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In this paper, a comprehensive comparison of the commercial building energy efficiency standard between the previous 2005 version and the new proposed version is conducted, including the energy efficiency analysis and cost-benefit analysis. To better understand the tech-economic performance of the new Chinese standard, energy models were set up based on a typical commercial office building in Chinese climate zones. The building energy standard in 2005 is used as the baseline for this analysis. Key building technologies measures are analyzed individually, including roof, wall, window, lighting and chiller and so on and finally whole building cost-benefit analysis was conducted. Results show that the new commercial building energy standard demonstrates good cost-effective performance, with whole building payback period around 4 years.
Year of Publication
The 9th International Symposium on Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (ISHVAC) joint with the 3rd International Conference on Building Energy and Environment (COBEE), 12-15 July 2015, Tianjin, China