Publications: Resource Planning
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Carvallo, Juan Pablo, and Lisa C. Schwartz."The use of price-based demand response as a resource in electricity system planning."
Carvallo, Juan Pablo, Nan Zhang, Benjamin D. Leibowicz, Thomas Carr, Sunhee Baik, and Peter H. Larsen."A Guide for Improved Resource Adequacy Assessments in Evolving Power Systems: Institutional and Technical Dimensions."
Miller, Cesca, Natalie Mims Frick, Juan Pablo Carvallo, Tom Eckman, and Lisa C. Schwartz."Utility-Scale and Distributed Storage in Integrated Resource Plans: A Comparison of Plans for Indiana and Other States."
Carvallo, Juan Pablo, Sean Murphy, Alan H. Sanstad, and Peter H. Larsen."The use of wholesale market purchases by Western U.S. electric utilities."
Carvallo, Juan Pablo, Peter H. Larsen, Alan H. Sanstad, and Charles A. Goldman."Long term load forecasting accuracy in electric utility integrated resource planning."Energy Policy
119 (2018) 410-422. DOI
Carvallo, Juan Pablo, Alan H. Sanstad, and Peter H. Larsen."Exploring the relationship between planning and procurement in Western U.S. electric utilities."
Bolinger, Mark."Using Probability of Exceedance to Compare the Resource Risk of Renewable and Gas-Fired Generation."
Carvallo, Juan Pablo, Peter H. Larsen, Alan H. Sanstad, and Charles A. Goldman."Load Forecasting in Electric Utility Integrated Resource Planning."
Mills, Andrew D., Galen L. Barbose, Joachim Seel, Changgui Dong, Trieu Mai, Ben Sigrin, and Jarett Zuboy."Planning for a Distributed Disruption: Innovative Practices for Incorporating Distributed Solar into Utility Planning."
Sanstad, Alan H., Stuart McMenamin, Andy Sukenik, Galen L. Barbose, and Charles A. Goldman."Modeling an aggressive energy-efficiency scenario in long-range load forecasting for electric power transmission planning."Applied Energy
128 (2014) 265-275. DOI
Barbose, Galen L., Alan H. Sanstad, and Charles A. Goldman."Incorporating energy efficiency into electric power transmission planning: A western United States case study."Energy Policy
67 (2014) 319-329. DOI
Wilkerson, Jordan, Peter H. Larsen, and Galen L. Barbose."Survey of Western U.S. Electric Utility Resource Plans."Energy Policy
66 (2014) 90-103. DOI
Barbose, Galen L., Alan H. Sanstad, Charles A. Goldman, Stuart McMenamin, and Andy Sukenik."Incorporating Energy Efficiency into Western Interconnection Transmission Planning."
Satchwell, Andrew, and Ryan Hledik."Analytical Frameworks to Incorporate Demand Response in Long-term Resource Planning."
Satchwell, Andrew, Galen L. Barbose, Charles A. Goldman, Ryan Hledik, and Ahmed Faruqui."Incorporating Demand Response into Western Interconnection Transmission Planning."
Mills, Andrew D., and Ryan H. Wiser."An Evaluation of Solar Valuation Methods Used in Utility Planning and Procurement Processes."
Mills, Andrew D., Ryan H. Wiser, and Kevin Porter."The cost of transmission for wind energy in the United States: A review of transmission planning studies."Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
16.1 (2012) 19. DOI
Mills, Andrew D., Amol A. Phadke, and Ryan H. Wiser."Exploration of Resource and Transmission Expansion Decisions in the Western Renewable Energy Zone Initiative."
(2010) 88.
Budhraja, Vikram S., John Ballance, Jim Dyer, Fred Mobasheri, and Joseph H Eto."Transmission Benefit Quantification, Cost Allocation and Cost Recovery."Public Interest Energy Research (PIER) Program
(2009) 216.
Budhraja, Vikram S., Fred Mobasheri, John Ballance, Jim Dyer, Alison Silverstein, and Joseph H Eto."Improving Electricity Resource-Planning Processes by Considering the Strategic Benefits of Transmission."The Electricity Journal
22.2 (2009). DOI
Mills, Andrew D., Ryan H. Wiser, and Kevin Porter."The Cost of Transmission for Wind Energy: A Review of Transmission Planning Studies."
(2009) 66.
Phadke, Amol A., Charles A. Goldman, Doug Larson, Tom Carr, Larry Rath, Peter Balash, and Wan Yih-Huei."Advanced Coal Wind Hybrid: Economic Analysis."
(2008) 85.
Barbose, Galen L., Ryan H. Wiser, Amol A. Phadke, and Charles A. Goldman."Managing Carbon Regulatory Risk in Utility Resource Planning: Current Practices in the Western United States."Energy Policy
36.9 (2008) 3300-3311. DOI