Publications: EAEI Energy Efficiency
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de la Rue du Can, Stephane, Greg Leventis, Nihar Shah, and Michael A. McNeil."Cooling the Growth of Air Conditioners Energy Consumption."ECEEE 2015 Summer Study on energy efficiency
Houde, Sebastien, and C. Anna Spurlock."Do Energy Efficiency Standards Improve Quality? Evidence from a Revealed Preference Approach."
Zhou, Nan, Wei Feng, Nina Khanna, Lixuan Hong, David Fridley, and Ellen M. Franconi."Transformative Pathway for Chinese Buildings by 2050."European Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (ECEEE) Summer Study on Energy Efficiency, June 1-6, 2015
Lu, Hongyou."Capturing the Invisible Resource: Analysis of Waste Heat Potential in Chinese Industry and Policy Options for Waste Heat to Power Generation."
(2015) 87.
Shah, Nihar, Nikit Abhyankar, Amol A. Phadke, and Girish Ghatikar."Considerations in Standardization for Demand Response Ready Air Conditioners in India."India Smart Grid Week 2015
Meyers, Stephen, Alison A. Williams, Peter T. Chan, and Sarah K. Price."Energy and Economic Impacts of U.S. Federal Energy and Water Conservation Standards Adopted From 1987 Through 2014."
Gerke, Brian F., Michael A. McNeil, and Thomas Tu."International Database of Efficient Appliances (IDEA): A Novel Tool for Efficiency Program Development and Evaluation."
Morrow III, William R., Anand R. Gopal, Gary A. Fitts, Sarah M. Lewis, Larry L. Dale, and Eric R. Masanet."Feedstock loss from drought is a major economic risk for biofuel producers."Biomass and Bioenergy
69 (2014) 135 - 143. DOI
Zhao, Yue, Jing Ke, Chun Chun Ni, Michael A. McNeil, Nina Khanna, Nan Zhou, David Fridley, and Qiqiang Li."A Comparative Study of Energy Consumption and Efficiency of Japanese and Chinese Manufacturing Industry."Energy Policy
70 (2014) 45-56. DOI
Shah, Nihar, Nakul Sathaye, Amol A. Phadke, and Virginie E. Letschert."Efficiency improvement opportunities for ceiling fans."Energy Efficiency
8.1 (2014) 37-50. DOI
Hasanbeigi, Ali, and Lynn K. Price."Emerging Technologies for an Energy-Efficient, Water- Efficient, and Low- Pollution Textile Industry: A Technical Review."International Conference on Clean Energy
Morrow III, William R., John Marano, Jayant A. Sathaye, Ali Hasanbeigi, and Tengfang T. Xu."Energy Efficiency Improvements Potential in the U.S. Petroleum Refining Industry."2014 ECEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Industry
Hasanbeigi, Ali, Agnes B. Lobscheid, Hongyou Lu, Lynn K. Price, and Yue Dai."Including the Co-benefits of Energy-Efficiency Programs and Projects in Cost-Benefit Analysis - A Case Study for the Cement Industry."International Conference on Clean Energy
Sathre, Roger, Corinne D. Scown, William R. Morrow III, John C. Stevens, Ian D. Sharp, Joel W. Ager III, Karl Walczak, Frances A. Houle, and Jeffery B. Greenblatt."Life-cycle net energy assessment of large-scale hydrogen production via photoelectrochemical water splitting."Energy Environ. Sci.
7.10 (2014) 3264 - 3278. DOI
Hasanbeigi, Ali, Zeyi Jiang, and Lynn K. Price."Why the Energy Use of Chinese Steel Industry May Peak As Early As 2015?."2014 ECEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Industry
Hasanbeigi, Ali, Marlene Arens, and Lynn K. Price."Alternative Emerging Ironmaking Technologies for Energy-efficiency and Carbon Dioxide Emissions Reduction: A Technical Review."Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
33 (2014) 645–658. DOI
Shehabi, Arman, Benjamin Walker, and Eric R. Masanet."Energy and Greenhouse Implications of Internet Video Streaming in the United States."Environmental Research Letters
9.5 (2014). DOI
Melody, Moya, Hannah Stratton, Alison A. Williams, and Camilla Dunham."Resources for National Water Savings for Outdoor Water Use."
Fischedick, Manfred, Joyashree Roy, Amr Abdel‐Aziz, Adolf Acquaye, Julian Allwood, Jean‐Paul Ceron, Yong Geng, Haroon Kheshgi, Alessandro Lanza, Daniel Perczyk, Lynn K. Price, Estela Santalla, Claudia Sheinbaum, Kanako Tanaka, Giovanni Baiocchi, Katherine Calvin, Kathryn Daenzer, Shyamasree Dasgupta, Gian Delgado, Salah El Haggar, Tobias Fleiter, Ali Hasanbeigi, Samuel Höller, Jessica Jewell, Yacob Mulugetta, Maarten Neelis, Stephane de la Rue du Can, Nickolas Themelis, Kramadhati S. Venkatagiri, and María Yetano Roche."Climate Change 2014 Mitigation of Climate Change."IPCC 5th Assessment Report
Williams, Alison A., Heidi Fuchs, and Camilla Dunham."Estimates of Savings Achievable from Irrigation Controller."
Morrow III, William R., Ali Hasanbeigi, Jayant A. Sathaye, and Tengfang T. Xu."Assessment of energy efficiency improvement and CO2 emission reduction potentials in India's cement and iron and steel industries."Journal of Cleaner Production
65 (2014) 131 - 141. DOI
Johnson, Alissa K., Amol A. Phadke, and Stephane de la Rue du Can."Energy Savings Potential for Street Lighting in India."
Lewis, Sarah M., Stephen Gross, Axel Visel, Maggi Kelly, and William R. Morrow III."Fuzzy GIS-based multi-criteria evaluation for U.S. Agave production as a bioenergy feedstock."Global Change Biology – Bioenergy
(2014). DOI
Vossos, Vagelis, Karina Garbesi, and Hongxia Shen."Energy savings from direct-DC in U.S. residential buildings."Energy and Buildings
Volume 68, Part A (2014) 223–231. DOI