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Menon, Surabi."Current Uncertainties in Assessing Aerosol Effects on Climate."Annual Review of Environment and Resources
29 (2004) 1-30. DOI
Apte, Michael G., Alfred T. Hodgson, Derek G. Shendell, Leo I. Rainer, and Marc A. Hoeschele."Designing Building Systems to Save Energy and Improve Indoor Environments: A Practical Demonstration."2004 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
3 (2004) 13-27.
Fischer, Marc L.."Development of an Implementation Plan for Atmospheric Carbon Monitoring in California."
Rainer, Leo I., Marc A. Hoeschele, Michael G. Apte, Derek G. Shendell, and William J. Fisk."Energy savings estimates and cost benefit calculations for high performance relocatable classrooms."
Fisk, William J., David Faulkner, and Douglas P. Sullivan."An evaluation of technologies for real-time measurement of rates of outdoor airflow into HVAC systems."
Kirchstetter, Thomas W., Tihomir Novakov, and Peter V. Hobbs."Evidence that the spectral dependence of light absorption by aerosols is affected by organic carbon."Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres
109.D21 (2004). DOI
Apte, Michael G., Lara A. Gundel, S. Katharine Hammond, Raymond L. Dod, Marion L. Russell, Brett C. Singer, Michael D. Sohn, Douglas P. Sullivan, Gee-Minn Chang, and Richard G. Sextro."Indoor measurements of environmental tobacco smoke."
Nazaroff, William W., and Brett C. Singer."Inhalation of Hazardous Air Pollutants from Environmental Tobacco Smoke in US Residences."Journal of Exposure Analysis and Environmental Epidemiology
14 (2004) S71-77.
Black, Douglas R., Tracy L. Thatcher, Richard G. Sextro, William W. Delp, Sheng-Chieh Chang, Emily E. Wood, Jean C. Deputy, Toshifumi Hotchi, Mark R. Sippola, and Douglas P. Sullivan."Joint Urban 2003: Indoor Measurements Final Data Report."
Russell, Marion L., Regine Goth-Goldstein, Michael G. Apte, and William J. Fisk."Methods to determine the size distribution of airborne rhinovirus."
Macleod, Matthew, and Donald Mackay."Modeling transport and deposition of contaminants to ecosystems of concern: A case study for the Laurentian Great Lakes."Environmental Pollution
128 (2004) 241-250.
Macleod, Matthew."Overall multi-media persistence as an indicator of potential for population-level intake of environmental contaminants."Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry
23 (2004) 2465-2472.
Finlayson, Elizabeth U., Ashok J. Gadgil, Tracy L. Thatcher, and Richard G. Sextro."Pollutant Dispersion in a Large Indoor Space Part 2 -- Computational Fluid Dyamics (CF) Predictions and Comparisons with a Model Experiment for Isothermal Flow."Indoor Air
14 (2004) 272-283.
Hodgson, Alfred T., Katherine Y. Ming, and Brett C. Singer."Quantifying object and material surface areas in residences."
Sohn, Michael D., Thomas E. McKone, and Jerry N. Blancato."Reconstructing Population Exposures from Dose Biomarkers: Inhalation of Trichloroethylene (TCE) as a Case Study."Journal of Exposure Analysis and Environmental Epidemiology
14 (2004) 204-213. DOI
Chan, Wanyu R., Phillip N. Price, and Ashok J. Gadgil."Sheltering in buildings from large-scale outdoor releases."
Singer, Brett C., Kenneth L. Revzan, Toshifumi Hotchi, Alfred T. Hodgson, and Nancy J. Brown."Sorption of organic gases in a furnished room."Atmospheric Environment
38.16 (2004) 2483-2494.
Maddalena, Randy L., Thomas E. McKone, and Michael D. Sohn."Standardized Approach for Developing Probabilistic Exposure Factor Distributions."Risk Analysis
24 (2004) 1185-1199.
Seppänen, Olli, and William J. Fisk."Summary of human responses to ventilation."Indoor Air (Supplement 7)
14 (2004) 102-118.
Mendell, Mark J., and Garvin A. Heath."A Summary of Scientific Findings on Adverse Effects of Indoor Environments on Students' Health, Academic Performance and Attendance."
Reilly, Cavan, Phillip N. Price, Andrew Gelman, and Scott A. Sandgathe."Using Image and Curve Registration for Measuring the Goodness of Fit of Spatial and Temporal Predictions."Biometrics
60 (2004) 954-964.
Hodgson, Alfred T., Steven J. Nabinger, and Andrew K. Persily."Volatile Organic Compound Concentrations and Emission Rates Measured over One Year in a New Manufactured House."
Seppänen, Olli, and William J. Fisk."A conceptual model to estimate cost effectiveness of the indoor environment improvements."Proceedings of the Healthy Buildings 2003 Conference, December 7-11, 2003
3 (2003) 368-374.
Seppänen, Olli, William J. Fisk, and David Faulkner."Cost benefit analysis of the night-time ventilative cooling in office building."Proceedings of the Healthy Buildings 2003 Conference, December 7-11, 2003
3 (2003) 394-399.
Fisk, William J., Olli Seppänen, David Faulkner, and Yu Joe Huang."Economizer system cost effectiveness: Accounting for the influence of ventilation rate on sick leave."Proceedings of the Healthy Buildings 2003 Conference, December 7-11, 2003
3 (2003) 361-367.