Publications: ECG: Fuel Cells
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Dogdibegovic, , Emir, , Ruofan Wang, , Grace Y. Lau, , Alireza Karimaghaloo, , Min Hwan Lee, and Michael C. Tucker."Progress in durability of metal-supported solid oxide fuel cells with infiltrated electrodes."Journal of Power Sources
437 (2019) 226935. DOI
Tesfaye, Meron, and Ahmet Kusoglu."Impact of Co-Alloy Leaching and Cation in Ionomer Thin-Films."ECS Transactions
86.13 (2018) 359 - 367. DOI
Satjaritanun, , P., , S. Hirano, , A. D. Shum, Iryna V. Zenyuk, Adam Z. Weber, , J. W. Weidner, and , S. Shimpalee."Fundamental Understanding of Water Movement in Gas Diffusion Layer under Different Arrangements Using Combination of Direct Modeling and Experimental Visualization."Journal of The Electrochemical Society
165.13 (2018) F1115 - F1126. DOI
Spernjak, Dusan, Rangachary Mukundan, Rodney L. Borup, Liam G. Connolly, , Benjamin I. Zackin, , Vincent De Andrade, , Michael Wojcik, Dilworth Y. Parkinson, David L. Jacobson, Daniel S. Hussey, , Karren L. More, , Thomas Chan, Adam Z. Weber, and Iryna V. Zenyuk."Enhanced Water Management of Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells with Additive-Containing Microporous Layers."ACS Applied Energy Materials
(2018). DOI
Tucker, Michael C.."Dynamic-temperature operation of metal-supported solid oxide fuel cells."Journal of Power Sources
395 (2018) 314 - 317. DOI
Steinbach, , Andrew J., Jeffrey S. Allen, Rodney L. Borup, Daniel S. Hussey, David L. Jacobson, , Andrei Komlev, Anthony Kwong, James C. MacDonald, Rangachary Mukundan, , Matt J. Pejsa, , Michael Roos, Anthony D. Santamaria, , James M. Sieracki, Dusan Spernjak, Iryna V. Zenyuk, and Adam Z. Weber."Anode-Design Strategies for Improved Performance of Polymer-Electrolyte Fuel Cells with Ultra-Thin Electrodes."Joule
2.7 (2018) 1297 - 1312. DOI
Tucker, Michael C.."Personal power using metal-supported solid oxide fuel cells operated in a camping stove flame."International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
43.18 (2018) 8991 - 8998. DOI
Weber, Adam Z., Timothy E. Lipman, and Robert A. Meyers."Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Production: Introduction."Encyclopedia of Sustainability Science and Technology
(2018) 1 - 8. DOI
Pant, Lalit M., Zhiwei Yang, Michael L. Perry, and Adam Z. Weber."Development of a Simple and Rapid Diagnostic Method for Polymer-Electrolyte Fuel Cells."Journal of The Electrochemical Society
165.6 (2018) F3007 - F3014. DOI
Tesfaye, Meron, Andrew N. MacDonald, Peter Dudenas, Ahmet Kusoglu, and Adam Z. Weber."Exploring substrate/ionomer interaction under oxidizing and reducing environments."Electrochemistry Communications
87 (2018) 86 - 90. DOI
Mukundan, Rangachary, Andrew M. Baker, Ahmet Kusoglu, Paul Beattie, Shanna Knights, Adam Z. Weber, and Rodney L. Borup."Membrane Accelerated Stress Test Development for Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cell Durability Validated Using Field and Drive Cycle Testing."Journal of The Electrochemical Society
165.6 (2018) F3085 - F3093. DOI
García-Salaberri, Pablo A., Iryna V. Zenyuk, Andrew D. Shum, Gisuk Hwang, Marcos Vera, Adam Z. Weber, and Jeffrey T. Gostick."Analysis of representative elementary volume and through-plane regional characteristics of carbon-fiber papers: diffusivity, permeability and electrical/thermal conductivity."International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
127 (2018) 687 - 703. DOI
Tucker, Michael C.."Development of High Power Density Metal-Supported Solid Oxide Fuel Cells."Energy Technology
5.12 (2017) 2175 - 2181. DOI
Shum, Andrew D., Dilworth Y. Parkinson, Xianghui Xiao, Adam Z. Weber, Odne S. Burheim, and Iryna V. Zenyuk."Investigating Phase‐Change‐Induced Flow in Gas Diffusion Layers in Fuel Cells with X‐ray Computed Tomography."Electrochimica Acta
256 (2017) 279 - 290. DOI
Tucker, Michael C.."Durability of symmetric-structured metal-supported solid oxide fuel cells."Journal of Power Sources
369 (2017) 6 - 12. DOI
Tucker, Michael C., and Andrew S. Ying."Metal-supported solid oxide fuel cells operated in direct-flame configuration."International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
42.38 (2017) 24426 - 24434. DOI
Kusoglu, Ahmet, and Adam Z. Weber."New Insights into Perfluorinated Sulfonic-Acid Ionomers."Chemical Reviews
117.3 (2017) 987 - 1104. DOI
Shiau, Huai-Suen, Iryna V. Zenyuk, and Adam Z. Weber."Elucidating Performance Limitations in Alkaline-Exchange- Membrane Fuel Cells."Journal of The Electrochemical Society
164.11 (2017) E3583 - E3591. DOI
Freiberg, Anna T. S., Michael C. Tucker, and Adam Z. Weber."Polarization loss correction derived from hydrogen local-resistance measurement in low Pt-loaded polymer-electrolyte fuel cells."Electrochemistry Communications
79 (2017) 14 - 17. DOI
Pant, Lalit M., and Adam Z. Weber."Communication—Modeling Polymer-Electrolyte Fuel-Cell Agglomerates with Double-Trap Kinetics."Journal of The Electrochemical Society
164.11 (2017) E3102 - E3104. DOI
Shukla, Shantanu, Subir Bhattacharjee, Adam Z. Weber, and Marc Secanell."Experimental and Theoretical Analysis of Ink Dispersion Stability for Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cell Applications."Journal of The Electrochemical Society
164.6 (2017) F600 - F609. DOI
Spingler, Franz B., Adam Phillips, Tobias Schuler, Michael C. Tucker, and Adam Z. Weber."Investigating fuel-cell transport limitations using hydrogen limiting current."International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
42.19 (2017) 13960 - 13969. DOI
Tucker, Michael C., Bernard Carreon, Jeffrey Charyasatit, Kenny Langston, Cindy Taylor, Jose Manjarrez, Nicholas Burton, Mark LaBarbera, and Craig P. Jacobson."Playing with Fire: Commercialization of a Metal-Supported SOFC Product for Use in Charcoal Cookstoves for the Developing World."SOFC-XV: 15th International Symposium on Solid Oxide Fuel Cells, July 23, 2017 - July 28, 2017
78 (2017) 229 - 236. DOI
Zenyuk, Iryna V., Adrien Lamibrac, Jens Eller, Dilworth Y. Parkinson, Federica Marone, Felix N. Büchi, and Adam Z. Weber."Investigating Evaporation in Gas Diffusion Layers for Fuel Cells with X-ray Computed Tomography."The Journal of Physical Chemistry C
120.50 (2016) 28701 - 28711. DOI
Tucker, Michael C., David Lambelet, Mohamed Oueslati, Benjamin Williams, Wu-Chieh Jerry Wang, and Adam Z. Weber."Improved low-cost, non-hazardous, all-iron cell for the developing world."Journal of Power Sources
332 (2016) 111 - 117. DOI