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Piette, Mary Ann, Sila Kiliccote, and Girish Ghatikar."Design and Implementation of an Open, Interoperable Automated Demand Response Infrastructure."Grid Interop Forum
Coughlin, Katie."Estimating DR Load Impacts: Evaluation of baseline load models for commercial buildings in California. Preliminary Results."
Wen, Sy-Bor, Xianglei Mao, Chunyi Liu, and Richard E. Russo."Expansion and radiative cooling of the laser induced plasma."Jourmal of Physics: Conference Series
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Nakahara, Kentaro, Jiro Iriyama, Shigeyuki Iwasa, Masahiro Suguro, Masaharu Satoh, and Elton J. Cairns."High-rate capable organic radical cathodes for lithium rechargeable batteries."Journal of Power Sources
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Choi, Jong Hyun, Donald Lucas, and Catherine P. Koshland."Laser ablation of nanoscale particles with 193 nm light."Journal of Physics: Conference Series
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Braun, Artur, Hongxin Wang, Joongpyo Shim, Steven S. Lee, and Elton J. Cairns."Lithium K(1s) synchrotron NEXAFS spectra of lithium-ion battery cathode, anode and electrolyte materials."Journal of Power Sources
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Gabrisch, , Heike, James D. Wilcox, and Marca M. Doeff."TEM Studies of Carbon Coated LiFePO4 After Charge Discharge Cycling."ECS Transactions
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Prasher, Ravi S.."Thermal conductance of single-walled carbon nanotube embedded in an elastic half-space."Appl. Phys. Lett.
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Prasher, Ravi S., and Gregory M . Chrysler."Thermal management arrangement with a low heat flux channel flow coupled to high heat flux channels."
Liu, Chunyi, Xianglei Mao, Ralph Greif, and Richard E. Russo."Time resolved shadowgraph images of silicon during laser ablation: Shockwaves and Particle generation."Journal of Physics: Conference Series
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Baudelet, Matthieu, Myriam Boueri, Jin Yu, Samuel S. Mao, Vincent Piscitelli, Xianglei Mao, and Richard E. Russo."Time-resolved ultraviolet laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy for organic material analysis."Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy
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Hu, , X Jack, Ravi S. Prasher, and , Kelly Lofgreen."Ultralow thermal conductivity of nanoparticle packed bed."Appl. Phys. Lett.
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Wen, Sy-Bor, Xianglei Mao, Ralph Greif, and Richard E. Russo."Analysis of laser ablation: contribution of ionization energy to the plasma and shockwave properties."Journal of Applied Physics
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Zhou, Nan, Chris Marnay, Ryan M. Firestone, Weijun Gao, and Masaru Nishida."An Analysis of the DER Adoption Climate in Japan Using Optimization Results for Prototype Buildings with U.S. Comparisons."Energy and Buildings Journal
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Kranzl, Lukas, Michael Stadler, Claus Huber, Reinhard Haas, Mario Ragwitz, Anselm Brakhage, Adam Gula, and Arkadiusz Figorski."Deriving efficient policy portfolios promoting sustainable energy systems - case studies applying Invert simulation tool."Renewable Energy
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Doeff, Marca M., James D. Wilcox, Robert Kostecki, and Grace Y. Lau."Optimization of carbon coatings on LiFePO4."Journal of power sources
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Eto, Joseph H, Douglas R. Hale, and Bernard Lesieutre."Toward More Comprehensive Assessments of FERC Electricity Restructuring Policies: A Review of Recent Benefit-Cost Studies of RTOs."The Electricity Journal
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Saha, , Sanjoy, , Li Shi, and Ravi S. Prasher."Monte Carlo Simulation of Phonon Backscattering in a Nanowire."ASME 2006 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition
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Chang, Je-Young, , Choong-Un Kim, , Nancy Michael, , Balu Pathangey, Paul J. Gwin, and Ravi S. Prasher."New Electrochemical Cell Designs and Test Methods for Corrosion Testing of the Components in Integrated Circuit Liquid Cooling Systems."ASME 2006 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition
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Prasher, Ravi S., , John Dirner, Je-Young Chang, Alan M. Myers, David Chau, , Dongming He, and , Suzana Prstic."Nusselt Number and Friction Factor of Staggered Arrays of Low Aspect Ratio Micro-Pin-Fins Under Cross Flow for Water as Fluid."ASME 2006 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition
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Christensen, John, Venkat Srinivasan, and John S. Newman."Optimization of lithium titanate electrodes for high-power cells."Journal of the Electrochemical Society
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