Publications: EAEI Energy Efficiency
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Hasanbeigi, Ali, Lynn K. Price, and Marlene Arens."Emerging Energy-efficiency and Carbon Dioxide Emissions-reduction Technologies for the Iron and Steel Industry."
Kong, Lingbo, Lynn K. Price, Ali Hasanbeigi, Huanbin Liu, and Jigeng Li."Potential for reducing paper mill energy use and carbon dioxide emissions through plant-wide energy audits: A case study in China."Applied Energy
102 (2013).
Kong, Lingbo, Ali Hasanbeigi, Lynn K. Price, and Huanbin Liu."Analysis of Energy-Efficiency Opportunities for the Pulp and Paper Industry in China."
Park, Won Young, Amol A. Phadke, and Nihar Shah."Efficiency Improvement Opportunities for Personal Computer Monitors: Implications for Market Transformation Programs."Energy Efficiency
6 (2013) 545-569.
Ni, Chun Chun."Potential Energy Savings and Reduction of CO2 Emissions Through Higher Efficiency Standards for Polyphase Electric Motors in Japan."Energy Policy
Volume 52 (2013) 737–747. DOI
Hasanbeigi, Ali, Lynn K. Price, Cecilia Fino-Chen, Hongyou Lu, and Jing Ke."Retrospective and Prospective Decomposition Analysis of Chinese Manufacturing Energy Use, 1995-2020."
Vine, Edward L., William Saxonis, Jane S. Peters, Bobbi Tannenbaum, and Bob Wirtshafter."Training the Next Generation of Energy Efficiency Evaluators."Energy Efficiency
6.2 (2013) 293-303. DOI
Yu, Bingyi."Assessing the Impact of Measurement Policy on the Accuracy of Certified Energy Efficiency Ratio for Split- System Air Conditioners."
Spurlock, C. Anna, Hung-Chia Yang, and Larry L. Dale."Energy Efficiency and Minimum Standards: a Market Analysis of Recent Changes in Appliance Energy Efficiency Standards in the United States."
Payne, Christopher T., Andrew R. Weber, and Abby Semple."Energy-efficient Public Procurement Best Practice in Program Delivery SEAD Initiative Procurement Working Group."
Letschert, Virginie E., and Michael A. McNeil."Potential Savings for Cote d'Ivoire, Ghana, Nigeria and Senegal from BUENAS modeling."
Harper, Meg."Review of Strategies and Technologies for Demand-‐Side Management on Isolated Mini-‐Grids."
Morrow III, William R., Tengfang T. Xu, Ali Hasanbeigi, and Jayant A. Sathaye."Assessment of Energy Efficiency Improvement and CO2 Emission Reduction Potentials in India's Cement Industry."
Letschert, Virginie E., Nicholas Bojda, Jing Ke, and Michael A. McNeil."Estimate of Cost-Effective Potential for Minimum Efficiency Performance Standards in 13 Major World Economies Energy Savings, Environmental and Financial Impacts."
Kong, Lingbo, Ali Hasanbeigi, and Lynn K. Price."Emerging Energy-Efficiency and Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Technologies for the Pulp and Paper Industry."
Zhou, Nan, John Romankiewicz, Edward L. Vine, Nina Khanna, and David Fridley."International Review of Frameworks for Impact Evaluation of Appliance Standards, Labeling, and Incentives."
Fujita, K. Sydny, and Margaret Taylor."Achieved and Potential Energy Savings through Energy Efficient Procurement."
Ke, Jing, Lynn K. Price, Stephanie Ohshita, David Fridley, Nina Khanna, Nan Zhou, and Mark D. Levine."China’s Industrial Energy Consumption Trends and Impacts of the Top-1000 Enterprises Energy-Saving Program and the Ten Key Energy-Saving Projects."Energy Policy
50 (2012) 562-569. DOI
Hasanbeigi, Ali, Agnes B. Lobscheid, Yue Dai, Hongyou Lu, and Lynn K. Price."Quantifying the Co-benefits of Energy-Efficiency Programs: A Case Study of the Cement Industry in Shandong Province, China."
Zhou, Nan, John Romankiewicz, David Fridley, Nina Zheng, and Nina Khanna."International Comparison of Energy Efficiency Awards for Appliance Manufacturers and Retailers."
Romankiewicz, John, Bo Shen, Hongyou Lu, and Lynn K. Price."Addressing the effectiveness of industrial energy efficiency incentives in overcoming investment barriers in China."ECEEE 2012 Industrial Summer Study
Lekov, Alexander B., Victor H. Franco, and Stephen Meyers."Evaluation of Energy-Efficiency Standards for Room Air Conditioners in the US."Scientific Research
1 (2012) 9-20. DOI