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Roesener, Charlotte, Peter Palensky, Manfred Weihs, Brigitte Lorenz, and Michael Stadler."Integral Resource Optimization Network - a new solution on power markets."INDIN '05. 2005 3rd International IEEE Conference on Industrial Informatics August 10-12, 2005
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Kerlau, Marie, Jeffrey A. Reimer, and Elton J. Cairns."Investigation of particle isolation in Li-ion battery electrodes using 7Li NMR spectroscopy."Electrochemistry Communications
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Zeng, Xianzhong, Xianglei Mao, Samuel S. Mao, Sy-Bor Wen, Ralph Greif, and Richard E. Russo."Laser-Induced Shockwave Propagation from Ablation in a Cavity."Applied Physics Letters
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Liu, Chunyi, Xianglei Mao, Jhanis J. Gonzalez, and Richard E. Russo."Study of particle size influence on laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry using an in-line cascade impactor."J.Anal.Atom.Spectrom.
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Haas, Otto, Aniruddha Deb, Elton J. Cairns, and Alexander Wokaun."Synchrotron X-Ray Absorption Study of LiFePO4 Electrodes."Journal of The Electrochemical Society
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Prasher, Ravi S., Prajesh Bhattacharya, and Patrick E. Phelan."Thermal conductivity of nanoscale colloidal solutions (nanofluids)."Phys. Rev. Lett.
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Prasher, Ravi S., Chia-Pin Chiu, and , Himanshu Pokharna."Thermal management arrangement with channels structurally adapted for varying heat flux areas."
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Chang, Je-Young, , Unnikrishnan Vadakkan, Ravi S. Prasher, and , Suzana Prstic."Thermal Performance of Vapor Chambers Under Hot Spot Heating Conditions."ASME 2005 Pacific Rim Technical Conference and Exhibition on Integration and Packaging of MEMS, NEMS, and Electronic Systems collocated with the ASME 2005 Heat Transfer Summer Conference
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Prasher, Ravi S., , John Dirner, Je-Young Chang, Alan M. Myers, David Chau, , Dongming He, and , Suzana Prstic."Thermal Resistance and Pressure Drop of Silicon Based Micro Pin Fin Heat Exchanger Under Cross Flow."ASME 2005 Pacific Rim Technical Conference and Exhibition on Integration and Packaging of MEMS, NEMS, and Electronic Systems collocated with the ASME 2005 Heat Transfer Summer Conference
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Mao, Xianglei, Xianzhong Zeng, Sy-Bor Wen, and Richard E. Russo."Time-resolved plasma properties for double pulsed LIBS of silicon."Spectrochimica Acta Part B-Atomic Spectroscopy
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Mao, Samuel S., Fabien Quéré, Stéphane Guizard, Xianglei Mao, Richard E. Russo, Guillaume Petite, and Philippe Martin."Dynamics of femtosecond laser interactions with dielectrics."Applied Physics A-Materials Science & Processing
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