Publications: EAEI Renewable Energy
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Breunig, Hanna, Ling Jin, Alastair Robinson, and Corinne D. Scown."Bioenergy Potential from Food Waste in California."Environmental Science & Technology
(2017). DOI
Barbose, Galen L., Naïm R. Darghouth, Dev Millstein, Sarah Cates, Nicholas DiSanti, and Rebecca Widiss."Tracking the Sun IX: The Installed Price of Residential and Non-Residential Photovoltaic Systems in the United States."
Liszka, Michael J., Aram Kang, NVSN M. Konda, Kim Tran, John M. Gladden, Seema Singh, Jay D. Keasling, Corinne D. Scown, Taek Soon Lee, Blake A. Simmons, and Kenneth L. Sale."Switchable ionic liquids based on di-carboxylic acids for one-pot conversion of biomass to an advanced biofuel."
18 (2016) 4012-4021. DOI
Sun, Jian, NVSN M. Konda, Jian Shi, Ramakrishnan Parthasarathi, Tanmoy Dutta, Feng Xu, Corinne D. Scown, Blake A. Simmons, and Seema Singh."CO2 enabled process integration for the production of cellulosic ethanol using bionic liquids."Energy & Environmental Science
9 (2016) 2822-2834. DOI
McManus, Marcell C., Caroline M. Taylor, Alison Mohr, Carly Whittaker, Corinne D. Scown, Aiduan Li Borrion, Neryssa J. Glithero, and Yao Yin."Challenge clusters facing LCA in environmental decision-making—what we can learn from biofuels."The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment
(2015) 1399-1414.
Barbose, Galen L., Naïm R. Darghouth, Dev Millstein, Michael Spears, Ryan H. Wiser, Michael Buckley, Rebecca Widiss, and , Nick Grue."Tracking the Sun VIII: The Installed Price of Residential and Non-Residential Photovoltaic Systems in the United States."
Balakrishnan, Madhesan, Eric R. Sacia, Sanil Sreekumar, Gorkam Gunbas, Amit A. Gokhale, Corinne D. Scown, F. Dean Toste, and Alexis T. Bell."Novel pathways for fuels and lubricants from biomass optimized using life-cycle greenhouse gas assessment."Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
(2015) 201508274. DOI
Phadke, Amol A., Arne Jacobson, Won Young Park, Ga Rick Lee, Peter Alstone, and Amit Khare."Powering a Home with Just 25Watts of Solar PV: Super-Efficient Appliances Can Enable Expanded Off-Grid Energy Service Using Small Solar Power Systems."
Barbose, Galen L., Samantha Weaver, and Naïm R. Darghouth."Tracking the Sun VII: An Historical Summary of the Installed Price of Photovoltaics in the United States from 1998-2013."
Scown, Corinne D., Amit A. Gokhale, Paul A. Willems, Arpad Horvath, and Thomas E. McKone."Role of Lignin in Reducing Life-Cycle Carbon Emissions, Water Use, and Cost for United States Cellulosic Biofuels."Environmental Science & Technology
48.15 (2014) 8446 - 8455. DOI
Bolinger, Mark."An Analysis of the Costs, Benefits, and Implications of Different Approaches to Capturing the Value of Renewable Energy Tax Incentives."
Breunig, Hanna, Jens T. Birkholzer, Andrea Borgia, Phillip N. Price, Curtis M. Oldenburg, and Thomas E. McKone."Assessment of Brine Management for Geologic Carbon Sequestration."
Barbose, Galen L., Naïm R. Darghouth, Samantha Weaver, and Ryan H. Wiser."Tracking the Sun VI: An Historical Summary of the Installed Price of Photovoltaics in the United States from 1998 to 2012."
Breunig, Hanna, Jens T. Birkholzer, Andrea Borgia, Curtis M. Oldenburg, Phillip N. Price, and Thomas E. McKone."Regional evaluation of brine management for geologic carbon sequestration."International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control
14 (2013) 39 - 48. DOI
Deshmukh, Ranjit, Juan Pablo Carvallo, and Ashwin Gambhir."Sustainable Development of Renewable Energy Mini-grids for Energy Access: A Framework for Policy Design."
Barbose, Galen L., Naïm R. Darghouth, and Ryan H. Wiser."Tracking the Sun V An Historical Summary of the Installed Price of Photovoltaics in the United States from 1998 to 2011."
Barbose, Galen L., Naïm R. Darghouth, Ryan H. Wiser, and Joachim Seel."Tracking the Sun IV An Historical Summary of the Installed Cost of Photovoltaics in the United States from 1998 to 2010."
(2011) 61.
Barbose, Galen L., Naïm R. Darghouth, and Ryan H. Wiser."Tracking the Sun III The Installed Cost of Photovoltaics in the U.S. from 1998-2009."
(2010) 54.