Publications: Modeling

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Krus, Martin, Thierry Stephane Nouidui, and Klaus Sedlbauer."Application of software tools for moisture protection of buildings in different climate zones."6th International Conference on Cold Climate, Heating, Ventilating and Air-Conditioning (2009).
Trcka, Marija, Jan Hensen, and Michael Wetter."Co-simulation of innovative integrated HVAC systems in buildings."Journal of Building Performance Simulation 2.3 (2009) 209-230. DOI
Zuo, Wangda, and Qingyan Chen."Fast parallelized flow simulations on graphic processing units."the 11th International Conference on Air Distribution in Rooms (RoomVent 2009) (2009).
Zuo, Wangda, and Qingyan Chen."High performance computing for indoor air."11th International IBPSA Conference (Building Simulation 2009) (2009) 244-249.
Torrens, , J. Ignacio, Marcus Keane, James O'Donnell, and Andrea Costa."Multi-criteria optimisation using past, historical, real time and predictive performance benchmarks."SEEP 2009: 3rd International Conference on Sustainable Energy & Environmental Protection (2009).
Mara, Paul, Declan O'Sullivan, Rob Brennan, Marcus Keane, Kris McGlinn, and James O'Donnell."Pervasive Knowledge-Based Networking for Maintenance Inspection in Smart Buildings."MUCS 2009: 6th IEEE International Workshop on Managing Ubiquitous Communications and Services (2009).