Publications: Modeling
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Shehabi, Arman, Jennifer Stokes-Draut, and Arpad Horvath."Energy and Air Emission Implications of a Decentralized Wastewater System."Environmental Research Letters
7.2 (2012). DOI
Weber, Adam Z.."Macroscopic Modeling of the Proton-Exchange-Membrane Fuel-Cell Catalyst Layer."ECS Transactions
45.2 (2012) 71 - 83. DOI
Shearer, Sharon M., Robert A. Harley, Ling Jin, and Nancy J. Brown."Comparison of SAPRC99 and SAPRC07 mechanisms in photochemical modeling for central California."Atmospheric Environment
46 (2012) 205 - 216. DOI
Stadler, Michael, Chris Marnay, Nicholas DeForest, Joseph H Eto, Gonçalo Cardoso, Andrea A. Mammoli, Hans Barsun, Richard Burnett, David Klapp, and Judy Lai."Web-Based Economic and Environmental Optimization of Microgrids."2012 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference
(2012). DOI
Zhu, Dandan, Tianzhen Hong, Da Yan, and Chuang Wang."Comparative research in building energy modeling programs."China Annual HVACR Conference
Parker, Danny S., Evan Mills, Leo I. Rainer, Norman Bourassa, and Gregory K. Homan."Accuracy of the Home Energy Saver Energy Calculation Methodology."2012 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
Sudderth, Erika A., Samuel B St. Clair, Sarah A. Placella, Stéphanie M. Swarbreck, Cristina Castanha, Donald J. Herman, Marc L. Fischer, Markus Kleber, Erik B. Sudderth, Margaret S. Torn, Mary K. Firestone, Gary L. Andersen, and David D. Ackerly."Annual grassland resource pools and fluxes: sensitivity to precipitation and dry periods on two contrasting soils."Ecosphere
3.8 (2012). DOI
Wang, Liping, Philip Haves, and John Breshears."The Energy Saving Potential of Membrane-Based Enthalpy Recovery in Vav Systems for Commercial Office Buildings."SimBuild 2012 IBPSA Conference
Chojnowski, , D, , K Straub, Evan Mills, and , T White."Online Communities for Creating Change: Home Energy Pros."2012 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
Zuo, Wangda, Mingang Jin, and Qingyan Chen."Reduction of numerical viscosity in FFD model."Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics
6.2 (2012) 234-247.
Jeong, Seongeun, Chuanfeng Zhao, Arlyn E. Andrews, Laura Bianco, James M. Wilczak, and Marc L. Fischer."Seasonal variation of CH4 emissions from central California."Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres
117.D11 (2012). DOI
Jeong, Seongeun, Chuanfeng Zhao, Arlyn E. Andrews, Edward J. Dlugokencky, Colm Sweeney, Laura Bianco, James M. Wilczak, and Marc L. Fischer."Seasonal variations in N2O emissions from central California."Geophysical Research Letters
39.16 (2012). DOI
Wennberg, Paul O., Wilton Mui, Debra Wunch, Eric A. Kort, Donald R. Blake, Elliot L. Atlas, Gregory W. Santoni, Steven C. Wofsy, Glenn S. Diskin, Seongeun Jeong, and Marc L. Fischer."On the Sources of Methane to the Los Angeles Atmosphere."Environmental Science & Technology
46.17 (2012) 9282–9289. DOI
Jin, Mingang, Wangda Zuo, and Qingyan Chen."Validation of three dimensional fast fluid dynamics for indoor airflow simulations."the 2nd International Conference on Building Energy and Environment (COBEE2012)
(2012) 1055-1062.
Zuo, Wangda, Andrew McNeil, Michael Wetter, and Eleanor S. Lee."Acceleration of Radiance for Lighting Simulation by using Parallel Computing with OpenCL."12th International Conference of the International Building Performance Simulation Association (Building Simulation 2011)
(2011) p. 110-117.
Bazjanac, Vladimir, Tobias Maile, Cody Rose, James O'Donnell, Natasa Mrazovic, Elmer Morrissey, and , Benjamin Welle."An Assessment of the use of Building Energy Performance Simulation in Early Design."IBPSA Building Simulation 2011
Haves, Philip, Prajesh Bhattacharya, Thierry Stephane Nouidui, Michael Wetter, Zhengwei Li, and Xiufeng Pang."BacNet and Analog/Digital Interfaces of the Building Controls Virtual Testbed."
Nouidui, Thierry Stephane, Michael Wetter, Zhengwei Li, Xiufeng Pang, Prajesh Bhattacharya, and Philip Haves."BACnet and Analog/Digital Interfaces of the Building Controls Virtual Test Bed."Proc. of the 12th IBPSA Conference
(2011) p. 294-301.
See, Richard, Philip Haves, Pramod Sreekanathan, Mangesh Basarkar, James O'Donnell, and Kevin Settlemyre."Development of a user interface for the EnergyPlus whole building energy simulation program."IBPSA Building Simulation 2011
Basarkar, Mangesh, Philip Haves, Xiufeng Pang, Liping Wang, and Tianzhen Hong."Modeling and simulation of HVAC faults in EnergyPlus."Building Simulation 2011
Basarkar, Mangesh, Xiufeng Pang, Liping Wang, and Tianzhen Hong."Modeling and simulation of HVAC Results in EnergyPlus."
Wetter, Michael, Wangda Zuo, and Thierry Stephane Nouidui."Modeling of Heat Transfer in Rooms in the Modelica "Buildings" Library."12th Conference of International Building Performance Ssimulation Association
(2011) 1096-1103.
Pang, Xiufeng, Prajesh Bhattacharya, Zheng O'Neill, Philip Haves, Michael Wetter, and Trevor Bailey."Real-time Building Energy Simulation using EnergyPlus and the Building Controls Virtual Test Bed."Proc. of the 12th IBPSA Conference
(2011) p. 2890-2896.
Maile, Tobias, Vladimir Bazjanac, James O'Donnell, and Matthew Garr."A software tool to compare measured and simulated building energy performance data."IBPSA Building Simulation 2011
Corry, Edward, Marcus Keane, James O'Donnell, and Andrea Costa."Systematic Development of an Operational BIM Utilising Simulation and Performance Data in Building Operation."IBPSA Building Simulation 2011