Publications: Weber Lab
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Weidner, John W., Perla B. Balbuena, Adam Z. Weber, Venkat Srinivasan, and Venkat R. Subramanian."Mathematical Modeling of Electrochemical Systems at Multiple Scales in Honor of Professor John Newman."Journal of The Electrochemical Society
164.11 (2017) Y13 - Y13. DOI
Kusoglu, Ahmet, and Adam Z. Weber."New Insights into Perfluorinated Sulfonic-Acid Ionomers."Chemical Reviews
117.3 (2017) 987 - 1104. DOI
Berlinger, Sarah A., Bryan D. McCloskey, and Adam Z. Weber."Understanding Binary Interactions in Fuel-Cell Catalyst-Layer Inks."ECS Transactions
80.8 (2017) 309 - 319. DOI
Shiau, Huai-Suen, Iryna V. Zenyuk, and Adam Z. Weber."Elucidating Performance Limitations in Alkaline-Exchange- Membrane Fuel Cells."Journal of The Electrochemical Society
164.11 (2017) E3583 - E3591. DOI
Freiberg, Anna T. S., Michael C. Tucker, and Adam Z. Weber."Polarization loss correction derived from hydrogen local-resistance measurement in low Pt-loaded polymer-electrolyte fuel cells."Electrochemistry Communications
79 (2017) 14 - 17. DOI
Pant, Lalit M., and Adam Z. Weber."Communication—Modeling Polymer-Electrolyte Fuel-Cell Agglomerates with Double-Trap Kinetics."Journal of The Electrochemical Society
164.11 (2017) E3102 - E3104. DOI
Shukla, Shantanu, Subir Bhattacharjee, Adam Z. Weber, and Marc Secanell."Experimental and Theoretical Analysis of Ink Dispersion Stability for Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cell Applications."Journal of The Electrochemical Society
164.6 (2017) F600 - F609. DOI
Darling, Robert M., Huai-Suen Shiau, Adam Z. Weber, and Michael L. Perry."The Relationship between Shunt Currents and Edge Corrosion in Flow Batteries."Journal of The Electrochemical Society
164.11 (2017) E3081 - E3091. DOI
Oh, Kyeongmin, Tae June Kang, Sungjin Park, Michael C. Tucker, Adam Z. Weber, and Hyunchul Ju."Effect of flow-field structure on discharging and charging behavior of hydrogen/bromine redox flow batteries."Electrochimica Acta
230 (2017) 160 - 173. DOI
Spingler, Franz B., Adam Phillips, Tobias Schuler, Michael C. Tucker, and Adam Z. Weber."Investigating fuel-cell transport limitations using hydrogen limiting current."International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
42.19 (2017) 13960 - 13969. DOI
Ertem, S. Piril, Benjamin R. Caire, Tsung-Han Tsai, Di Zeng, Melissa A. Vandiver, Ahmet Kusoglu, Soenke Seifert, Ryan C. Hayward, Adam Z. Weber, Andrew M. Herring, E. Bryan Coughlin, and Matthew W. Liberatore."Ion transport properties of mechanically stable symmetric ABCBA pentablock copolymers with quaternary ammonium functionalized midblock."Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics
55.7 (2017) 612 - 622. DOI
Oh, Kyeongmin, Adam Z. Weber, and Hyunchul Ju."Study of bromine species crossover in H2/Br2 redox flow batteries."International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
42.6 (2017) 3753 - 3766. DOI
Zenyuk, Iryna V., Adrien Lamibrac, Jens Eller, Dilworth Y. Parkinson, Federica Marone, Felix N. Büchi, and Adam Z. Weber."Investigating Evaporation in Gas Diffusion Layers for Fuel Cells with X-ray Computed Tomography."The Journal of Physical Chemistry C
120.50 (2016) 28701 - 28711. DOI
Tucker, Michael C., David Lambelet, Mohamed Oueslati, Benjamin Williams, Wu-Chieh Jerry Wang, and Adam Z. Weber."Improved low-cost, non-hazardous, all-iron cell for the developing world."Journal of Power Sources
332 (2016) 111 - 117. DOI
Xiang, Chengxiang, Adam Z. Weber, Shane Ardo, Alan Berger, YiKai Chen, Robert Coridan, Katherine T. Fountaine, Sophia Haussener, Shu Hu, Riu Liu, Nathan S. Lewis, Miguel A. Modestino, Matthew M. Shaner, Meenesh R. Singh, John C. Stevens, Ke Sun, and Karl Walczak."Modeling, Simulation, and Implementation of Solar-Driven Water-Splitting Devices."Angewandte Chemie International Edition
55.42 (2016) 12974 - 12988. DOI
Shi, Shouwen, Adam Z. Weber, and Ahmet Kusoglu."Structure/property relationship of Nafion XL composite membranes."Journal of Membrane Science
516 (2016) 123 - 134. DOI
Lin, Guangyu, Pauying Chong, Venkata Yarlagadda, Trung V. Nguyen, Ryszard Wycisk, Peter N. Pintauro, Mike Bates, Sanjeev Mukerjee, Michael C. Tucker, and Adam Z. Weber."Advanced Hydrogen-Bromine Flow Batteries with Improved Efficiency, Durability and Cost."Journal of The Electrochemical Society
163.1 (2016) A5049 - A5056. DOI
Perry, Michael L., and Adam Z. Weber."Advanced Redox-Flow Batteries: A Perspective."Journal of The Electrochemical Society
163.1 (2016) A5064 - A5067. DOI
Tucker, Michael C., Alexandra Weiss, and Adam Z. Weber."Improvement and analysis of the hydrogen-cerium redox flow cell."Journal of Power Sources
327 (2016) 591 - 598. DOI
Kusoglu, Ahmet, Thomas J. Dursch, and Adam Z. Weber."Nanostructure/Swelling Relationships of Bulk and Thin-Film PFSA Ionomers."Advanced Functional Materials
26.27 (2016) 4961 - 4975. DOI
Cho, Kyu-Taek, Michael C. Tucker, and Adam Z. Weber."A Review of Hydrogen/Halogen Flow Cells."Energy Technology
4.6 (2016) 655 - 678. DOI
Zenyuk, Iryna V., Prodip K. Das, and Adam Z. Weber."Understanding Impacts of Catalyst-Layer Thickness on Fuel-Cell Performance via Mathematical Modeling."Journal of The Electrochemical Society
163.7 (2016) F691 - F703. DOI
Jankolovits, , Joseph, Ahmet Kusoglu, Adam Z. Weber, , Antony Van Dyk, James C. Bohling, , John A. Roper, Clayton J. Radke, and , Alexander Katz."Stable Aqueous Dispersions of Hydrophobically Modified Titanium Dioxide Pigments through Polyanion Adsorption: Synthesis, Characterization, and Application in Coatings."Langmuir
32.8 (2016) 1929 - 1938. DOI
Stevens, John C., and Adam Z. Weber."A Computational Study of Optically Concentrating, Solar-Fuels Generators from Annual Thermal- and Fuel-Production Efficiency Perspectives."Journal of The Electrochemical Society
163.7 (2016) H475 - H484. DOI
Zenyuk, Iryna V., Dilworth Y. Parkinson, Liam G. Connolly, and Adam Z. Weber."Gas-diffusion-layer structural properties under compression via X-ray tomography."Journal of Power Sources
328 (2016) 364 - 376. DOI