Publications: Distributed Grid
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Stadler, Michael, Jonathan Donadee, Chris Marnay, Gonçalo Mendes, Jan von Appen, Olivier Mégel, Prajesh Bhattacharya, Nicholas DeForest, and Judy Lai."Application of the Software as a Service Model to the Control of Complex Building Systems."ECEEE Summer Study, June 6-11, 2011
von Appen, Jan, Chris Marnay, Michael Stadler, Ilan Momber, David Klapp, and Alexander von Scheven."Assessment of the Economic Potential of Microgrids for Reactive Power Supply."ICPE2011-ECCE Asia 8th International Conference on Power Electronics
Marnay, Chris, Nicholas DeForest, Michael Stadler, Jonathan Donadee, Carlos Dierckxsens, Gonçalo Mendes, Judy Lai, and Gonçalo Cardoso."A Green Prison: Santa Rita Jail Creeps Towards Zero Net Energy (ZNE)."ECEEE Summer Study, June 6-11, 2011
Stadler, Michael, Gonçalo Cardoso, Nicholas DeForest, Jonathan Donadee, Tomás Gómez, Judy Lai, Chris Marnay, Olivier Mégel, Gonçalo Mendes, and Afzal S. Siddiqui."Smart buildings with electric vehicle interconnection as buffer for local renewables?."Researching the Intelligent City: Key Challenges of Integrating Urban Energy and Mobility Systems Research Symposium
Stadler, Michael, Chris Marnay, Jonathan Donadee, Judy Lai, Olivier Mégel, Prajesh Bhattacharya, and Afzal S. Siddiqui."Distributed Energy Resource Optimization Using a Software as Service (SaaS) Approach at the University of California, Davis Campus."
(2011) 51.
Stadler, Michael, Ilan Momber, Olivier Mégel, Tomás Gómez, Chris Marnay, Sebastian Beer, Judy Lai, and Vincent S. Battaglia."The added economic and environmental value of plug-in electric vehicles connected to commercial building microgrids."2nd European Conference on SmartGrids and E-Mobility, October 20 -21, 2010
Siddiqui, Afzal S., Michael Stadler, Chris Marnay, and Judy Lai."Optimal Control of Distributed Energy Resources and Demand Response under Uncertainty."IAEE’s Rio 2010 International Conference, June 6-9, 2010
Momber, Ilan, Tomás Gómez, Giri Venkataramanan, Michael Stadler, Sebastian Beer, Judy Lai, and Vincent S. Battaglia."Plug in Electric Vehicle Interactions with a small office Building: An Economic Analysis Using DER-CAM."IEEE 2010 Power And Energy General Meeting
Stadler, Michael, Afzal S. Siddiqui, Chris Marnay, Hirohisa Aki, and Judy Lai."Control of Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Optimal DER Technology Investment and Energy Management in Zero-Net-Energy Buildings."European Transactions on Electrical Power
Vol. 21.Issue 2 (2009) 27.
Marnay, Chris, Michael Stadler, Timothy E. Lipman, Judy Lai, Gonçalo Cardoso, and Olivier Mégel."Greenhouse Gas Abatement with Distributed Generation in California's Commercial Buildings."6th Annual California Climate Change Research Symposium
Marnay, Chris, Michael Stadler, Gonçalo Cardoso, Olivier Mégel, Judy Lai, and Afzal S. Siddiqui."The Added Economic and Environmental Value of Solar Thermal Systems in Microgrids with Combined Heat and Power."
(2009) 13.
Stadler, Michael, Chris Marnay, Afzal S. Siddiqui, Judy Lai, and Hirohisa Aki."Integrated building energy systems design considering storage technologies."ECEEE 2009 Summer Study, June 1-6, 2009
Stadler, Michael, Afzal S. Siddiqui, Chris Marnay, Hirohisa Aki, and Judy Lai."Optimal Technology Investment and Operation in Zero-Net-Energy Buildings with Demand Response."22nd Annual Western Conference, Advanced Workshop in Regulation and Competition, June 17-19, 2009
Marnay, Chris, Michael Stadler, Hirohisa Aki, Brian E. Coffey, Ryan M. Firestone, Judy Lai, and Afzal S. Siddiqui."Microgrid Selection and Operation for Commercial Buildings in California and New York States."4th European PV-Hybrid and Mini-Grid Conference, May 29-30, 2008
(2008) 12.
Marnay, Chris, Giri Venkataramanan, Michael Stadler, Afzal S. Siddiqui, Ryan M. Firestone, and Bala Chandran."Optimal Technology Selection and Operation of Commercial- Building Microgrids."
(2008) 10. DOI
Stadler, Michael, Friederich Kupzog, and Peter Palensky."Distributed Energy Resource Allocation and Dispatch: an Economic and Technological Perception."International Journal of Electronic Business Management
5.3 (2007) 182-196.
Stadler, Michael, Lukas Kranzl, Claus Huber, Reinhard Haas, and Elena Tsioliaridou."Policy Strategies and Paths to Promote Sustainable Energy Systems - The Dynamic Invert Simulation Tool."Energy Policy
35.1 (2007) 597-628. DOI
Tsioliaridou, Elena, Georgios C. Bakos, and Michael Stadler."A new energy planning methodology for the penetration of renewable energy technologies in electricity sector - application for the island of Crete."Energy Policy
34 (2006) 3757-3764.