Publications: FLEXLAB
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Nouidui, Thierry S., Jonathan Coignard, Christoph Gehbauer, Michael Wetter, Jhi-Young Joo, and Evangelos Vrettos."CyDER – an FMI-based co-simulation platform for distributed energy resources."Journal of Building Performance Simulation
12.5 (2018) 566 - 579. DOI
Regnier, Cynthia, Paul A. Mathew, Alastair Robinson, Peter Schwartz, Jordan Shackelford, and Travis Walter."Beyond Widgets: Validated Systems Energy Savings and Utility Custom Incentive Program Systems Trends."2018 Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
(2018). DOI
Pang, Xiufeng, Carlos Duarte, Philip Haves, and Frank Chuang."Testing and demonstration of model predictive control applied to a radiant slab cooling system in a building test facility."Energy and Buildings
172 (2018) 432 - 441. DOI
Jia, Hongyuan, Xiufeng Pang, and Philip Haves."Experimentally-determined characteristics of radiant systems for office buildings."Applied Energy
221 (2018) 41 - 54. DOI
Lee, Eleanor S., David Geisler-Moroder, and Gregory J. Ward."Modeling the Direct Sun Component in Buildings Using Matrix Algebraic Approaches: Methods and Validation."Solar Energy
160 (2018) 380 - 395. DOI
Mathew, Paul A., Cynthia Regnier, Travis Walter, and Jordan Shackelford."ComEd – LBNL ‘Beyond Widgets’ Project Automated Shading Integrated with Lighting and HVAC Controls System Program Manual."
Coignard, Jonathan, Thierry Stephane Nouidui, Christoph Gehbauer, Michael Wetter, Jhi-Young Joo, Philip Top, Rafael Rivera Soto, Brian Kelley, and Emma M. Stewart."CyDER - A Co-Simulation Platform for Grid Analysis and Planning for High Penetration of Distributed Energy Resources."2018 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM)2018 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM)
(2018). DOI
Regnier, Cynthia, Paul A. Mathew, Alastair Robinson, Peter Schwartz, Jordan Shackelford, and Travis Walter."Energy Cost Savings of Systems-Based Building Retrofits: A Study of Three Integrated Lighting Systems in Comparison with Component Based Retrofits."
Pantelic, Jovan, Stefano Schiavon, Baisong Ning, Eleftherios Burdakis, Paul Raftery, and Fred S. Bauman."Full scale laboratory experiment on the cooling capacity of a radiant floor system."Energy and Buildings
170 (2018). DOI
Tang, Haida, Paul Raftery, Xiaohua Liu, Stefano Schiavon, Jonathan Woolley, and Fred S. Bauman."Performance analysis of pulsed flow control method for radiant slab system."Building and Environment
127 (2018). DOI
Regnier, Cynthia, Kaiyu Sun, Tianzhen Hong, and Mary Ann Piette."Quantifying the benefits of a building retrofit using an integrated system approach: A case study."Energy and Buildings
159 (2018). DOI
Woolley, Jonathan, Stefano Schiavon, Fred S. Bauman, Paul Raftery, and Jovan Pantelic."Side-by-side laboratory comparison of space heat extraction rates and thermal energy use for radiant and all-air systems."Energy and Buildings
176 (2018). DOI
Granderson, Jessica, Rupam Singla, Ebony Mayhorn, Paul Ehrlich, Draguna Vrabie, and Stephen Frank."Characterization and Survey of Automated Fault Detection and Diagnostics Tools."
Robinson, Alastair, Paul A. Mathew, Cynthia Regnier, Peter Schwartz, Jordan Shackelford, and Travis Walter."California Publicly‐Owned Utilities (POUs) – LBNL ‘Beyond Widgets’ Project Task‐ambient lighting and occupancy‐based plug load control System Program Manual ."
Lee, Sang Hoon, and Tianzhen Hong."Leveraging Zone Air Temperature Data to Improve Physics-Based Energy Simulation of Existing Buildings."Building Simulation 2017
(2017). DOI
Haves, Philip, Xiufeng Pang, and Hongyuan Jia."Experimentally-Determined Characteristics of Radiant Systems for Commercial Buildings."
Regnier, Cynthia, Paul A. Mathew, Alastair Robinson, Jordan Shackelford, Peter Schwartz, and Travis Walter."Xcel Energy – LBNL ‘Beyond Widgets’ Project Workstation Specific Lighting with Daylight Dimming Controls System Program Manual."
Lee, Eleanor S., Anothai Thanachareonkit, Samir Touzani, Spencer M. Dutton, Jordan Shackelford, Darryl J. Dickerhoff, and Stephen E. Selkowitz."Technology Assessments of High Performance Envelope with Optimized Lighting, Solar Control, and Daylighting."
Regnier, Cynthia, Paul A. Mathew, Alastair Robinson, Peter Schwartz, and Travis Walter."Beyond Widgets – Systems Incentive Programs for Utilities."ACEEE
Granderson, Jessica, Samir Touzani, Claudine Y. Custodio, Michael D. Sohn, Samuel Fernandes, and David A. Jump."Assessment of Automated Measurement and Verification (M&V) Methods."
McNeil, Andrew, and Eleanor S. Lee."April Burn-in Testing Report for Genentech B35, South San Francisco Campus."
Mills, Evan, Jessica Granderson, Wanyu R. Chan, Richard C. Diamond, Philip Haves, Bruce Nordman, Paul A. Mathew, Mary Ann Piette, Gerald Robinson, and Stephen E. Selkowitz."Green, Clean, & Mean: Pushing the Energy Envelope in Tech Industry Buildings."
Granderson, Jessica, Phillip N. Price, Stephen Czarnecki, Janie Page, Richard E. Brown, and Mary Ann Piette."Development of Diagnostic and M&V Agents, and Implementation in an Occupied Office Environment."
."Testing RAPMOD: Can a portable scanner collect existing building data and create an energy model faster and more accurately than a human."14th Conference of International Building Performance Simulation Association