Publications: Tools and Data - Energy Planning and Procurement
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Eto, Joseph H, and Mithra M. Moezzi."A Technique for Transferring Central Air Conditioning End-Use Load Shape Data."CEED Electric End-Use Data Symposium
(1993) 21.
Moezzi, Mithra M., Joseph H Eto, Martha Brook, and William Mattson."Improving Electricity Peak Demand Forecasts with Measured Data: An Application of PG&E's Residential End-Use Metered Data."ACEEE 1992 Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
Eto, Joseph H, and Mithra M. Moezzi."Analysis of PG&E's Residential End-Use Metered Data to Improve Electricity Demand Forecasts."
(1992) 161.
Eto, Joseph H, Hashem Akbari, Robert G. Pratt, Steven D. Braithwait, Edward L. Vine, and Drury B. Crawley."End-Use Load Shape Data Application, Estimation, and Collection."State of the Art of Energy Efficiency: Future Directions
(1991) 16.
Hirst, Eric, Martin Schweitzer, Evelin Yourstone, and Joseph H Eto."Technical Competence of Integrated Resource Plans Prepared by Electric Utilities."Resources and Energy
13.1 (1991). DOI
Akbari, Hashem, Leo I. Rainer, and Joseph H Eto."Integrated Estimation of Commercial Sector End-Use Load Shapes and Energy Use Intensities, Phase II."
Eto, Joseph H."An Overview of Analysis Tools for Integrated Resource Planning."Energy
15.11 (1990). DOI
Eto, Joseph H, Isaac Turiel, Hashem Akbari, Benoit Lebot, and Kristin E. Heinemeier."An Investigation of the Use of Prototypes for Commercial Sector EUI Analysis."American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy 1990 Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
Akbari, Hashem, Isaac Turiel, Joseph H Eto, Kristin E. Heinemeier, Benoit Lebot, and Leo I. Rainer."A Review of Existing Commercial Energy Use Intensity and Load Shape Studies."ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
Eto, Joseph H, Hashem Akbari, Robert G. Pratt, and Steven D. Braithwait."End-Use Load Shape Data Application, Estimation, and Collection: A State-of-the-Art Review."ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
(1990) 30.
Hirst, Eric, Martin Schweitzer, Evelin Yourstone, and Joseph H Eto."Assessing Integrated Resource Plans Prepared by Electric Utilities."
Eto, Joseph H, Henry Ruderman, Amos Golan, Kristin E. Heinemeier, and David J. Wood."Analysis of California Hourly End‑Use Residential Electricity Load Shapes."End-Use Load Information and Application Conference for Customer and Utility Communication
Ruderman, Henry, Joseph H Eto, Kristin E. Heinemeier, Amos Golan, and David J. Wood."Residential End-Use Load Shape Data Analysis."
(1989) 62.
Akbari, Hashem, Joseph H Eto, Isaac Turiel, Kristin E. Heinemeier, Benoit Lebot, Bruce Nordman, and Leo I. Rainer."Integrated Estimation of Commercial Sector End‑Use Load Shapes and Energy Use Intensities, Final Report."
McMahon, James E., Joseph H Eto, Peter T. Chan, Jonathan G. Koomey, Mark D. Levine, Chris Pignone, Henry Ruderman, Baruch Lev, J. A. Bloom, A.S. Gleit, F.H. Murphy, and C. Shoemaker."The LBL Residential Energy and Hourly Demand Models."Strategic Planning in Energy and Natural Resources