Publications: EAEI Healthy & Efficient Buildings
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Apte, Michael G., Alfred T. Hodgson, Derek G. Shendell, Dennis L. DiBartolomeo, Toshifumi Hotchi, Satish Kumar, Seung-Min Lee, Shawna M. Liff, Leo I. Rainer, Richard C. Schmidt, Douglas P. Sullivan, Richard C. Diamond, and William J. Fisk."Energy and Indoor Environmental Quality in Relocatable Classrooms."Indoor Air 2002, 9th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate
II (2002) 62-69.
Fisk, William J., Gail Brager, Harriet A. Burge, James B. Cummings, Hal Levin, Vivian Loftness, Mark J. Mendell, Andrew K. Persily, Steven T. Taylor, and Jianshun (Jensen) Zhang."Energy-related indoor environmental quality research: A priority agenda."
Thatcher, Tracy L., Melissa M. Lunden, Kenneth L. Revzan, Richard G. Sextro, and Nancy J. Brown."Experimental investigation of the effect of changes in house environment on the indoor concentration of particles of outdoor origin within a residence."
McKone, Thomas E., Tracy L. Thatcher, William J. Fisk, Richard G. Sextro, Michael D. Sohn, William W. Delp, and William J. Riley."Factors affecting the concentration of outdoor particles indoors: existing data and data needs."Proceedings of the Indoor Air 2002 Conference, Monterey, CA
1 (2002) 176-181.
Shendell, Derek G., Dennis L. DiBartolomeo, William J. Fisk, Alfred T. Hodgson, Toshifumi Hotchi, Seung-Min Lee, Douglas P. Sullivan, Michael G. Apte, and Leo I. Rainer."Final methodology for a field study of indoor environmental quality and energy efficiency in new relocatable classrooms in Northern California."
Bennett, Deborah H., Edwin J. Furtaw Jr, and Thomas E. McKone."A fugacity-based indoor residential pesticide fate model."Proceedings of the Indoor Air 2002 Conference, Monterey, CA
1 (2002) 261-266.
Hodgson, Alfred T., Michael G. Apte, Derek G. Shendell, David Beal, and Janet E.R. McIlvaine."Implementation of VOC Source Reduction Practices in a Manufactured House and in School Classrooms."Indoor Air 2002, June 30 - July 5, 2002
3 (2002) 576-581.
Erdmann, Christine A., Kate C. Steiner, and Michael G. Apte."Indoor Carbon Dioxide Concentrations and Sick Building Syndrome Symptoms in the Base Study Revisited: Analyses of the 100 Building Dataset."Indoor Air 2002, June 30 - July 5, 2002
3 (2002) 443-448.
Hering, Susanne V., Melissa M. Lunden, Thomas W. Kirchstetter, Tracy L. Thatcher, Kenneth L. Revzan, Richard G. Sextro, Nancy J. Brown, John G. Watson, and Judith C. Chow."Indoor, Outdoor And Regional Profiles Of Pm2.5 Sulfate, Nitrate And Carbon."9th International Conference on Indoor Air 2002
1 (2002) 874-879.
Riley, William J., Thomas E. McKone, Alvin C.K. Lai, and William W. Nazaroff."Indoor particulate matter of outdoor origin: importance of size-dependent removal mechanisms."Environmental Science & Technology
36 (2002) 200-207. DOI
Price, Phillip N., David M. Lorenzetti, Ashok J. Gadgil, Michael D. Sohn, William W. Delp, and Sondra A. Jarvis."Information for first responders to a chemical or biological attack."
Fischer, Marc L., David Littlejohn, Melissa M. Lunden, Lara A. Gundel, Raymond L. Dod, and Nancy J. Brown."An instrument for automated simultaneous measurements of ammonia and nitric acid in indoor and outdoor air."
Bennett, Deborah H., Manuele D. Margni, Thomas E. McKone, and Olivier Jolliet."Intake Fraction for Multimedia Pollutants: A Tool for Life Cycle Analysis and Comparative Risk Assessment."Risk Analysis
22 (2002) 903-916.
Prill, Richard J., and William J. Fisk."Long Term Performance of Radon Mitigation Systems."Proceedings of the Indoor Air 2002 Conference, Monterey, CA
2 (2002) 641-646.
Wagner, Jeff, Douglas P. Sullivan, David Faulkner, Lara A. Gundel, William J. Fisk, Leon E. Alevantis, and Jed M. Waldman."Measurements And Modeling Of Environmental Tobacco Smoke Leakage From A Simulated Smoking Room."Proceedings of the Indoor Air 2002 Conference, Monterey, CA
2 (2002) 121-126.
Fisk, William J., David Faulkner, Douglas P. Sullivan, and William W. Delp."Measuring rates of outdoor airflow into HVAC systems."
Russell, Marion L., Regine Goth-Goldstein, Michael G. Apte, and William J. Fisk."Method for measuring the size distribution of airborne rhinovirus."Proceedings of the Indoor Air 2002 Conference, Monterey, CA
1 (2002) 40-45.
Lobscheid, Christian, and Ashok J. Gadgil."Mixing of a point-source indoor pollution: Numerical predictions and comparison with experiments."Proceedings of the Indoor Air 2002 Conference, Monterey, CA
4 (2002) 223-228.
Sippola, Mark R., and William W. Nazaroff."Modeling Particle Deposition In Ventilation Ducts."Indoor Air 2002 Conference
(2002) 515-520.
Zhao, Dongye Y, John C. Little, and Alfred T. Hodgson."Modeling the Reversible Sink Effect in Response to Transient Contaminant Sources."Indoor Air
12 (2002) 184-190.
Sextro, Richard G., David M. Lorenzetti, Michael D. Sohn, and Tracy L. Thatcher."Modeling the spread of anthrax in buildings."Proceedings of the Indoor Air 2002 Conference, Monterey, CA
4 (2002) 506-511.
Federspiel, Clifford C., Huilin Li, David M. Auslander, David M. Lorenzetti, and Ashok J. Gadgil."Modeling Transient Contaminant Transport in HVAC Systems and Buildings."Indoor Air 2002, June 30 - July 5, 2002
(2002) 217-222.
Liu, De-Ling, and William W. Nazaroff."Particle Penetration Through Windows."Proceedings of the Indoor Air 2002 Conference, Monterey, CA
1 (2002) 862-867.