Publications: Cost, Benefit, and Market Analysis
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Lantz, Eric, Ryan H. Wiser, M Maureen Hand, Athanasia Arapogianni, Alberto Ceña, Emilien Simonot, and Edward James-Smith."IEA Wind Task 26: The Past And Future Cost Of Wind Energy."
Bolinger, Mark, and Ryan H. Wiser."Understanding wind turbine price trends in the U.S. over the past decade."Energy Policy
42 (2012) 628 - 641. DOI
Wiser, Ryan H., Eric Lantz, Mark Bolinger, and M Maureen Hand."Recent Developments in the Levelized Cost of Energy from U.S. Wind Power Projects."
Phadke, Amol A., Ranjit Bharvirkar, and Jagmeet Khangura."Reassessing Wind Potential Estimates for India: Economic and Policy Implications."
Bolinger, Mark, and Ryan H. Wiser."Understanding Trends in Wind Turbine Prices Over the Past Decade."
(2011) 46.
Brown, Jason P, Ben Hoen, Eric Lantz, John Pender, and Ryan H. Wiser."Economic Impacts of Wind Turbine Development in U.S. Counties."Poster Presented at the AAEA & NAREA Joint Annual Meeting, July 24-26, 2011, Pittsburgh, PA
(2011) 1.
Wiser, Ryan H., Mark Bolinger, Naïm R. Darghouth, Kevin Porter, Michael Buckley, Sari Fink, Russell Raymond, Frank Oteri, Galen L. Barbose, Joachim Seel, Andrew D. Mills, and Ben Hoen."2010 Wind Technologies Market Report."
(2011) 98.
Edenhofer, Ottmar, Ramon Pichs-Madruga, Youba Sokona, Kristin Seyboth, Dan Arvizu, Thomas Bruckner, John Christensen, Helena Chum, Jean-Michel Devernay, Andre Faaij, Manfred Fischedick, Barry Goldstein, Gerrit Hansen, John Huckerby, Arnulf Jäger-Waldau, Susanne Kadner, Daniel M. Kammen, Volker Krey, Arun Kumar, Anthony Lewis, Oswaldo Lucon, Patrick Matschoss, Lourdes Maurice, Catherine Mitchell, William Moomaw, José Moreira, Alain Nadai, Lars J. Nilsson, John Nyboer, Atiq Rahman, Jayant A. Sathaye, Janet Sawin, Roberto Schaeffer, Tormod Schei, Steffen Schlömer, Ralph Sims, Christoph von Stechow, Aviel Verbruggen, Kevin Urama, Ryan H. Wiser, Francis Yamba, and Timm Zwickel."IPCC Special Report on Renewable Energy Sources and Climate Change Mitigation."
Wiser, Ryan H., Mark Bolinger, Galen L. Barbose, Naïm R. Darghouth, Ben Hoen, Andrew D. Mills, Kevin Porter, Sari Fink, and Suzanne Tegen."2009 Wind Technologies Market Report."
(2010) 88.
Bolinger, Mark, Ryan H. Wiser, and Naïm R. Darghouth."Preliminary Evaluation of the Impact of the Section 1603 Treasury Grant Program on Renewable Energy Deployment in 2009."
(2010) 47.
Bolinger, Mark."Revealing the Hidden Value that the Federal Investment Tax Credit and Treasury Cash Grant Provide To Community Wind Projects."
(2010) 36.
Bolinger, Mark."Financing Non-Residential Photovoltaic Projects: Options and Implications."
(2009) 83.
Phadke, Amol A., Charles A. Goldman, Doug Larson, Tom Carr, Larry Rath, Peter Balash, and Wan Yih-Huei."Advanced Coal Wind Hybrid: Economic Analysis."
(2008) 85.
Chen, Cliff, Ryan H. Wiser, and Mark Bolinger."Weighing the Costs and Benefits of State Renewables Portfolio Standards: A Comparative Analysis of State- Level Policy Impact Projections."
(2008) 87.
Wiser, Ryan H., and Mark Bolinger."Annual Report on U.S. Wind Power Installation, Cost, and Performance Trends: 2007."
(2007) 32.
Harper, John, Matthew D. Karcher, and Mark Bolinger."Wind Project Financing Structures: A Review & Comparative Analysis."
(2007) 82.
Wiser, Ryan H., and Mark Bolinger."Annual Report on U.S. Wind Power Installation, Cost, and Performance Trends: 2006."
(2007) 24.
Bolinger, Mark, Ryan H. Wiser, and Edwin Ing."Exploring the Economic Value of EPAct 2005’s PV Tax Credits."Case Studies of State Support for Renewable Energy
(2007) 10.
Fripp, Matthias, and Ryan H. Wiser."Analyzing the Effects of Temporal Wind Patterns on the Value of Wind-Generated Electricity at Different Sites in California and the Northwest."
(2006) 122.
Bolinger, Mark."Hedging Future Gas Price Risk with Wind Power."UWIG Annual Meeting Arlington, Virginia April 6, 2006