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Church, Matthew N., Jonathan D. Spear, Richard E. Russo, Gregory L. Klunder, Patrick M. Grant, and Brian D. Andresen."Transient Isotachophoretic−Electrophoretic Separations of Lanthanides with Indirect Laser-Induced Fluorescence Detection."Analytical Chemistry
70.13 (1998) 2475-2480. DOI
Chan, Wing-Tat, Amy P. K. Leung, Xianglei Mao, and Richard E. Russo."Effects of gas environment on picosecond laser ablation."Applied Surface Science
127-129 (1998) 269-273. DOI
Jeong, Sungho, Ralph Greif, and Richard E. Russo."Propagation of the shock wave generated from excimer laser heating of aluminum target in comparison with the idea blast wave theory."Applied Surface Science
127-129 (1998) 1029-1034. DOI
Hipwell, M. Cynthia, Chang-Lin Tien, Xianglei Mao, and Richard E. Russo."The dual beam picosecond continuum technique for measurement of short time-scale transmission spectra."Experimental Heat Transfer
11.4 (1998) 281-297. DOI
Ayers, Michael R., and Arlon J. Hunt."Molecular oxygen sensors based on photoluminescent silica aerogels."Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids
225 (1998) 343-347. DOI
Klunder, Gregory L., John E. Andrews, Patrick M. Grant, Brian D. Andresen, Matthew N. Church, Jonathan D. Spear, and Richard E. Russo."Nuclear fission product analysis using capillary electrophoresis."Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry
236.1-2 (1998) 149-153. DOI
Russo, Richard E., David B. Geohegan, Richard F. Haglund, and Kouichi Murakami."Conference on Laser Ablation - Preface."Applied Surface Science
129 (1998) 7-10.
Mao, Xianglei, Oleg V. Borisov, and Richard E. Russo."Enhancements in laser ablation inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry based on laser properties and ambient environment."Spectrochimica Acta Part B-Atomic Spectroscopy
53 (1998) 731-739.
Grant, Patrick M., Kenton J. Moody, Ian D. Hutcheon, Douglas L. Phinney, Jeffrey S. Haas, Alan M. Volpe, James J. Oldani, Richard E. Whipple, Nancy Stoyer, Armando Alcaraz, John E. Andrews, Richard E. Russo, Gregory L. Klunder, Brian D. Andresen, and Shawn Cantlin."Forensic analyses of suspect illicit nuclear material."Journal of Forensics Science
43.3 (1998) 680-688.
Leung, Amy P. K., Wing-Tat Chan, Xianglei Mao, and Richard E. Russo."Influence of gas environment on picosecond laser ablation sampling efficiency and ICP conditions."Analytical Chemistry
70 (1998) 4709-4716.
Russo, Richard E., David B. Geohegan, Richard F. Haglund, and Kouichi Murakami."Laser ablation - Preface."Applied Surface Science
129 (1998).
Mao, Xianglei, Adeline C. Ciocan, Oleg V. Borisov, and Richard E. Russo."Laser ablation processes investigated using inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP-AES)."Applied Surface Science
129 (1998) 262-268.
Russo, Richard E., Xianglei Mao, and Oleg V. Borisov."Laser ablation sampling."Trac-Trends in Analytical Chemistry
17 (1998) 461-469.
Hunt, Arlon J.."Light scattering for aerogel characterization."Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids
225 (1998) 303-306.
Hunt, Arlon J., and Michael R. Ayers."Light scattering studies of UV-catalyzed gel and aerogel structure."Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids
225 (1998) 325-329.
Grant, Patrick M., Kenton J. Moody, Ian D. Hutcheon, and Richard E. Russo."Nuclear forensics in Law Enforcement."Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry
235 (1998) 129-132.
Jeong, Sungho, Ralph Greif, and Richard E. Russo."Numerical modeling of pulsed laser evaporation of aluminum targets."Applied Surface Science
129 (1998) 177-183.
Ciocan, Adeline C., Xianglei Mao, Oleg V. Borisov, and Richard E. Russo."Optical emission spectroscopy studies of the influence of laser ablated mass on dry inductively coupled plasma conditions."Spectrochimica Acta Part B-Atomic Spectroscopy
53 (1998) 463-470.
Spear, Jonathan D., Gregory L. Klunder, and Richard E. Russo."Photothermal deflection spectroscopy of an aqueous sample in a narrow bore quartz capillary."Review of Scientific Instrumentation
69 (1998) 2267.
Hipwell, M. Cynthia, Chang-Lin Tien, Xianglei Mao, and Richard E. Russo."Picosecond differential transmission measurements on porous silicon."Microscale Thermophysical Engineering
2.2 (1998) 87-99. DOI
Mao, Xianglei, Adeline C. Ciocan, and Richard E. Russo."Preferential vaporization during laser ablation inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy."Applied Spectroscopy
52 (1998) 913-918.
Mao, Samuel S., Xianglei Mao, Ralph Greif, and Richard E. Russo."Simulation of infrared picosecond laser-induced electron emission from semiconductors."Applied Surface Science
129 (1998) 206-211.
Mao, Samuel S., Xianglei Mao, Jong-Hyun Yoo, Ralph Greif, and Richard E. Russo."Thermionic electron emission from narrow band-gap semiconductors under picosecond laser excitation."Journal of Applied Physics
83 (1998) 4462-4465.
Borisov, Oleg V., Xianglei Mao, Adeline C. Ciocan, and Richard E. Russo."Time-resolved parametric studies of laser ablation using inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy."Applied Surface Science
129 (1998) 315-320.
Ayers, Michael R., and Arlon J. Hunt."Visibly photoluminescent silica aerogels."Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids
217.2-3 (1997) 229-235. DOI