Publications: Ratemaking and Evaluation
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Darghouth, Naïm R., Ryan H. Wiser, Galen L. Barbose, and Andrew D. Mills."Net metering and market feedback loops: Exploring the impact of retail rate design on distributed PV deployment."Applied Energy
162 (2016). DOI
Darghouth, Naïm R., Ryan H. Wiser, Galen L. Barbose, and Andrew D. Mills."Net Metering and Market Feedback Loops: Exploring the Impact of Retail Rate Design on Distributed PV Deployment."
Cappers, Peter, Liesel Hans, and Richard M. Scheer."American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009: Interim Report on Customer Acceptance, Retention, and Response to Time-Based Rates from the Consumer Behavior Studies."
Todd, Annika, Michael Perry, Brian Smith, Michael J. Sullivan, Peter Cappers, and Charles A. Goldman."Insights from Smart Meters: Ramp-up, dependability, and short-term persistence of savings from Home Energy Reports."
Cappers, Peter, and Richard M. Scheer."American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009: Experiences from the Consumer Behavior Studies on Engaging Customers."
Satchwell, Andrew, Andrew D. Mills, Galen L. Barbose, Ryan H. Wiser, Peter Cappers, and Naïm R. Darghouth."Financial Impacts of Net-Metered PV on Utilities and Ratepayers: A Scoping Study of Two Prototypical U.S. Utilities."
Cappers, Peter, Annika Todd, Michael Perry, Bernard Neenan, and Richard Boisvert."Quantifying the Impacts of Time-based Rates, Enabling Technology, and Other Treatments in Consumer Behavior Studies: Protocols and Guidelines."
Cappers, Peter, Annika Todd, and Charles A. Goldman."Summary of Utility Studies: Smart Grid Investment Grant Consumer Behavior Study Analysis."
Darghouth, Naïm R., Galen L. Barbose, and Ryan H. Wiser."The impact of rate design and net metering on the bill savings from distributed PV for residential customers in California."Energy Policy
39.9 (2011) 5243 - 5253. DOI
Darghouth, Naïm R., Galen L. Barbose, and Ryan H. Wiser."The Impact of Rate Design and Net Metering on the Bill Savings from Distributed PV for Residential Customers in California."
(2010) 62.
Boisvert, Richard, Peter Cappers, Charles A. Goldman, and Bernard Neenan."Customer Response to RTP in Competitive Markets: A Study of Niagara Mohawk's Standard Offer Tariff."The Energy Journal
(2007) 53-74.
Hopper, Nicole C., Charles A. Goldman, and Bernard Neenan."Not All Large Customers Are Made Alike: Disaggregating Response to Default-Service Day-Ahead Market Pricing."2006 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
Hopper, Nicole C., Charles A. Goldman, and Bernard Neenan."Not All Large Customers Are Made Alike: Disaggregating Response to Default-Service Day-Ahead Market Pricing."
(2006) 17.
Hopper, Nicole C., Charles A. Goldman, Ranjit Bharvirkar, and Bernard Neenan."Customer Response to Day-Ahead Market Hourly Pricing: Choices and Performance."
(2006) 30. DOI
Hopper, Nicole C., Charles A. Goldman, Ranjit Bharvirkar, and Bernard Neenan."Customer Response to Day-Ahead Market Hourly Pricing: Choices and Performance."
14.2 (2006) 126-134. DOI
Hopper, Nicole C., Charles A. Goldman, and Bernard Neenan."Demand Response from Day-Ahead Hourly Pricing for Large Customers."
(2006) 19.
Barbose, Galen L., Charles A. Goldman, Ranjit Bharvirkar, Nicole C. Hopper, Michael K. Ting, and Bernard Neenan."Real Time Pricing as a Default or Optional Service for C&I Customers: A Comparative Analysis of Eight Case Studies."
(2005) 106.
Boisvert, Richard, Peter Cappers, Bernard Neenan, and Bryan Scott."Industrial and Commercial Customer Response To Real Time Electricity Prices."
(2004) 53.
Moezzi, Mithra M., Charles A. Goldman, Osman Sezgen, Ranjit Bharvirkar, and Nicole C. Hopper."Real Time Pricing and the Real Live Firm."
(2004) 16.
Stoft, Steven, Joseph H Eto, and M. Suzie Kito."DSM Shareholder Incentives: Current Designs and Economic Theory."