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Meyers, Stephen, James E. McMahon, and Barbara A. Atkinson."Realized and Projected Impacts of U.S. Energy Efficiency Standards for Residential and Commercial Appliances."
(2008) 29.
Dale, Larry L., and K. Sydny Fujita."An Analysis of the Price Elasticity of Demand for Household Appliances."
(2008) 19.
Rosenquist, Gregory J., Michael A. McNeil, Maithili Iyer, Stephen Meyers, and James E. McMahon."Energy efficiency standards for equipment: Additional opportunities in the residential and commercial sectors."
34.17 (2006) 3257–3267.
Iyer, Maithili, Willett Kempton, and Christopher T. Payne."Comparison groups on bills: Automated, personalized energy information."Energy and Buildings
38.8 (2006) 988-996. DOI
Lutz, James D., Victor H. Franco, Alexander B. Lekov, and Gabrielle Wong-Parodi."BPM Motors in Residential Gas Furnaces: What are the Savings?."2006 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
1 (2006) 12.
Lekov, Alexander B., Victor H. Franco, and James D. Lutz."Residential Two-Stage Gas Furnaces - Do They Save Energy?."
(2006) 11.
Coughlin, Katie, Richard M. White, Christopher A. Bolduc, Diane C. Fisher, and Gregory J. Rosenquist."The Tariff Analysis Project: A Database and Analysis Platform for Electricity Tariffs."
(2006) 51.
Ben Hagan, Essel, Robert D Van Buskirk, Alfred Ofosu-Ahenkorah, and Michael A. McNeil."Refrigerator Efficiency in Ghana: Tailoring an Appliance Market Transformation Program Design for Africa."
(2006) 37.
Harris, Jeffrey P., Richard C. Diamond, Maithili Iyer, Christopher T. Payne, and Carl Blumstein."Don't Supersize Me! Toward a Policy of Consumption-Based Energy Efficiency."ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
(2006) 7-100-7-114.
Van Buskirk, Robert D."Analysis of Long-range Clean Energy Investment Scenarios for Eritrea, East Africa."Energy Policy
34 (2006) 25.
Lekov, Alexander B., Victor H. Franco, Stephen Meyers, James E. McMahon, Michael A. McNeil, and James D. Lutz."Electricity and Natural Gas Efficiency Improvements for Residential Gas Furnaces in the U.S.."
McNeil, Michael A., Maithili Iyer, Stephen Meyers, Virginie E. Letschert, and James E. McMahon."Potential Benefits from Improved Energy Efficiency of Key Electrical Products: The Case of India."
(2005) 60.
Fridley, David, Jiang Lin, Andrea Denver, Peter J. Biermayer, and Tyler J. Dillavou."CFL Labeling Harmonization in the United States, China, Brazil and ELI Member Countries: Specifications, Testing, and Mutual Recognition."
(2005) 30.
Pinckard, Margaret J., Richard E. Brown, Evan Mills, James D. Lutz, Mithra M. Moezzi, Celina S. Atkinson, Christopher A. Bolduc, Gregory K. Homan, and Katie Coughlin."Documentation of Calculation Methodology, Input Data, and Infrastructure for the Home Energy Saver Web Site."
(2005) 108.
Wong-Parodi, Gabrielle, Larry L. Dale, and Alexander B. Lekov."Comparing Price Forecast Accuracy of Natural Gas Models and Futures Markets."
Dunham, Camilla, Victor H. Franco, Alexander B. Lekov, and James D. Lutz."Development of the Household Sample for Furnace and Boiler Life-Cycle Cost Analysis."
(2005) 22.
Meyers, Stephen, James E. McMahon, and Michael A. McNeil."Realized and Prospective Impacts of U.S. Energy Efficiency Standards for Residential Appliances: 2004 Update."
(2005) 39.
Wiel, Stephen, and James E. McMahon."Energy-Efficiency Labels and Standards: A Guidebook for Appliances, Equipment, and Lighting - 2nd Edition."
Wong-Parodi, Gabrielle, Alexander B. Lekov, and Larry L. Dale."Natural Gas Prices Forecast Comparison — AEO vs. Natural Gas Markets."
(2005) 16.
Lin, Jiang, and Maithili Iyer."Cold or Hot Wash: How technological choices lead to cultural change and potential increase in clothes washing energy use in China."2005 ECEEE Summer Study
LBNL-57382 Abs. (2005).
Rosenquist, Gregory J., Michael A. McNeil, Maithili Iyer, Stephen Meyers, and James E. McMahon."Energy Efficiency Standards and Codes for Residential/Commercial Equipment and Buildings: Additional Opportunities."