Publications: Grid Impacts
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Langevin, Jared, Chioke B. Harris, Aven Satre-Meloy, Handi Chandra Putra, Andrew Speake, Elaina Present, Rajendra Adhikari, Eric Wilson, and Andrew Satchwell."U.S. Building Energy Efficiency and Flexibility as an Electric Grid Resource."SSRN Electronic Journal
(2021). DOI
Frick, Natalie Mims, Sean Murphy, Cesca Miller, Greg Leventis, Kristina Hamachi LaCommare, Charles A. Goldman, and Lisa C. Schwartz."Peak Demand Savings from Efficiency: Opportunities and Practices."
Gerke, Brian F., Cong Zhang, Andrew Satchwell, Samanvitha Murthy, Mary Ann Piette, Elaina Present, Eric Wilson, Andrew Speake, and Rajendra Adhikari."Modeling the Interaction Between Energy Efficiency and Demand Response on Regional Grid Scales."ACEEE 2020 Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
Gerke, Brian F., Giulia Gallo, Sarah Josephine Smith, Jingjing Liu, Shuba V. Raghavan, Peter Schwartz, Mary Ann Piette, Rongxin Yin, and Sofia Stensson."The California Demand Response Potential Study, Phase 3: Final Report on the Shift Resource through 2030."
(2020). DOI
Sutter, Mary, Jenn Mitchell-Jackson, Steven R. Schiller, Lisa C. Schwartz, and Ian M. Hoffman."Applying Non-Energy Impacts from Other Jurisdictions in Cost-Benefit Analyses of Energy Efficiency Programs: Resources for States for Utility Customer-Funded Programs."
Schiller, Steven R., Ian M. Hoffman, Sean Murphy, Greg Leventis, and Lisa C. Schwartz."Cost of saving natural gas through efficiency programs funded by utility customers: 2012–2017."
Schwartz, Lisa C., and Greg Leventis."Grid-Interactive Efficient Buildings: An Introduction for State and Local Governments."
Schwartz, Lisa C., Ian M. Hoffman, Steven R. Schiller, Sean Murphy, and Greg Leventis."Cost of Saving Electricity Through Efficiency Programs Funded by Customers of Publicly Owned Utilities: 2012–2017."
Frick, Natalie Mims, Eric Wilson, Janet Reyna, Andrew Parker, Elaina Present, Janghyun Kim, Tianzhen Hong, Han Li, and Tom Eckman."End-Use Load Profiles for the U.S. Building Stock: Market Needs, Use Cases, and Data Gaps."
Frick, Natalie Mims, Ian M. Hoffman, Charles A. Goldman, Greg Leventis, Sean Murphy, and Lisa C. Schwartz."Peak Demand Impacts From Electricity Efficiency Programs."
Frick, Natalie Mims, and Lisa C. Schwartz."Time-Sensitive Value of Efficiency: Use Cases in Electricity Sector Planning and Programs."
Schwartz, Lisa C., and Natalie Mims Frick."Evolving Approaches to Electricity System Planning."
Frick, Natalie Mims, and Lisa C. Schwartz."Buildings-to-Grid: Critical Issues for Decision Makers."
Goldman, Charles A., Sean Murphy, Ian M. Hoffman, Natalie Mims Frick, Greg Leventis, and Lisa C. Schwartz."The Future of U.S. Electricity Efficiency Programs Funded by Utility Customers: Program Spending and Savings Projections to 2030."
Frick, Natalie Mims, Lisa C. Schwartz, and Alyse Taylor-Anyikire."A Framework for Integrated Analysis of Distributed Energy Resources: Guide for States."
Hoffman, Ian M., Charles A. Goldman, Sean Murphy, Natalie Mims Frick, Greg Leventis, and Lisa C. Schwartz."The Cost of Saving Electricity Through Energy Efficiency Programs Funded by Utility Customers: 2009–2015."
Grevatt, Jim, Ian M. Hoffman, and Dale Hoffmeyer."Keys to the House: Unlocking Residential Savings With Program Models for Home Energy Upgrades."
Frick, Natalie Mims, Tom Eckman, and Charles A. Goldman."Time-varying value of electric energy efficiency."
Hoffman, Ian M., Charles A. Goldman, Gregory M. Rybka, Greg Leventis, Lisa C. Schwartz, Alan H. Sanstad, and Steven R. Schiller."Estimating the cost of saving electricity through U.S. utility customer-funded energy efficiency programs."Energy Policy
104 (2017) 1-12. DOI
Schwartz, Lisa C., Max Wei, William R. Morrow III, Jeff Deason, Steven R. Schiller, Greg Leventis, Sarah Josephine Smith, Woei Ling Leow, Todd Levin, Steven Plotkin, Yan Zhou, and Joseph Teng."Electricity end uses, energy efficiency, and distributed energy resources baseline."
Hoffman, Ian M., Greg Leventis, and Charles A. Goldman."Trends in the Program Administrator Cost of Saving Electricity for Utility Customer-Funded Energy Efficiency Programs."
Schiller, Steven R., Tom Short, Jim Parks, and Josh Rushton."Opportunities and EM&V for Improving Electricity Distribution Efficiency."Energy Efficiency EM&V Webinar Series