Publications: Energy Efficiency
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Kohler, Christian, Yash Shukla, and Rajan Rawal."Calculating the Effect of External Shading on the Solar Heat Gain Coefficient of Windows."Building Simulation 2017
Leventis, Greg, Chris Kramer, and Lisa C. Schwartz."Energy Efficiency Financing for Low- and Moderate-Income Households: Current State of the Market, Issues, and Opportunities."
Park, Won Young, and Amol A. Phadke."Adoption of energy-efficient televisions for expanded off-grid electricity service."Development Engineering
2 (2017). DOI
Deason, Jeff."Comparative Evaluation of Financing Programs: Insights From California’s Experience."
Springer, Cecilia, and Ali Hasanbeigi."Emerging Energy Efficiency and Carbon Dioxide Emissions-Reduction Technologies for the Glass Industry."
Grevatt, Jim, Ian M. Hoffman, and Dale Hoffmeyer."Keys to the House: Unlocking Residential Savings With Program Models for Home Energy Upgrades."
Shah, Nihar, Nina Khanna, Nihan Karali, Won Young Park, Yi Qu, and Nan Zhou."Opportunities for Simultaneous Efficiency Improvement and Refrigerant Transition in Air Conditioning."
McNeil, Michael A., Stephane de la Rue du Can, Philipp Munzinger, Noah Horowitz, Marie Baton, Jeremy Tait, and et al.."Accelerating the Global Adoption of Climate-Friendly and Energy-Efficient Refrigerators."U4E Policy Guide Series
Shah, Nihar, Dietram Oppelt, Ana Maria Carreno, and Nicole Kearney."Accelerating the Global Adoption of Energy-Efficient and Climate-Friendly Air Conditioners."U4E Policy Guide Series
Schiller, Steven R., Snuller Price, Tom Eckman, Deborah Reynolds, and Jamie Barber."Assessing the Cost-Effectiveness of Energy Efficiency Portfolios."
de la Rue du Can, Stephane, David Pudleiner, David Jones, and Aleisha Khan."Energy Efficiency Roadmap for Uganda, Making Energy Efficiency Count."
Leventis, Greg, Steven R. Schiller, Chris Kramer, and Lisa C. Schwartz."Energy Upgrades at City-Owned Facilities: Understanding Accounting for Energy Efficiency Financing Options."
Schiller, Steven R., Greg Leventis, Tom Eckman, and Sean Murphy."SEE Action Guide for States: Guidance on Establishing and Maintaining Technical Reference Manuals for Energy Efficiency Measures."
Ganeshalingam, Mohan, Arman Shehabi, and Louis-Benoit Desroches."Shining a Light on Small Data Centers in the U.S.."
Frick, Natalie Mims, Tom Eckman, and Charles A. Goldman."Time-varying value of electric energy efficiency."
Schiller, Steven R., Michael Li, Arlis Reynolds, Ellen Fraconi, and Tim Guiterman."Advances in Efficiency EM&V - DOE’s Uniform Methods Project and M&V 2.0."
Hoffman, Ian M., Charles A. Goldman, Gregory M. Rybka, Greg Leventis, Lisa C. Schwartz, Alan H. Sanstad, and Steven R. Schiller."Estimating the cost of saving electricity through U.S. utility customer-funded energy efficiency programs."Energy Policy
104 (2017) 1-12. DOI
Frick, Natalie Mims, Tom Eckman, and Andrew Satchwell."Integrated Resource Planning: Technical Assistance to the Michigan Public Service Commission."
Frick, Natalie Mims, Steven R. Schiller, Elizabeth Stuart, Lisa C. Schwartz, Chris Kramer, and Richard Faesy."Evaluation of U.S. Building Energy Benchmarking and Transparency Programs: Attributes, Impacts, and Best Practices."
Schiller, Steven R., Jennifer Potter, David Kathan, Mark S. Martinez, and Peter Langbein."Introduction to Wholesale and Retail Demand Response with a Focus on Measurement and Verification."
Larsen, Peter H., Juan Pablo Carvallo, Charles A. Goldman, Sean Murphy, and Elizabeth Stuart."Updated Estimates of the Remaining Market Potential of the U.S. ESCO Industry."
Zhang, Qi, Xiaoyu Zhao, Hongyou Lu, , Tuanjie Ni, and Yu Li."Waste Energy Recovery and Energy Efficiency Improvement in China’s Iron and Steel Industry."Applied Energy
191 (2017) 502 - 520. DOI
Potter, Jennifer, Jeff Deason, and Lisa C. Schwartz."Adopting Energy-Efficient Technologies for Street Lighting: Overcoming Challenges for Utilities."