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Marnay, Chris, Michael Stadler, Afzal S. Siddiqui, and Hirohisa Aki."Control of Carbon Emissions in Zero-Net-Energy Buildings by Optimal Technology Investments in Smart Energy Systems and Demand-Side-Management."32nd IAEE International Conference, Energy, Economy, Environment: The Global View. June 21-24, 2009
Xu, Peng, Rongxin Yin, Carrie Brown, and DongEun Kim."Demand Shifting with Thermal Mass in Large Commercial Buildings in a California Hot Climate Zone."
Stadler, Michael, Chris Marnay, Afzal S. Siddiqui, Judy Lai, and Hirohisa Aki."Integrated building energy systems design considering storage technologies."ECEEE 2009 Summer Study, June 1-6, 2009
Stadler, Michael, Afzal S. Siddiqui, Chris Marnay, Hirohisa Aki, and Judy Lai."Optimal Technology Investment and Operation in Zero-Net-Energy Buildings with Demand Response."22nd Annual Western Conference, Advanced Workshop in Regulation and Competition, June 17-19, 2009
Zhang, Yuxi, Honghe Zheng, Gao Liu, and Vincent S. Battaglia."Synthesis and electrochemical studies of a layered spheric TiO2 through low temperature solvothermal method."Electrochimica Acta
54.16 (2009) 4079-4083. DOI
Stadler, Michael, Chris Marnay, Inês Lima Azevedo, Ryoichi Komiyama, and Judy Lai."The Open Source Stochastic Building Simulation Tool SLBM and Its Capabilities to Capture Uncertainty of Policymaking in the U.S. Building Sector."32nd IAEE International Conference, Energy, Economy, Environment: The Global View, June 21-24, 2009
Eto, Joseph H, Janine Nelson-Hoffman, Eric Parker, Clark Bernier, Paul Young, Dave Sheehan, John D. Kueck, and Brendan J. Kirby."Demand Response Spinning Reserve Demonstration - Phase 2 Findings from the Summer of 2008."
(2009) 151.
Doe, Robert E, Kristin A. Persson, Geoffroy Hautier, and Gerbrand Ceder."First Principles Study of the Li-BiF Phase Diagram and Bismuth Fluoride Conversion Reactions with Lithium."Electrochemical and Solid State Letters
12.7 (2009) A125-A128. DOI
Coughlin, Katie, Mary Ann Piette, Charles A. Goldman, and Sila Kiliccote."Statistical analysis of baseline load models for non-residential buildings."Energy and Buildings
41.4 (2009) 374-381. DOI
Stadler, Michael, Chris Marnay, Afzal S. Siddiqui, Judy Lai, Brian E. Coffey, and Hirohisa Aki."Effect of Heat and Electricity Storage and Reliability on Microgrid Viability: A Study of Commercial Buildings in California and New York States."
(2009) 106.
Budhraja, Vikram S., Fred Mobasheri, John Ballance, Jim Dyer, Alison Silverstein, and Joseph H Eto."Improving Electricity Resource-Planning Processes by Considering the Strategic Benefits of Transmission."The Electricity Journal
22.2 (2009). DOI
Rubinstein, Francis M., Girish Ghatikar, Jessica Granderson, David S. Watson, Paul Haugen, and Carlos Romero."Barrier Immune Radio Communications for Demand Response."
Eto, Joseph H, Robert H. Lasseter, Ben Schenkman, John Stevens, Harry T. Volkommer, David Klapp, Ed Linton, Hector Hurtado, Jean Roy, and Nancy J. Lewis."CERTS Microgrid Laboratory Test Bed (California Energy Commission Public Interest Energy Research (PIER) Program Final Report."Public Interest Energy Research (PIER) Program
Piscitelli, Vincent, Mauro A. Martinez, Alberto J Fernández, Jhanis J. Gonzalez, Xianglei Mao, and Richard E. Russo."Double pulse laser induced breakdown spectroscopy; experimental study of lead emission intensity dependence on the wavelengths and sample matrix."Spectrochimica Acta Part B
64.2 (2009) 147-154. DOI
Baudelet, Matthieu, Myriam Boueri, Jin Yu, Xianglei Mao, Samuel S. Mao, and Richard E. Russo."Laser Ablation of Organic Materials for discrimination of bacteria in an organic background."Ultrafast Phenomena in Semiconductors and Nanostructure Materials XIII
7214 (2009) 72140J. DOI
Sarangi, R. K., Anandaroop Bhattacharya, and Ravi S. Prasher."Numerical modelling of boiling heat transfer in microchannels."Appl. Therm. Eng.
29 (2009) 300–309. DOI
Brostoff, Lynn B., Jhanis J. Gonzalez, Paul Jett, and Richard E. Russo."Trace element fingerprinting of ancient Chinese gold with femtosecond laser ablation-inductivity coupled mass spectrometry."Journal of Archeological Science
36.2 (2009) 461-466. DOI
Consortium for Electric Reliability Technology Solutions, ."CERTS Microgrid Phase Two Results."
(2009) 31.
Lai, W. Y., , S. Vinod, Patrick E. Phelan, and Ravi S. Prasher."Convective Heat Transfer for Water-Based Alumina Nanofluids in a Single 1.02-mm Tube."Journal of Heat Transfer
131.11 (2009) 112401. DOI
Otanicar, Todd P., Robert A. Taylor, Patrick E. Phelan, and Ravi S. Prasher."Impact of Size and Scattering Mode on the Optimal Solar Absorbing Nanofluid."ASME 2009 3rd International Conference on Energy Sustainability collocated with the Heat Transfer and InterPACK09 Conferences
(2009) 791–796. DOI
Komiyama, Ryoichi, Chris Marnay, Michael Stadler, Inês Lima Azevedo, Sam Borgeson, Brian E. Coffey, and Judy Lai."Japan's Energy Outlook for 2050 with Stochastic Sectoral Modeling."IEEJ Energy Journal of the Institute of Energy Economics, Japan
4 (2009).
Komiyama, Ryoichi, Chris Marnay, Michael Stadler, Judy Lai, Sam Borgeson, Brian E. Coffey, and Inês Lima Azevedo."Japan's Long-term Energy Demand and Supply Scenario to 2050 - Estimation for the Potential of Massive CO2 Mitigation."IEEJ Energy Journal of the Institute of Energy Economics, Japan
4 (2009).
Chowdhury, Ihtesham, Ravi S. Prasher, Kelly Lofgreen, Gregory M . Chrysler, Sridhar Narasimhan, Ravi Mahajan, David Koester, Randall Alley, and Rama Venkatasubramanian."On-chip cooling by superlattice-based thin-film thermoelectrics."Nat. Nanotechnol.
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Liu, Deang, Michael Fina, Jinghua Guo, Xiaobo Chen, Gao Liu, Stephen G. Johnson, and Samuel S. Mao."Organic light-emitting diodes with carbon nanotube cathode-organic interface layer."Applied Physics Letters
94.1 (2009). DOI