Publications: Program Design, Implementation & Evaluation
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Carvallo, Juan Pablo, Peter H. Larsen, and Charles A. Goldman."Estimating customer electricity and fuel savings from projects installed by the US ESCO industry."Energy Efficiency
8.6 (2015) 1251-1261. DOI
Rybka, Gregory M., Ian M. Hoffman, Charles A. Goldman, and Lisa C. Schwartz."Flexible and Consistent Reporting for Energy Efficiency Programs: Introducing a New Tool for Reporting Spending and Savings for Programs Funded by Utility Customers."
Schiller, Steven R.."WECC/WREGIS EPA’s Clean Power Plan With a Focus on Energy Efficiency and EM&V."
Schiller, Steven R.."WREGIS Energy Efficiency in EPA’s Clean Power Plan: a brief introduction."
Schiller, Steven R.."IEPEC EPA’s Clean Power Plan With a Focus on Energy Efficiency and EM&V."
Todd, Annika, Michael Perry, Brian Smith, Michael J. Sullivan, Peter Cappers, and Charles A. Goldman."Insights from Smart Meters: Ramp-up, dependability, and short-term persistence of savings from Home Energy Reports."
Hoffman, Ian M., Steven R. Schiller, Annika Todd, Megan A. Billingsley, Charles A. Goldman, and Lisa C. Schwartz."Energy Savings Lifetimes and Persistence: Practices, Issues and Data."
Hoffman, Ian M., Gregory M. Rybka, Greg Leventis, Charles A. Goldman, Lisa C. Schwartz, Megan A. Billingsley, and Steven R. Schiller."The Total Cost of Saving Electricity Through Utility Customer-Funded Energy Efficiency Programs: Estimates at the National, State, Sector and Program Level."
Cappers, Peter, and Andrew Satchwell."Considerations for State Regulators and Policymakers in a Post-FERC Order 745 World."
Deshmukh, Ranjit, Girish Ghatikar, Rongxin Yin, G. Ganesh Das, and Sujay Kumar Saha."Estimation of Potential and Value of Demand Response for Industrial and Commercial Consumers in Delhi."India Smart Grid Week 2015
Yin, Rongxin, Girish Ghatikar, Ranjit Deshmukh, and Aamir Hussain Khan."Findings from an Advanced Demand Response Smart Grid Project to Improve Electricity Reliability in India."India Smart Grid Week 2015
Todd, Annika, Michael Perry, Brian Smith, Michael J. Sullivan, Peter Cappers, and Charles A. Goldman."Insights from Smart Meters: Identifying Specific Actions, Behaviors and Characteristics that drive savings in Behavior-Based Programs."
Carvallo, Juan Pablo, Peter H. Larsen, and Charles A. Goldman."Estimating customer electricity savings from projects installed by the U.S. ESCO industry."
Stuart, Elizabeth, Peter H. Larsen, Charles A. Goldman, and Donald Gilligan."A method to estimate the size and remaining market potential of the U.S. ESCO (energy service company) industry."Energy
77 (2014) 362-371. DOI
Larsen, Peter H., Elizabeth Stuart, Charles A. Goldman, and Donald Gilligan."Current Policies and Practices Related to the Incorporation of Non-energy Benefits in Energy Saving Performance Contract Projects."ACEEE 2014 Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
Zimring, Mark, Greg Leventis, Charles A. Goldman, Merrian Borgeson, Peter J. Thompson, and Ian M. Hoffman."On-Bill Finance: From Policy to Promise to Practice."2014 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
Thompson, Peter J., Peter H. Larsen, Chris Kramer, and Charles A. Goldman."Energy Efficiency Finance Programs: Use-case Analysis to Define Data Needs and Guidelines."
Zimring, Mark, Greg Leventis, Merrian Borgeson, Peter J. Thompson, Ian M. Hoffman, and Charles A. Goldman."Financing Energy Improvements on Utility Bills: Market Updates and Program Design Considerations for Policymakers and Administrators."
Todd, Annika, Michael Perry, Brian Smith, Michael J. Sullivan, Peter Cappers, and Charles A. Goldman."Insights from Smart Meters: The Potential for Peak-Hour Savings from Behavior-Based Programs."
Billingsley, Megan A., Ian M. Hoffman, Elizabeth Stuart, Steven R. Schiller, Charles A. Goldman, and Kristina Hamachi LaCommare."The Program Administrator Cost of Saved Energy for Utility Customer-Funded Energy Efficiency Programs."