Publications: Grid Impacts
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Schiller, Steven R.."Demand Side Efficiency EM&V and the Clean Power Plan: Presentation #1- Basics of EE, EM&V and the CPP."
Schiller, Steven R.."Demand Side Efficiency EM&V and the Clean Power Plan: Presentation #2- EE EM&V and the CPP."
Rybka, Gregory M., Ian M. Hoffman, Charles A. Goldman, and Lisa C. Schwartz."Flexible and Consistent Reporting for Energy Efficiency Programs: Introducing a New Tool for Reporting Spending and Savings for Programs Funded by Utility Customers."
Schiller, Steven R.."WECC/WREGIS EPA’s Clean Power Plan With a Focus on Energy Efficiency and EM&V."
Schiller, Steven R.."WREGIS Energy Efficiency in EPA’s Clean Power Plan: a brief introduction."
Schiller, Steven R.."IEPEC EPA’s Clean Power Plan With a Focus on Energy Efficiency and EM&V."
Hoffman, Ian M., Steven R. Schiller, Annika Todd, Megan A. Billingsley, Charles A. Goldman, and Lisa C. Schwartz."Energy Savings Lifetimes and Persistence: Practices, Issues and Data."
Hoffman, Ian M., Gregory M. Rybka, Greg Leventis, Charles A. Goldman, Lisa C. Schwartz, Megan A. Billingsley, and Steven R. Schiller."The Total Cost of Saving Electricity Through Utility Customer-Funded Energy Efficiency Programs: Estimates at the National, State, Sector and Program Level."
Phadke, Amol A., Nikit Abhyankar, and Nihar Shah."Avoiding 100 New Power Plants by Increasing Efficiency of Room Air Conditioners in India: Opportunities and Challenges."
Hoffman, Ian M., Gregory M. Rybka, Greg Leventis, Charles A. Goldman, and Lisa C. Schwartz."The Total Cost of Saving Electricity Through Utility Customer-Funded Energy Efficiency Programs."
Satchwell, Andrew, and Ryan Hledik."Analytical Frameworks to Incorporate Demand Response in Long-term Resource Planning."
Hoffman, Ian M., Megan A. Billingsley, Steven R. Schiller, Charles A. Goldman, and Elizabeth Stuart."Energy Efficiency Program Typology and Data Metrics: Enabling Multi-State Analyses Through the Use of Common Terminology."
Cappers, Peter, Andrew D. Mills, Charles A. Goldman, Ryan H. Wiser, and Joseph H Eto."An assessment of the role mass market demand response could play in contributing to the management of variable generation integration issues."Energy Policy
48 (2012) 420 - 429. DOI
Bode, Josh L., Michael J. Sullivan, and Joseph H Eto."Measuring Short-term Air Conditioner Demand Reductions for Operations and Settlement."
(2012) 120.
Cappers, Peter, Andrew D. Mills, Charles A. Goldman, Ryan H. Wiser, and Joseph H Eto."Mass Market Demand Response and Variable Generation Integration Issues: A Scoping Study."
(2011) 76.
Hoffman, Ron, Roger Levy, and Karen Herter."Technical Options to Address Cyber Security, Interoperability and Other Issues with ZigBee SEP."
Hopper, Nicole C., Charles A. Goldman, Ranjit Bharvirkar, and Bernard Neenan."Customer Response to Day-Ahead Market Hourly Pricing: Choices and Performance."
(2006) 30. DOI
Hopper, Nicole C., Charles A. Goldman, Ranjit Bharvirkar, and Bernard Neenan."Customer Response to Day-Ahead Market Hourly Pricing: Choices and Performance."
14.2 (2006) 126-134. DOI
Hopper, Nicole C., Charles A. Goldman, and Bernard Neenan."Demand Response from Day-Ahead Hourly Pricing for Large Customers."
(2006) 19.
Barbose, Galen L., Charles A. Goldman, and Bernard Neenan."A Survey of Utility Experience with Real Time Pricing."
(2004) 127.
Goldman, Charles A., Nicole C. Hopper, Osman Sezgen, Mithra M. Moezzi, Ranjit Bharvirkar, Bernard Neenan, Donna Pratt, Peter Cappers, and Richard Boisvert."Does Real-Time Pricing Deliver Demand Response? A Case Study of Niagara Mohawk’s Large Customer RTP Tariff."2004 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
(2004) 17.
Goldman, Charles A., Grayson C. Heffner, and Galen L. Barbose."Customer Load Participation in Wholesale Markets: Summer 2001 Results, Lessons Learned and “Best Practices”."
(2002) 19.
Eto, Joseph H, Jonathan G. Koomey, James E. McMahon, and Edward P Kahn."Integrated Analysis of Demand-Side Programs."IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
3.4 (1988) 7. DOI