United States."Applied Energy
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Gorman, Will, Andrew D. Mills, Mark Bolinger, Ryan H. Wiser, Nikita G. Singhal, Erik Ela, and Eric O'Shaughnessy."Motivations and options for deploying hybrid generator-plus-battery projects within the bulk power system."The Electricity Journal
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Wang, Zhiqiang, William W. Delp, and Brett C. Singer."Performance of low-cost indoor air quality monitors for PM2.5 and PM10 from residential sources."Building and Environment
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He, Gang, Jiang Lin, Froylan Sifuentes, Xu Liu, Nikit Abhyankar, and Amol A. Phadke."Rapid cost decrease of renewable energy and storage offers an opportunity to accelerate the decarbonization of China’s power system."
He, Gang, Jiang Lin, Froylan Sifuentes, Xu Liu, Nikit Abhyankar, and Amol A. Phadke."Rapid cost decrease of renewable energy and storage offers an opportunity to accelerate the decarbonization of China’s power system."
Chan, Wanyu R., Sangeetha Kumar, Alexandra L. Johnson, and Brett C. Singer."Simulations of short-term exposure to NO2 and PM2.5 to inform capture efficiency standards."
Letschert, Virginie E.."Cooling Efficiency in Indonesia: Recent Achievements and Future Outlook."
Paolini, Riccardo, Giancarlo Terraneo, Chiara Ferrari, Mohamad Sleiman, Alberto Muscio, Pierangelo Metrangolo, Tiziana Poli, Hugo Destaillats, Michele Zinzi, and Ronnen M. Levinson."Effects of soiling and weathering on the albedo of building envelope materials: Lessons learned from natural exposure in two European cities and tuning of a laboratory simulation practice."Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells
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Purohit, Pallav, Lena Höglund-Isaksson, John Dulac, Nihar Shah, Max Wei, Peter Rafaj, and Wolfgang Schöpp."Electricity savings and greenhouse gas emission reductions from global phase-down of hydrofluorocarbons."Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
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Karali, Nihan, Nikit Abhyankar, and Aditya Khandekar."EMPIRICAL ASSESSMENT OF THE APPLIANCE-LEVEL LOAD SHAPE AND DEMAND RESPONSE POTENTIAL IN INDIA."Energy Innovation for a Sustainable Economy 11th-13th February 2020 The Park, Hyderabad, India
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Earni, Shankar, Philip Coleman, Elizabeth Stuart, and Peter H. Larsen."eProject Builder: Promoting wider adoption of energy savings performance contracts through standardization and transparency."energise 2020 ENERGY INNOVATION FOR A SUSTAINABLE ECONOMY
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Barbose, Galen L., Sydney Forrester, Naïm R. Darghouth, and Ben Hoen."Income Trends among U.S. Residential Rooftop Solar Adopters."
Huntington, Tyler, Xinguang Cui, Umakant Mishra, and Corinne D. Scown."Machine learning to predict biomass sorghum yields under future climate scenarios."Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining
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Masanet, Eric R., Arman Shehabi, Nuoa Lei, Sarah Josephine Smith, and Jonathan G. Koomey."Recalibrating global data center energy-use estimates."Science
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Letschert, Virginie E., Sarah K. Price, Ambereen Shaffie, Won Young Park, Nihan Karali, Nikit Abhyankar, Nihar Shah, and Ari Darmawan Pasek."Accelerating the Transition to More Energy Efficient Air Conditioners in Indonesia."
Zhu, Weina, Wei Feng, Xiaodong Li, and Zhihui Zhang."Analysis of the embodied carbon dioxide in the building sector: A case of China."Journal of Cleaner Production
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Dreyfus, , G, , N. Borgford-Parnell, , J. Christensen, , D.W. Fahey, , B. Motherway, , T. Peters, , R. Picolotti, Nihar Shah, , Y. Xu, , M. Molina, and , D. Zaelke."Assessment of Climate and Development Benefits of Efficient and Climate-Friendly Cooling."
Diawuo, Felix Amankwah, Marriette Sakah, Stephane de la Rue du Can, Patricia C. Baptista, and Carlos A. Silva."Assessment of multiple-based demand response actions for peak residential electricity reduction in Ghana."Sustainable Cities and Society
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Phadke, Amol A., Nihar Shah, Jiang Lin, Won Young Park, Yongsheng Zhang, Durwood Zaelke, Chao Ding, and Nihan Karali."Chinese policy leadership would cool global air conditioning impacts: Looking East."Energy Research & Social Science
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Dang, Xianxian, Yu Zhang, Wei Feng, Nan Zhou, Youwei Wang, Chong Meng, and Mark Ginsberg."Comparative study of city-level sustainability assessment standards in China and the United States."Journal of Cleaner Production
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