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Gerber, Daniel L., Vagelis Vossos, Wei Feng, Chris Marnay, Bruce Nordman, and Richard E. Brown."A simulation-based efficiency comparison of AC and DC power distribution networks in commercial buildings."Applied Energy
210 (2018) 1167-1187. DOI
Nordman, Bruce, and Aditya Khandekar."Electricity Technology Needs for Energy Access."Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Global Humanitarian Technology Conference, San Jose, CA
Blum, David, and Michael Wetter."MPCPy: An Open-Source Software Platform for Model Predictive Control in Buildings."Proceedings of the 15th IBPSA Conference: Building Simulation 2017
Nordman, Bruce, Aditya Khandekar, Michael Spears, and Mattia Pezzola."A Simulation of Local Power Distribution Control Strategies."2017 IEEE Second International Conference on DC Microgrids (ICDCM)
(2017). DOI
Feng, Wei, Xiwang Li, Carolyn Szum, Nan Zhou, Michael Bendewald, Zihe Meng, and Yani Zeng."From Prescriptive to Outcome-Based — The Evolution of Building Energy Codes and Standards in China."ECEEE Summer Study 2017
Schlein, Bruce, Carolyn Szum, Nan Zhou, Jing Ge, and Helen He."Lessons from Europe, North America, and Asia: Financing Models that are Facilitating Building Energy Efficiency at Scale."ECEEE 2017
Szum, Carolyn, Nan Zhou, Sara Lisauskas, Madeline Frieze, Xi Chen, and Zhiming Pan."Lessons from the United States and China for Increasing Transparency and Harmonizing Measurement and Verification Practices in the Buildings Sector."ECEEE Summer Study 2017
Nachtrieb, Robert, David Fridley, Wei Feng, Nihan Karali, Nina Khanna, Nan Zhou, Jimmy Tran, and Carolyn Szum."CERC-BEE Impact Model."
Johnson, Karl, Vagelis Vossos, Margarita Kloss, Gerald Robinson, and Richard E. Brown."Direct Current as an Integrating Platform for ZNE Buildings with EVs and Storage: DC Direct Systems – A Bridge to a Low Carbon Future?."2016 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
Franconi, Ellen M., Michael Bendewald, Jon Creyts, Carolyn Szum, and Nan Zhou."Opportunities for Realizing Drastic Reductions in Building Sector Carbon Emissions through U.S.-China Collaboration."2016 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
Feng, Wei, Chris Marnay, Nan Zhou, Yan Ding, and Zhaoxia Wang."Influence of Occupancy-oriented Interior Cooling Load on Building Cooling Load."Applied Thermal Engineering
96 (2016) 411-420. DOI
Wetter, Michael, Marco Bonvini, and Thierry Stephane Nouidui."Equation-based languages – A new paradigm for building energy modeling, simulation and optimization."Energy and Buildings
117 (2015) 290-300. DOI
Cao, Meichun, Pablo J. Rosado, Zhaohui Lin, Ronnen M. Levinson, and Dev Millstein."Cool Roofs in Guangzhou, China: Outdoor Air Temperature Reductions during Heat Waves and Typical Summer Conditions."Environmental Science & Technology
49.24 (2015) 14672 - 14679. DOI
Zhao, Shanguo, Wei Feng, Shicong Zhang, Jing Hou, Nan Zhou, and Mark D. Levine."Energy Savings and Cost-benefit Analysis of the New Commercial Building Standard in China."Procedia Engineering
121 (2015) 317-324. DOI
Lee, Eleanor S., Christoph Gehbauer, Brian E. Coffey, Andrew McNeil, Michael Stadler, and Chris Marnay."Integrated control of dynamic facades and distributed energy resources for energy cost minimization in commercial buildings."Solar Energy
122 (2015) 1384–1397. DOI
Hong, Tianzhen, Cheng Li, and Da Yan."Updates to the China Design Standard for Energy Efficiency in Public Buildings."Energy Policy
87 (2015) 187-198. DOI
Yan, Da, William O'Brien, Tianzhen Hong, Xiaohang Feng, H. Burak Gunay, Farhang Tahmasebi, and Ardeshir Mahdavi."Occupant Behavior Modeling for Building Performance Simulation: Current State and Future Challenges."Energy and Buildings
107 (2015) 264-278. DOI
Hong, Tianzhen, Simona D'Oca, William J. N. Turner, and Sarah C. Taylor-Lange."An Ontology to Represent Energy-related Occupant Behavior in Buildings Part I: Introduction to the DNAs Framework."Building and Environment
92 (2015) 764-777. DOI
Hong, Tianzhen, Simona D'Oca, Sarah C. Taylor-Lange, William J. N. Turner, Yixing Chen, and Stefano P. Corgnati."An Ontology to Represent Energy-Related Occupant Behavior in Buildings. Part II: Implementation of the DNAS framework using an XML schema."Building and Environment
94.1 (2015) 196-205. DOI
Ren, Xiaoxin, Da Yan, and Tianzhen Hong."Data Mining of Space Heating System Performance in Affordable Housing."Building and Environment
89 (2015) 1-13. DOI
Lee, Eleanor S., Xiufeng Pang, Andrew McNeil, Sabine Hoffmann, Anothai Thanachareonkit, Zhengrong Li, and Yong Ding."Assessment of the Potential to Achieve Very Low Energy Use in Public Buildings in China with Advanced Window and Shading Systems."Buildings
5.2 (2015) 668-699. DOI
D'Oca, Simona, and Tianzhen Hong."Occupancy Schedules Learning Process Through a Data Mining Framework."Energy and Buildings
88 (2015) 395-408. DOI
Zhou, Xin, Da Yan, Tianzhen Hong, and Xiaoxin Ren."Data Analysis and Stochastic Modeling of Lighting Energy Use in Large Office Buildings in China."Energy and Buildings
86 (2015) 275-287. DOI
Feng, Xiaohang, Da Yan, and Tianzhen Hong."Simulation of Occupancy in Buildings."Energy and Buildings
87 (2015) 348-359. DOI
Gao, Yafeng, Jiangmin Xu, Shichao Yang, Xiaomin Tang, Quan Zhou, Jing Ge, Tengfang T. Xu, and Ronnen M. Levinson."Cool Roofs in China: Policy Review, Building Simulations, and Proof-Of-Concept Experiments."Energy Policy
74 (2014) 190-214. DOI