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Zhang, Cong, Jeffery B. Greenblatt, Max Wei, Joshua Eichman, Samveg Saxena, Matteo Muratori, and Omar J. Guerra."Flexible grid-based electrolysis hydrogen production for fuel cell vehicles reduces costs and greenhouse gas emissions."Applied Energy
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O'Shaughnessy, Eric, Galen L. Barbose, Ryan H. Wiser, Sydney Forrester, and Naïm R. Darghouth."The impact of policies and business models on income equity in rooftop solar adoption."Nature Energy
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Mills, Andrew D., Ryan H. Wiser, Dev Millstein, Juan Pablo Carvallo, Will Gorman, Joachim Seel, and Seongeun Jeong."The impact of wind, solar, and other factors on the decline in wholesale power prices in the United States."Applied Energy
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Carvallo, Juan Pablo, Nan Zhang, Benjamin Leibowicz, Thomas Carr, Maury Galbraith, and Peter H. Larsen."Implications of a regional resource adequacy program on utility integrated resource planning: Study for the Western United States."
Duffy, Aidan, Maureen Hand, Ryan H. Wiser, Eric Lantz, Alberto Dalla Riva, Volker Berkhout, Maria Stenkvist, David E. Weir, and Roberto Lacal-Arántegui."Land-based wind energy cost trends in Germany, Denmark, Ireland, Norway, Sweden and the United States."Applied Energy
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Tang, Hao, Yong Ding, and Brett C. Singer."Post-occupancy evaluation of indoor environmental quality in ten nonresidential buildings in Chongqing, China."Journal of Building Engineering
32.November (2020). DOI
Millstein, Dev, Patrick Dobson, and Seongeun Jeong."The Potential to Improve the Value of U.S. Geothermal Electricity Generation Through Flexible Operations."Journal of Energy Resources Technology
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Mills, Andrew D., and Pía Rodriguez."A simple and fast algorithm for estimating the capacity credit of solar and storage."Energy
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Bolinger, Mark, Joachim Seel, Dana Robson, and Cody Warner."Utility-Scale Solar Data Update: 2020 Edition."
Jin, Ling, Alina Lazar, James Sears, Annika Todd, Alex Sim, Kesheng Wu, Hung-Chia Yang, and C. Anna Spurlock."Clustering Life Course to Understand the Heterogeneous Effects of Life Events, Gender, and Generation on Habitual Travel Modes."IEEE Access
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Yang, Minliang, Nawa Raj Baral, Aikaterini Anastasopoulou, Hanna Breunig, and Corinne D. Scown."Cost and Life-Cycle Greenhouse Gas Implications of Integrating Biogas Upgrading and Carbon Capture Technologies in Cellulosic Biorefineries."Environmental Science & Technology
54.20 (2020) 12810 - 12819. DOI
Yang, Minliang, Nawa Raj Baral, Aikaterini Anastasopoulou, Hanna Breunig, and Corinne D. Scown."Cost and Life-Cycle Greenhouse Gas Implications of Integrating Biogas and Upgrading Carbon Capture Technologies in Cellulosic Biorefineries."Environmental Science & Technology
54.20 (2020) 12810 - 12819. DOI
Zhao, Haoran, Wanyu R. Chan, Sebastian Cohn, William W. Delp, Iain S. Walker, and Brett C. Singer."Dataset: Indoor air quality in new and renovated low‐income apartments with mechanical ventilation and natural gas cooking in California."
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Wei, Max, Douglas R. Black, John Elliott, Howdy Goudey, Steve E. Greenberg, and Adam Z. Weber."Improving Energy System Resilience at Berkeley Lab and Beyond."
Zhao, Haoran, Wanyu R. Chan, Sebastian Cohn, William W. Delp, Iain S. Walker, and Brett C. Singer."Indoor Air Quality in New and Renovated Low‐Income Apartments with Mechanical Ventilation and Natural Gas Cooking in California."Indoor Air
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Lebel, Eric D., Harmony S. Lu, Lisa Vielstädte, Mary Kang, Peter Banner, Marc L. Fischer, and Robert B. Jackson."Methane Emissions from Abandoned Oil and Gas Wells in California."Environmental Science & Technology
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Grahovac, Milica, Katie Coughlin, Hannes Gerhart, and Robert Hosbach."Multiscale Solar Water Heating."
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Grubert, Emily, Jennifer Stokes-Draut, Arpad Horvath, and William Eisenstein."Utility-specific projections of electricity sector greenhouse gas emissions: a committed emissions model-based case study of California through 2050."Environmental Research Letters
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Dobson, Patrick, Dipankar Dwivedi, Dev Millstein, Nandini Krishnaswamy, Julio Garcia, and Mariam Kiran."Analysis of curtailment at The Geysers geothermal Field, California."Geothermics
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Destaillats, Hugo, Brett C. Singer, and Tunga Salthammer."Does vaping affect indoor air quality?."Indoor Air
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Cappers, Peter, and C. Anna Spurlock."A Handbook for Designing, Implementing, and Evaluating Successful Electric Utility Pilots."
Fisher, Carolyn L., Pamela D. Lane, Marion L. Russell, Randy L. Maddalena, and Todd W. Lane."Low Molecular Weight Volatile Organic Compounds Indicate Grazing by the Marine Rotifer Brachionus plicatilis on the Microalgae Microchloropsis salina."Metabolites
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Mueller, Joscha, Maxime Baudette, Daniel Arnold, and Michael D. Sankur.""A Modelica Library for Continuous and Discrete Extremum Seeking for Static and Dynamic Systems"."Proceedings of the American Modelica Conference 2020
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Shah, Nihar, EE Task Force, and UNEP TEAP."Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer, Report of the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel, Volume 2 Decision XXXI/7 - Continued Provision of Information on Energy-Efficient and Low Global Warming Potential Technologies."UNEP Report of the Technology and Economic Assessment Pane