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Richardson, Thomas J., and Guoying Chen."Solid solution lithium alloy cermet anodes."Journal of Power Sources
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Prasher, Ravi S., , Tao Tong, and Arun Majumdar."An acoustic and dimensional mismatch model for thermal boundary conductance between a vertical mesoscopic nanowire/nanotube and a bulk substrate."J. Appl. Phys.
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Russias, , Julie M., Eduardo Saiz, , Sylvain Deville, , Karol A. Gryn, Gao Liu, , Ravi K. Nalla, and Antoni P. Tomsia."Fabrication and in vitro characterization of three-dimensional organic/inorganic scaffolds by robocasting."Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A
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Tong, , Tao, Ravi S. Prasher, and Arun Majumdar."Heat Capacity and Thermal Conductance Calculations for Non-Metallic Crystalline Nanowires Based on Elastic Dispersion Relations."ASME 2007 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition
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Tong, , Tao, Je-Young Chang, , Shankar Devasenathipathy, , John Dirner, , Suzana Prstic, and Ravi S. Prasher."High-Speed Visualization of Phase-Change Processes in Silicon Microchannels With Water and HFE-7100 as Working Fluids."ASME 2007 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and ExpositionVolume 5: Electronics and Photonics
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Marcinek, Marek, Laurence J. Hardwick, Thomas J. Richardson, Xiangyun Song, and Robert Kostecki."Microwave Plasma Chemical Vapor Deposition of Nano-Structured Sn/C Composite Thin-Film anodes for Li-ion Batteries."Journal of Power Sources
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Tong, , Tao, Je-Young Chang, , Shankar Devasenathipathy, , John Dirner, , Suzana Prstic, and Ravi S. Prasher."Performances of Silicon Micro-Flow-Passage Cold Plates From Single-Phase to Two-Phase With Water and HFE-7100 as Working Fluids."ASME 2007 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition
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Marnay, Chris, Ryan M. Firestone, Judy Lai, and Giri Venkataramanan."Microgrids for Commercial Building Combined Heat and Power and Power and Heterogeneous Power Quality and Reliability."IEEC 2007 Conference on Active Networks and Sustainable Energy Consumption, Nov. 14-15, 2007
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Prasher, Ravi S.."Thermal radiation in dense nano- and microparticulate media."J. Appl. Phys.
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Chang, Je-Young, Ioan Sauciuc, , Chuan Hu, Chia-Pin Chiu, Gregory M . Chrysler, Ravi S. Prasher, , Rajiv K Mongia, , Himanshu Pokharna, and , Eric Distefano."Integrated circuit coolant microchannel assembly with targeted channel configuration."
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