Publications: EAEI Healthy & Efficient Buildings
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Less, Brennan, Iain S. Walker, and Yihuan Tang."Development of an Outdoor Temperature-Based Control Algorithm for Residential Mechanical Ventilation Control."
Rapp, Vi H., and Brett C. Singer."Effect of Fuel Wobbe Number on Pollutant Emissions from Advanced Technology Residential Water Heaters: Results of Controlled Experiments."
Hult, Erin L., Henry Willem, Phillip N. Price, Toshifumi Hotchi, Marion L. Russell, and Brett C. Singer."Formaldehyde and acetaldehyde exposure mitigation in US residences: In-home measurements of ventilation control and source control."
Walker, Iain S., Max H. Sherman, and Brennan Less."Houses are Dumb without Smart Ventilation."
Less, Brennan, and Iain S. Walker."Indoor Air Quality and Ventilation in Residential Deep Energy Retrofits."
Logue, Jennifer M., Max H. Sherman, and Brett C. Singer."A Method for Quantifying the Acute Health Impacts of Residential Non-Biological Exposure Via Inhalation."
Logue, Jennifer M., Neil E. Klepeis, Agnes B. Lobscheid, and Brett C. Singer."Pollutant Exposures from Natural Gas Cooking Burners: A Simulation-Based Assessment for Southern California."
(2014). DOI
Mendell, Mark J., Ekaterina Eliseeva, Michael Spears, Wanyu R. Chan, Sebastian Cohn, Douglas P. Sullivan, and William J. Fisk."A Prospective Study of Ventilation Rates and Illness Absence in California Office Buildings."
Turner, William J. N., and Tianzhen Hong."A Technical Framework to Describe Occupant Behavior for Building Energy Simulations."
Turner, William J. N., and Iain S. Walker."Using a Ventilation Controller to Optimize Residential Passive Ventilation For Energy and Indoor Air Quality."
Mendell, Mark J., Ekaterina Eliseeva, Morris G. Davies, Michael Spears, Agnes B. Lobscheid, William J. Fisk, and Michael G. Apte."Association of Classroom Ventilation with Reduced Illness Absence: A Prospective Study in California Elementary Schools."Indoor Air
23.6 (2013) 515-528. DOI
Ma, Ookie, Nasr Alkadi, Peter Cappers, Paul Denholm, Junqiao Han Dudley, Sasank Goli, Marissa Hummon, Sila Kiliccote, Jason S. MacDonald, Nance Matson, Daniel Olsen, Cody Rose, Michael D. Sohn, Michael Starke, Brendan J. Kirby, and Mark O'Malley."Demand Response for Ancillary Services."IEEE Transaction on Smart Grid
4 (2013).
Mullen, Nasim A., Marion L. Russell, Melissa M. Lunden, and Brett C. Singer."Investigation of formaldehyde and acetaldehyde sampling rate and ozone interference for passive deployment of Waters Sep-Pak XPoSure samplers."Atmospheric Environment
80 (2013) 184-189. DOI
Fisk, William J., Federico Noris, and Brett C. Singer."Energy impacts of energy and indoor environmental quality retrofits of apartments."
Hong, Tianzhen, Wen-Kuei Chang, and Hung-Wen Lin."A Fresh Look at Weather Impact on Peak Electricity Demand and Energy Use of Buildings Using 30-Year Actual Weather Data."Applied Energy
111 (2013) 333-350. DOI
Fisk, William J., Federico Noris, Brett C. Singer, William W. Delp, Marion L. Russell, Michael Spears, Gary Adamkiewicz, and Kimberly Vermeer."Integrating Energy and Indoor Environmental Quality Retrofits in Apartments."
Sleiman, Mohamad, Hugo Destaillats, and Lara A. Gundel."Solid-phase supported profluorescent nitroxide probe for the determination of aerosol-borne reactive oxygen species."Talanta
116 (2013) 1033-1039. DOI
Lin, Hung-Wen, and Tianzhen Hong."On Variations of Space-heating Energy Use in Office Buildings."Applied Energy
111 (2013) 515-528. DOI
Maddalena, Randy L., Mark J. Mendell, Ekaterina Eliseeva, Wanyu R. Chan, Douglas P. Sullivan, Marion L. Russell, Michael G. Apte, Usha Satish, and William J. Fisk."Impact of Independently Controlling Ventilation Rate per Person and Ventilation Rate per Floor Area on Perceived Air Quality, Sick Building Symptoms and Decision Making."
Noris, Federico, Gary Adamkiewicz, William W. Delp, Toshifumi Hotchi, Marion L. Russell, Brett C. Singer, Michael Spears, Kimberly Vermeer, and William J. Fisk."Indoor environmental quality benefits of apartment energy retrofits."Building Environment
68 (2013) 170–178. DOI
Zhu, Dandan, Tianzhen Hong, Da Yan, and Chuang Wang."A Detailed Loads Comparison of Three Building Energy Modeling Programs: EnergyPlus, DeST and DOE-2.1E."Building Simulation
6.3 (2013) 323-335. DOI
Dutton, Spencer M., David W. Banks, Samuel L. Brunswick, and William J. Fisk."Health and economic implications of natural ventilation in California offices."Building and Environment
67 (2013) 34-45. DOI
Fisk, William J., Sebastian Cohn, Hugo Destaillats, Victor Henzel, Meera A. Sidheswaran, and Douglas P. Sullivan."Integrated Technology Air Cleaners (ITAC): Design and Evaluation."
Lorenzetti, David M., W. Stuart Dols, Andrew K. Persily, and Michael D. Sohn."A stiff, variable time step transport solver for CONTAM."Building and Environment
67 (2013) 260 - 264. DOI
Scown, Corinne D., Michael Taptich, Arpad Horvath, Thomas E. McKone, and William W. Nazaroff."Achieving Deep Cuts in the Carbon Intensity of U.S. Automobile Transportation by 2050: Complementary Roles for Electricity and Biofuels."Environmental Science & Technology
47.16 (2013) 9044 - 9052. DOI