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Beiter, Philipp, Joseph Rand, Joachim Seel, Eric Lantz, Patrick Gilman, and Ryan H. Wiser."Expert perspectives on the wind plant of the future."Wind Energy
(2022). DOI
Haac, , Ryan, Ryan Darlow, , Ken Kaliski, Joseph Rand, and Ben Hoen."In the shadow of wind energy: Predicting community exposure and annoyance to wind turbine shadow flicker in the United States."Energy Research & Social Science
87 (2022). DOI
Bolinger, Mark, Ryan H. Wiser, and Eric O'Shaughnessy."Levelized cost-based learning analysis of utility-scale wind and solar in the United States."iScience
25.6 (2022). DOI
Murthy, Samanvitha, Andrew Satchwell, and Brian F. Gerke."Metrics to describe changes in the power system need for demand response resources."Smart Energy
6 (2022). DOI
De Martini, Paul, Alan Cooke, Fredrich Kahrl, Lavelle Freeman, Juan Martinez, Elton Prifti, Kim Cullen, Jody Londo, Tim Woolf, Rebecca O'Neil, Dan Boff, Xiangqi Zhu, Seemita Pal, Ron Melton, Lisa C. Schwartz, Natalie Mims Frick, and Juliet Homer."New England PUCs training on electricity system planning."
Seel, Joachim, Will Gorman, Galen L. Barbose, Mark Bolinger, Cristina Crespo Montañés, Sydney Forrester, James Hyungkwan Kim, Fredrich Kahrl, Andrew D. Mills, Dev Millstein, Bentham Paulos, Joseph Rand, Cody Warner, and Ryan H. Wiser."Batteries Included: Top 10 Findings from Berkeley Lab Research on the Growth of Hybrid Power Plants in the United States."
Rand, Joseph, Ryan H. Wiser, Will Gorman, Dev Millstein, Joachim Seel, Seongeun Jeong, and Dana Robson."Queued Up: Characteristics of Power Plants Seeking Transmission Interconnection As of the End of 2021."
National Association of State Utility Consumer Advocates, , Kevin Lee, Adam Cooper, Anne Hoskins, Christopher M. Worley, Keyle Horton, Kristin Barbato, Barbara Kates-Garnick, Max McCafferty, and Lisa C. Schwartz."The Role of Innovation in the Electric Utility Sector."Future Electric Utility Regulation Series
FEUR Report No. 13 (2022).
O'Shaughnessy, Eric."Rooftop solar incentives remain effective for low- and moderate-income adoption."Energy Policy
163 (2022). DOI
Gill, Elizabeth, and Joseph Rand."Understanding Costs Associated with Wind Energy Opposition and Stakeholder Engagement."
Khandekar, Aditya, Shruti M. Deorah, and Nikit Abhyankar."Feasibility and Impact of Biomass and Renewable Energy Hybrid Systems."
Deason, Jeff, Greg Leventis, and Sean Murphy."Long-Term Performance of Energy Efficiency Loan Portfolios."
Deorah, Shruti M., Aditya Khandekar, Deepak Rajagopal, and Nikit Abhyankar."Pathways for Electrification of South Asia’s Transportation Sector."
Bolinger, Mark, Will Gorman, Dev Millstein, and Dirk C. Jordan."Plant-level performance and degradation of 31 GW-DC of utility-scale PV in the United States."
Deason, Jeff, Sean Murphy, and Charles A. Goldman."Tracking the PACE of household energy usage: Energy usage impacts of projects financed through Property Assessed Clean Energy programs in California."
McLaren, Joyce, Sherin Abraham, Naïm R. Darghouth, and Sydney Forrester."Use of Operating Agreements and Energy Storage to Reduce Photovoltaic Interconnection Costs: Technical and Economic Analysis."
Gill, Carrie, Shauna Beland, Ryan Constable, Tim Roughan, Caitlin Broderick, Stephen Lasher, Joyce McLaren, Sherin Abraham, Anthony Teixeria, Naïm R. Darghouth, and Sydney Forrester."Use of Operating Agreements and Energy Storage to Reduce Photovoltaic Interconnection Costs: Conceptual Framework."
Darghouth, Naïm R., Eric O'Shaughnessy, Sydney Forrester, and Galen L. Barbose."Characterizing local rooftop solar adoption inequity in the US."Environmental Research Letters
17.3 (2022). DOI
McDermott, Thomas E., Killian McKenna, Miguel Heleno, Bilal Ahmad Bhatti, Michael Emmanuel, and Sydney Forrester."Distribution System Research Roadmap."
(2022). DOI
Karali, Nihan, Nikit Abhyankar, and Shruti M. Deorah."Electricity demand in South Asia – data gaps and pathways for research and modeling."