X Author: C. Ganpule
Roelofs, A., N.A. Pertsev, R. Waser, F. Schlaphof, L.M. Eng, C. Ganpule, V. Nagarajan, and Ramamoorthy Ramesh."Depolarizing-field-mediated 180° switching in ferroelectric thin films with 90° domains."Applied Physics Letters
80 (2002) 1424-1426. DOI
Wang, Y., C. Ganpule, B.T. Liu, H. Li, K. Mori, B. Hill, M. Wuttig, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, J. Finder, Z. Yu, R. Droopad, and K. Eisenbeiser."Epitaxial ferroelectric Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 thin films on Si using SrTiO3 template layers."Applied Physics Letters
80 (2002) 97-99. DOI
Schmitz, T., K. Prume, S. Tiedke, A. Roelofs, T. Schneller, U. Kall, M. Grossmann, R. Waser, C. Ganpule, A. Stanishefsky, and Ramamoorthy Ramesh."Electrical measurements on capacitor sizes in the submicron regime for the characterization of real memory cell capacitors."Integrated Ferroelectrics
37 (2001) 163-172. DOI
Aggarwal, S., C. Ganpule, I.G. Jenkins, B. Nagaraj, A. Stanishevsky, J. Melngailis, E. Williams, and Ramamoorthy Ramesh."High density ferroelectric memories: Materials, processing and scaling."Integrated Ferroelectrics
28 (2000) 213-225. DOI