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Zeng, Xianzhong, Xianglei Mao, Sy-Bor Wen, Ralph Greif, and Richard E. Russo."Energy deposition and shock wave propagation during pulsed laser ablation in fused silica cavities."Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics
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Zeng, Xianzhong, Xianglei Mao, Ralph Greif, and Richard E. Russo."Experimental investigation of ablation efficiency and laser-induced plasma expansion during femtosecond and nanosecond laser ablation of silicon."Applied Physics A: Materials science and processing
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Black, Douglas R., Tracy L. Thatcher, Richard G. Sextro, William W. Delp, Sheng-Chieh Chang, Emily E. Wood, Jean C. Deputy, Toshifumi Hotchi, Mark R. Sippola, and Douglas P. Sullivan."Joint Urban 2003: Indoor Measurements Final Data Report."
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Zeng, Xianzhong, Xianglei Mao, Samuel S. Mao, Jong-Hyun Yoo, Ralph Greif, and Richard E. Russo."Laser-plasma interactions in fused silica cavities."Journal of Applied Physics
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