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Zheng, Honghe, Gao Liu, Xiangyun Song, Paul L. Ridgway, Shidi Xun, and Vincent S. Battaglia."Cathode performance as a function of inactive material and void fractions."Journal of The Electrochemical Society
157.10 (2010) A1060-A1066. DOI
Hautier, Geoffroy, Christopher C. Fischer, Anubhav Jain, Tim Mueller, and Gerbrand Ceder."Finding Nature’s Missing Ternary Oxide Compounds Using Machine Learning and Density Functional Theory."Chemistry of Materials
22 (2010) 3762-3767. DOI
Jain, Anubhav, , S.-A. Seyed-Reihani, Christopher C. Fischer, David J. Couling, Gerbrand Ceder, and , William H. Green."Ab initio screening of metal sorbents for elemental mercury capture in syngas streams."Chemical Engineering Science
65.10 (2010) 3025-3033. DOI
Zheng, Honghe, Gao Liu, and Vincent S. Battaglia."Film-forming properties of propylene carbonate in the presence of a quaternary ammonium ionic liquid on natural graphite anode."The Journal of Physical Chemistry C
114.13 (2010) 6182-6189. DOI
Ong, Shyue P., Anubhav Jain, Geoffroy Hautier, Byoungwoo Kang, and Gerbrand Ceder."Thermal stabilities of delithiated olivine MPO4 (M=Fe, Mn) cathodes investigated using first principles calculations."Electrochemistry Communications
12.3 (2010) 427-430. DOI
Persson, Kristin A., Vijay A. Sethuraman, Laurence J. Hardwick, Yoyo Hinuma, Ying Shirley Meng, Anton Van der Ven, Venkat Srinivasan, Robert Kostecki, and Gerbrand Ceder."Lithium diffusion in graphitic carbon."The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters
1.8 (2010) 1176-1180. DOI
Zheng, Honghe, Gao Liu, Xiangyun Song, Paul L. Ridgway, Shidi Xun, and Vincent S. Battaglia."An Optimization of Electrode Energy and Power Density through of Variations in Inactive Material and Electrode Porosity."J. Elec. Chem
Tang, Lei, Byungchan Han, Kristin A. Persson, Cody Friesen, Ting He, Karl Sieradzki, and Gerbrand Ceder."Electrochemical stability of nanometer-scale Pt particles in acidic environments."Journal of the American Chemical Society
132.2 (2009) 596-600. DOI
Kim, Suhan, Gao Liu, and Andrew M. Minor."FIB Sample Preparation of Polymer Thin Films on Hard Substrates Using the Shadow-FIB method."Microscopy Today
17 (2009) 20-23.
Zhang, Yuxi, Honghe Zheng, Gao Liu, and Vincent S. Battaglia."Synthesis and electrochemical studies of a layered spheric TiO2 through low temperature solvothermal method."Electrochimica Acta
54.16 (2009) 4079-4083. DOI
Doe, Robert E, Kristin A. Persson, Geoffroy Hautier, and Gerbrand Ceder."First Principles Study of the Li-BiF Phase Diagram and Bismuth Fluoride Conversion Reactions with Lithium."Electrochemical and Solid State Letters
12.7 (2009) A125-A128. DOI
Liu, Deang, Michael Fina, Jinghua Guo, Xiaobo Chen, Gao Liu, Stephen G. Johnson, and Samuel S. Mao."Organic light-emitting diodes with carbon nanotube cathode-organic interface layer."Applied Physics Letters
94.1 (2009). DOI
Ridgway, Paul L., Honghe Zheng, Xiangyun Song, Gao Liu, Philip N. Ross, and Vincent S. Battaglia."Effect of Vinylene Carbonate on Graphite Anode Cycling Efficiency."Electrochemical Society
19.25 (2009) 51-57. DOI
Zhang, T., Yonghong Deng, Stephen G. Johnson, and Gao Liu."Highly efficient blue polyfluorene-based polymer light-emitting diodes through solvent vapor annealing."Journal of Physics
42 (2009) 5. DOI
Liu, Gao, Dacheng Zhao, Antoni P. Tomsia, Andrew M. Minor, Xiangyun Song, and Eduardo Saiz."Three-Dimensional Biomimetic Mineralization of Dense Hydrogel Templates."Journal of the American Chemical Society
131.29 (2009) 9937-9939. DOI
Liu, Gao, Honghe Zheng, S. Kim, Yonghong Deng, Andrew M. Minor, Xiangyun Song, and Vincent S. Battaglia."Effects of Various Conductive Additive and Polymeric Binder Contents on the Performance of a Lithium-Ion Composite Cathode."Journal of The Electrochemical Society
155.12 (2008) A887-A892. DOI
Bi, Lei, Alexander R. Taussig, Hyun-Suk Kim, Lei Wang, Gerald F. Dionne, D. Bono, Kristin A. Persson, Gerbrand Ceder, and Caroline A. Ross."Structural, magnetic, and optical properties of BiFeO3 and Bi2FeMnO6 epitaxial thin films: An experimental and first-principles study."Physical Review B
78 (2008) 104106. DOI
Sivakumar, , V., Caroline A. Ross, , N. Yabuuchi, , Yang Shao-Horn, Kristin A. Persson, and Gerbrand Ceder."Electrochemical Control of the Magnetic Moment of CrO2."Journal of The Electrochemical Society
155 (2008) P83-P88.
Doe, Robert E, Kristin A. Persson, Ying Shirley Meng, and Gerbrand Ceder."First-Principles Investigation of the Li-Fe-F Phase Diagram and Equilibrium and Nonequilibrium Conversion Reactions of Iron Fluorides with Lithium."Chemistry of Materials
20.16 (2008) 5274-5283. DOI
Predith, A., Gerbrand Ceder, Chris Wolverton, Kristin A. Persson, and Tim Mueller."Ab initio prediction of ordered ground-state structures in ZrO2-Y2O3."Physical Review B
77 (2008). DOI
Bengtson, , Amelia, Kristin A. Persson, and , Dane Morgan."Ab initio study of the composition dependence of the pressure-induced spin crossover in perovskite (Mg1-x,Fex)SiO3."Earth and Planetary Science Letters
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Zheng, Honghe, Gao Liu, Xiangyun Song, and Vincent S. Battaglia."Li[Ni1/3Mn1/3Co1/3]O2-based electrodes for PHEV applications: an optimization."ECS Transactions
11.32 (2008) 1-9. DOI
Liu, Gao, and Gregory L. Baker."Structure-directed self-assembly of alkyl-aryl-ethylene oxide amphiphiles."Soft Matter
4 (2008) 1094-1101.
Chan, Candace K., Hailin Peng, Gao Liu, Kevin McIlwrath, Xiaofeng Zhang, Robert A. Huggins, and Yi Cui."High-performance lithium battery anodes using silicon nanowires."Nature nanotechnology
3.1 (2007) 31-35. DOI
Russias, , Julie M., Eduardo Saiz, , Sylvain Deville, , Karol A. Gryn, Gao Liu, , Ravi K. Nalla, and Antoni P. Tomsia."Fabrication and in vitro characterization of three-dimensional organic/inorganic scaffolds by robocasting."Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A
83A (2007) 434-445. DOI