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Long, Jane C.S., and Jeffery B. Greenblatt."The 80% Solution: Radical Carbon Emission Cuts for California."Issues in Science and Technology
(2012) 61-66.
Greenblatt, Jeffery B., Jane C.S. Long, and B. Hannegan."California's Energy Future: Electricity from Renewable Energy and Fossil Fuels with Carbon Capture and Sequestration."
Maddalena, Randy L., Melissa M. Lunden, Daniel L. Wilson, Cristina Ceballos, Thomas W. Kirchstetter, Jonathan L. Slack, and Larry L. Dale."Quantifying Stove Emissions Related to Different Use Patterns for the Silver‐mini (Small Turkish) Space Heating Stove."
Meyers, Stephen, Alison A. Williams, and Peter T. Chan."Energy and Economic Impacts of U.S. Federal Energy and Water Conservation Standards Adopted From 1987 Through 2010."
Williams, Alison A., Camilla Dunham, and James D. Lutz."A Systems Framework for Assessing Plumbing Products-Related Water Conservation."
Garbesi, Karina, Vagelis Vossos, and Hongxia Shen."Catalog of DC Appliances and Power Systems."
Garbesi, Karina, Vagelis Vossos, Alan H. Sanstad, and Gabriel Burch."Optimizing Energy Savings from Direct-DC in U.S. Residential Buildings."
(2011) 59.
Desroches, Louis-Benoit, Karina Garbesi, Colleen Kantner, Robert D Van Buskirk, and Hung-Chia Yang."Incorporating Experience Curves in Appliance Standards Analysis."
Williams, Alison A., Barbara A. Atkinson, Karina Garbesi, Francis M. Rubinstein, and Erik Page."A Meta-Analysis of Energy Savings from Lighting Controls in Commercial Buildings."
(2011) 25.
Lutz, James D., and Energy Analysis Department."Water and Energy Wasted During Residential Shower Events: Findings from a Pilot Field Study of Hot Water Distribution Systems."
(2011) 18.
Carnall, Michael, Larry L. Dale, and Alexander B. Lekov."Effect of Energy Efficiency Standards on Natural Gas Prices."
(2011) 37.
Garbesi, Karina, Louis-Benoit Desroches, Christopher A. Bolduc, Gabriel Burch, Griffin Hosseinzadeh, and Seth Saltiel."Max Tech Appliance Design: Potential for Maximizing U.S. Energy Savings through Standards."
(2011) 13.
Letschert, Virginie E., Michael A. McNeil, Francisco Humberto Leiva Ibáñez, Ana Maria Ruiz, Mariana Pavon, and Stephen Hall."Analysis of Minimum efficiency Performance Standards for Residential General Service Lighting in Chile."Latin American Meeting on Energy Economics
(2011) 15.
Blum, Helcio, Barbara A. Atkinson, and Alexander B. Lekov."A Framework for Comparative Assessments of Energy Efficiency Policy Measures."
(2011) 35.
Lutz, James D., Renaldi, Alexander B. Lekov, Yining Qin, and Moya Melody."Hot Water Draw Patterns in Single-Family Houses: Findings from Field Studies."
(2011) 26.
Hopkins, Asa S., Alexander B. Lekov, James D. Lutz, Gregory J. Rosenquist, and Energy Analysis Department."Simulating a Nationally Representative Housing Sample Using EnergyPlus."
(2011) 55.
Lekov, Alexander B., Victor H. Franco, Stephen Meyers, Lisa Thompson, and Virginie E. Letschert."Energy Efficiency Design Options for Residential Water Heaters: Economic Impacts on Consumers."
(2011) 10.
Lutz, James D., Peter J. Biermayer, and Derek A. King."Pilot Phase of a Field Study to Determine Waste of Water and Energy in Residential Hot-Water Distribution Systems."
(2011) 29.
Lutz, James D.."Review of International Methods of Test to Rate the Efficiency of Water Heaters."
(2011) 21.