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Dunham, Camilla, Heidi Fuchs, and Hannah Stratton."Benefits of a National Survey on Water Demand: Existing Data and Reporting Recommendations."
Lazar, Alina, Ling Jin, C. Anna Spurlock, Annika Todd, Kesheng Wu, and Alex Sim."Data quality challenges with missing values and mixed types in joint sequence analysis."2017 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data)2017 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data)
(2017). DOI
Thakur, Jagruti, Sebastian Rauner, Naïm R. Darghouth, and Basab Chakraborty."Exploring the impact of increased solar deployment levels on residential electricity bills in India."Renewable Energy
120.May 2018 (2017) 512-523. DOI
Firestone, Jeremy, Ben Hoen, Joseph Rand, Debi Elliott, Gundula Hübner, and Johannes Pohl."Reconsidering Barriers to Wind Power Projects: Community Engagement, Developer Transparency and Place."Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning
(2017) 1-17. DOI
Homer, Juliet, Alan Cooke, Lisa C. Schwartz, Greg Leventis, Francisco Flores-Espino, and Michael Coddington."State Engagement in Electric Distribution System Planning."
Gao, Yafeng, Dachuan Shi, Ronnen M. Levinson, Rui Guo, Changqing Lin, and Jing Ge."Thermal performance and energy savings of white and sedum-tray garden roof: A case study in a Chongqing office building."Energy and Buildings
156 (2017) 343 - 359. DOI
Wilson, Daniel L., Vi H. Rapp, Julien J. Caubel, Sharon S. Chen, and Ashok J. Gadgil."Verifying mixing in dilution tunnels: How to ensure cookstove emissions samples are unbiased."
Fischer, Marc L., and Riley Duren."Viability of Underground Natural Gas Storage in California: An Independent Review of Scientific and Technical Information.."
Granderson, Jessica, Rupam Singla, Ebony Mayhorn, Paul Ehrlich, Draguna Vrabie, and Stephen Frank."Characterization and Survey of Automated Fault Detection and Diagnostics Tools."
Sarraf, Saket, and Maithili Iyer."Energy, Emissions and Economic Impacts of Appliance Efficiency Measure."INSPIRE 2017, Nov. 27 - Dec. 1, 2017
(2017) 523-536.
Iyer, Maithili, Satish Kumar, Sangeeta Mathew, Hannah Stratton, Paul A. Mathew, and Mohini Singh."Establishing a commercial building energy data framework for India: Approaches, use cases, and institutions."INSPIRE 2017
Wiser, Ryan H., Andrew D. Mills, Joachim Seel, Todd Levin, and Audun Botterud."Impacts of Variable Renewable Energy on Bulk Power System Assets, Pricing, and Costs."
Gerke, Brian F., Michael A. McNeil, and Thomas Tu."The International Database of Efficient Appliances (IDEA): A new tool to support appliance energy-efficiency deployment."Applied Energy
205 (2017) 453 - 464. DOI
Mills, Andrew D., Ryan H. Wiser, and Joachim Seel."Power Plant Retirements: Trends and Possible Drivers."
Eto, Joseph H, and Giulia Gallo."Regional Transmission Planning: A Review of Practices Following FERC Order Nos. 890 and 1000."
Tongsopit, Sopitsuda, Owen R. Zinaman, and Naïm R. Darghouth."Understanding the Impact of Distributed Photovoltaic Adoption on Utility Revenues and Retail Electricity Tariffs in Thailand."
Fisk, William J.."The Ventilation Problem in Schools: Literature Review."Indoor Air
27.6 (2017) 1039-1051. DOI
Mehrotra, Shobhit, Ian C. Faloona, Maxime Suard, Stephen A. Conley, and Marc L. Fischer."Airborne Methane Emission Measurements for Selected Oil and Gas Facilities Across California."Environmental Science & Technology
(2017). DOI
Park, Won Young, Nihar Shah, and Brian F. Gerke."Assessment of commercially available energy-efficient room air conditioners including models with low global warming potential (GWP) refrigerants."
Fuchs, Heidi, Arman Shehabi, Mohan Ganeshalingam, Louis-Benoit Desroches, Brian Lim, Kurt Roth, and Allen Tsao."Characteristics and Energy Use of Volume Servers in the United States."
Shen, Qing, Simin Xu, and Jiang Lin."Effects of bus transit-oriented development (BTOD) on single-family property value in Seattle metropolitan area."Urban Studies
(2017). DOI
Nordman, Bruce, and Aditya Khandekar."Electricity Technology Needs for Energy Access."Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Global Humanitarian Technology Conference, San Jose, CA
Zinaman, Owen R., Alexandra Aznar, Carl Linvill, Naïm R. Darghouth, Timon Dubbeling, and Emanuele Bianco."Grid-Connected Distributed Generation: Compensation Mechanism Basics."
Stratton, Hannah, Heidi Fuchs, Yuting Chen, Camilla Dunham, Chun Chun Ni, and Alison A. Williams."Keeping Pace with Water and Wastewater Rates."American Water Works Association