Publications: Kusoglu Lab
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Mukundan, Rangachary, Andrew M. Baker, Ahmet Kusoglu, Paul Beattie, Shanna Knights, Adam Z. Weber, and Rodney L. Borup."Membrane Accelerated Stress Test Development for Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cell Durability Validated Using Field and Drive Cycle Testing."Journal of The Electrochemical Society
165.6 (2018) F3085 - F3093. DOI
Kusoglu, Ahmet, and Robert A. Meyers."Ionomer Thin Films in PEM Fuel Cells."Encyclopedia of Sustainability Science and Technology
(2018) 1 - 23. DOI
Kusoglu, Ahmet, and Adam Z. Weber."New Insights into Perfluorinated Sulfonic-Acid Ionomers."Chemical Reviews
117.3 (2017) 987 - 1104. DOI
Ertem, S. Piril, Benjamin R. Caire, Tsung-Han Tsai, Di Zeng, Melissa A. Vandiver, Ahmet Kusoglu, Soenke Seifert, Ryan C. Hayward, Adam Z. Weber, Andrew M. Herring, E. Bryan Coughlin, and Matthew W. Liberatore."Ion transport properties of mechanically stable symmetric ABCBA pentablock copolymers with quaternary ammonium functionalized midblock."Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics
55.7 (2017) 612 - 622. DOI
Shi, Shouwen, Adam Z. Weber, and Ahmet Kusoglu."Structure/property relationship of Nafion XL composite membranes."Journal of Membrane Science
516 (2016) 123 - 134. DOI
Kusoglu, Ahmet, Thomas J. Dursch, and Adam Z. Weber."Nanostructure/Swelling Relationships of Bulk and Thin-Film PFSA Ionomers."Advanced Functional Materials
26.27 (2016) 4961 - 4975. DOI
Jankolovits, , Joseph, Ahmet Kusoglu, Adam Z. Weber, , Antony Van Dyk, James C. Bohling, , John A. Roper, Clayton J. Radke, and , Alexander Katz."Stable Aqueous Dispersions of Hydrophobically Modified Titanium Dioxide Pigments through Polyanion Adsorption: Synthesis, Characterization, and Application in Coatings."Langmuir
32.8 (2016) 1929 - 1938. DOI
Vandiver, Melissa A., Benjamin R. Caire, Tara P. Pandey, Yifan Li, Sönke Seifert, Ahmet Kusoglu, Daniel M. Knauss, Andrew M. Herring, and Matthew W. Liberatore."Effect of hydration on the mechanical properties and ion conduction in a polyethylene-b-poly(vinylbenzyl trimethylammonium) anion exchange membrane."Journal of Membrane Science
497 (2016) 67 - 76. DOI
Ding, Guoliang, Michael H. Santare, Anette M. Karlsson, and Ahmet Kusoglu."Numerical evaluation of crack growth in polymer electrolyte fuel cell membranes based on plastically dissipated energy."Journal of Power Sources
316 (2016) 114 - 123. DOI
Kushner, Douglas I., Liang Zhu, Ahmet Kusoglu, and Michael A. Hickner."Side Chain Influence on the Mechanical Properties and Water Uptake of Confined Comb-Shaped Cationic Polymer Thin Films."Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics
217.21 (2016) 2442 - 2451. DOI
Shi, Shouwen, Adam Z. Weber, and Ahmet Kusoglu."Structure-Transport Relationship of Perfluorosulfonic-Acid Membranes in Different Cationic Forms."Electrochimica Acta
220 (2016) 517 - 528. DOI
Kusoglu, Ahmet, and Adam Z. Weber."Electrochemical/Mechanical Coupling in Ion-Conducting Soft Matter."The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters
(2015) 4547 - 4552. DOI
Shi, Shouwen, Thomas J. Dursch, Colin Blake, Rangachary Mukundan, Rodney L. Borup, Adam Z. Weber, and Ahmet Kusoglu."Impact of hygrothermal aging on structure/function relationship of perfluorosulfonic-acid membrane."Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics
54.5 (2015) 570-581. DOI
Shi, Shouwen, Thomas J. Dursch, Rodney L. Borup, Adam Z. Weber, and Ahmet Kusoglu."Effect of Hygrothermal Ageing on PFSA Ionomers' Structure/Property Relationship."ECS Transactions
69.17 (2015) 1017 - 1025. DOI
Page, Kirt A., Jae Wook Shin, Scott A. Eastman, Brandon W. Rowe, Sangcheol Kim, Ahmet Kusoglu, Kevin G. Yager, and Gery R. Stafford."In Situ Method for Measuring the Mechanical Properties of Nafion Thin Films during Hydration Cycles."ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
7.32 (2015) 17874 - 17883. DOI
Allen, Frances I., Luis R. Comolli, Ahmet Kusoglu, Miguel A. Modestino, Andrew M. Minor, and Adam Z. Weber."Morphology of Hydrated As-Cast Nafion Revealed through Cryo Electron Tomography."ACS Macro Letters
4.1 (2015) 1 - 5. DOI
Weber, Adam Z., and Ahmet Kusoglu."Unexplained transport resistances for low-loaded fuel-cell catalyst layers."J. Mater. Chem. A
2.41 (2014) 17207 - 17211. DOI
Kusoglu, Ahmet, Douglas I. Kushner, Devproshad K Paul, Kunal Karan, Michael A. Hickner, and Adam Z. Weber."Impact of Substrate and Processing on Confinement of Nafion Thin Films."Advanced Functional Materials
24.30 (2014) 4763 - 4774. DOI
Kusoglu, Ahmet, Douglas I. Kushner, Devproshad K Paul, Kunal Karan, Michael A. Hickner, and Adam Z. Weber."Polymer Physics: Impact of Substrate and Processing on Confinement of Nafion Thin Films."Advanced Functional Materials
24 (2014) 4762-4762. DOI
Page, Kirt A., Ahmet Kusoglu, Christopher M. Stafford, Sangcheol Kim, R. Joseph Kline, and Adam Z. Weber."Confinement-Driven Increase in Ionomer Thin-Film Modulus."Nano Letters
14.5 (2014) 2299 - 2304. DOI
Weber, Adam Z., Rodney L. Borup, Robert M. Darling, Prodip K. Das, Thomas J. Dursch, , Wenbin Gu, David Harvey, Ahmet Kusoglu, Shawn Litster, Matthew M Mench, Rangachary Mukundan, Jon P. Owejan, Jon G. Pharoah, Marc Secanell, and Iryna V. Zenyuk."A Critical Review of Modeling Transport Phenomena in Polymer-Electrolyte Fuel Cells."Journal of the Electrochemical Society
161.12 (2014) F1254 - F1299. DOI
Kusoglu, Ahmet, Michelle Calabrese, and Adam Z. Weber."Effect of Mechanical Compression on Chemical Degradation of Nafion Membranes."ECS Electrochemistry Letters
3.5 (2014) F33 - F36. DOI
Kusoglu, Ahmet, and Adam Z. Weber."A Mechanistic Model for Pinhole Growth in Fuel-Cell Membranes during Cyclic Loads."Journal of the Electrochemical Society
161.8 (2014) E3311 - E3322. DOI
Kusoglu, Ahmet, Kyu-Taek Cho, Rafael A. Prato, and Adam Z. Weber."Structural and transport properties of Nafion in hydrobromic-acid solutions."Solid State Ionics
(2013). DOI
Hwang, Gisuk, Dilworth Y. Parkinson, Ahmet Kusoglu, Alastair A. MacDowell, and Adam Z. Weber."Understanding Water Uptake and Transport in Nafion Using X-ray Microtomography."ACS Macro Letters
2.4 (2013) 288 - 291. DOI