Publications: Program Analysis and Assistance
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Wiser, Ryan H., Galen L. Barbose, and Edward Holt."Supporting Solar Power in Renewables Portfolio Standards: Experience from the United States."
(2010) 49.
Darghouth, Naïm R., Galen L. Barbose, and Ryan H. Wiser."The Impact of Rate Design and Net Metering on the Bill Savings from Distributed PV for Residential Customers in California."
(2010) 62.
Bolinger, Mark, Ryan H. Wiser, and Naïm R. Darghouth."Preliminary Evaluation of the Impact of the Section 1603 Treasury Grant Program on Renewable Energy Deployment in 2009."
(2010) 47.
Bolinger, Mark."Revealing the Hidden Value that the Federal Investment Tax Credit and Treasury Cash Grant Provide To Community Wind Projects."
(2010) 36.
Bolinger, Mark, Ryan H. Wiser, Karlynn Cory, and Ted James."PTC, ITC, or Cash Grant? An Analysis of the Choice Facing Renewable Power Projects in the United States."
(2009) 21.
Bolinger, Mark, Galen L. Barbose, and Ryan H. Wiser."Shaking Up the Residential PV Market: Implications of Recent Changes to the ITC."Case Studies of State Support for Renewable Energy
(2008) 12.
Barbose, Galen L., Ryan H. Wiser, Amol A. Phadke, and Charles A. Goldman."Managing Carbon Regulatory Risk in Utility Resource Planning: Current Practices in the Western United States."Energy Policy
36.9 (2008) 3300-3311. DOI
Wiser, Ryan H., and Galen L. Barbose."Renewable Portfolio Standards in the United States: A Status Report with Data Through 2007."
(2008) 40.
Bolinger, Mark."Property Tax Assessments as a Finance Vehicle for Residential PV Installations: Opportunitites and Potential Limitations."
(2008) 10.
Bolinger, Mark."Property Tax Assessments as a Finance Vehicle for Residential PV Installations: Opportunities and Potential Limitations."Case Studies of State Support for Renewable Energy
(2008) 10.
Chen, Cliff, Ryan H. Wiser, and Mark Bolinger."Weighing the Costs and Benefits of State Renewables Portfolio Standards: A Comparative Analysis of State- Level Policy Impact Projections."
(2008) 87.
Wiser, Ryan H., Andrew D. Mills, Galen L. Barbose, and William H. Golove."The Impact of Retail Rate Structures on the Economics of Commercial Photovoltaic Systems in California."
(2007) 97.
Wiser, Ryan H., Christopher Namovicz, Mark Gielecki, and Robert Smith."Renewables Portfolio Standards: A Factual Introduction to Experience from the United States."
(2007) 19.
Wiser, Ryan H., Mark Bolinger, and Galen L. Barbose."Using the Federal Production Tax Credit to Build a Durable Market for Wind Power in the United States."The Electricity Journal
20.9 (2007) 77-88. DOI
Holt, Edward, and Ryan H. Wiser."The Treatment of Renewable Energy Certificates, Emissions Allowances, and Green Power Programs in State Renewables Portfolio Standards."
(2007) 38.
Wiser, Ryan H.."Renewables Portfolio Standards: A Focus on Western States."AWEA Wind Power Finance & Investment Workshop, March 2007, San Francisco, CA
Bolinger, Mark, Ryan H. Wiser, and Edwin Ing."Exploring the Economic Value of EPAct 2005’s PV Tax Credits."Case Studies of State Support for Renewable Energy
(2007) 10.
Barbose, Galen L., Ryan H. Wiser, and Mark Bolinger."Designing PV Incentive Programs to Promote Performance: A Review of Current Practice."Case Studies of State Support for Renewable Energy
(2006) 39.
Bolinger, Mark."Avoiding the Haircut: Potential Ways to Enhance the Value of the USDA’s Section 9006 Program."
(2006) 29.
Bolinger, Mark, and Ryan H. Wiser."State Clean Energy Funds Support Utility-Scale Projects."North American Wind Power
(2006) 5.
Bolinger, Mark, and Ryan H. Wiser."The Impact of State Clean Energy Fund Support for Utility-Scale Renewable Energy Projects."Case Studies of State Support for Renewable Energy
(2006) 9.