Publications: Energy Efficiency

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Sonnenblick, Richard, and Joseph H Eto."Calculating the Uncertainty Estimates of DSM Program Cost-Effectiveness."1995 International Energy Program Evalution Conference (1995).


Janda, Kathryn B.."Bounded Decision Making and Analytical Biases in Demand Side Management."American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (ACEEE) Summer Study 1994 (1994).
Sonnenblick, Richard, and Joseph H Eto."Uncertainty in Site Inspection and Tracking Database Estimates of Saving."1994 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings (1994).


Pirkey, Diane, and Joseph H Eto."Demand-Side Management Data Collection Activities: The Role of A National Government."European Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (ECEEE) Summer Study (1993) 6.
Eto, Joseph H, and Charles A. Goldman."The Role of Public Power Utilities in Promoting Customer Energy Efficiency: Examples from the United States."European Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (ECEEE) Summer Study (1993) 10.


Goldman, Charles A., and John F. Busch."DSM Bidding - The Next Generation."The Electricity Journal (1992) 10.
Eto, Joseph H, Alan Destribats, and Donald Schultz."Sharing the Savings to Promote Energy Efficiency."Regulatory Incentives for Demand-Side Management (1992) 36.