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Robinson, Alastair, and Cynthia Regnier."Lights, Camera, Action ... and Cooling - The case for centralized low carbon energy at Fox Studios."
Regnier, Cynthia, Alastair Robinson, Kevin Settlemyre, and Zorana Bosnic."Oregon Sustainability Center: Weighing Approaches to Net Zero."
Price, Phillip N., Jessica Granderson, Michael D. Sohn, Nathan J. Addy, and David A. Jump."Commercial Building Energy Baseline Modeling Software: Performance Metrics and Method Testing with Open Source Models and Implications for Proprietary Software Testing."
Jump, David A., Phillip N. Price, Jessica Granderson, and Michael D. Sohn."Functional Testing Protocols for Commercial Building Efficiency Baseline Modeling Software."
Granderson, Jessica, and Phillip N. Price."Development and Application of a Statistical Methodology to Evaluate the Predictive Accuracy of Building Energy Baseline Models."
Maddalena, Randy L., Na Li, Alfred T. Hodgson, Francis J. Offermann, and Brett C. Singer."Maximizing Information from Residential Measurements of Volatile Organic Compounds."Healthy Buildings 2012 - 10th International Conference
Pendleton, Linwood, Thomas R. Karl, and Evan Mills."Economic Growth in the Face of Weather and Climate Extremes: A Call for Better Data."Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union
94 (2013). DOI
Sherman, Max H., and Erin L. Hult."Impacts of Contaminant Storage on Indoor Air Quality: Model Development."Atmospheric Environment
72 (2013) 41-49. DOI
Noris, Federico, William W. Delp, Kimberly Vermeer, Gary Adamkiewicz, Brett C. Singer, and William J. Fisk."Protocol for maximizing energy savings and indoor environmental quality improvements when retrofitting apartments."Energy and Buildings
61 (2013) 378-386. DOI
Singh, Reshma, Dale A. Sartor, and Girish Ghatikar."Best Practices Guide for High - Performance Indian Office Buildings."
(2013) 53.
Rapp, Vi H., Albert Pastor-Perez, Brett C. Singer, and Craig P. Wray."Predicting Backdrafting and Spillage for Natural-Draft Gas Combustion Appliances: Validating VENT-II."
(2013). DOI
Walker, Iain S., Max H. Sherman, Jeffrey Joh, and Wanyu R. Chan."Applying Large Datasets to Developing a Better Understanding of Air Leakage Measurement in Homes."International Journal of Ventilation
11.4 (2013) 323-338.
Bhangar, Seema, Brett C. Singer, and William W. Nazaroff."Calibration of the Ogawa Ozone Passive Sampler for Aircraft Cabins."Atmospheric Environment
65 (2013) 21-24. DOI
Parrish, Kristen, Alastair Robinson, and Cynthia Regnier."Commercial Buildings Partnerships – Overview of Higher Education Projects."
Walker, Iain S., and Max H. Sherman."Effect of Ventilation Strategies on Residential Ozone Levels."Building and Environment
59 (2013) 456–465. DOI
Logue, Jennifer M., Max H. Sherman, Iain S. Walker, and Brett C. Singer."Energy Impacts of Envelope Tightening and Mechanical Ventilation for the U.S. Residential Sector."Energy and Building
65 (2013) 281-291. DOI
O'Donnell, James, Tobias Maile, Cody Rose, Natasa Mrazovic, Elmer Morrissey, Cynthia Regnier, Kristen Parrish, and Vladimir Bazjanac."Transforming BIM to BEM: Generation of Building Geometry for the NASA Ames Sustainability Base BIM."
Gengnagel, Tim, Phillipp Wollburg, and Evan Mills."Alternatives to Fuel-based Lighting for Night Fishing."
Regnier, Cynthia, and Kevin Settlemyre."The Business of High Performance: The USC Darla Moore School of Business."
Walker, Iain S., Darryl J. Dickerhoff, David Faulkner, and William J. N. Turner."Energy Implications of In-‐Line Filtration in California."
Black, Douglas R., Steven Lanzisera, Judy Lai, Richard E. Brown, and Brett C. Singer."Evaluation of Miscellaneous and Electronic Device Energy Use in Hospitals."World Review of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development
10.1/2/3 (2013) 113-128. DOI