Publications: Demand Response and Smart Grid
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Satchwell, Andrew, Galen L. Barbose, Charles A. Goldman, Ryan Hledik, and Ahmed Faruqui."Incorporating Demand Response into Western Interconnection Transmission Planning."
Cappers, Peter, Annika Todd, Michael Perry, Bernard Neenan, and Richard Boisvert."Quantifying the Impacts of Time-based Rates, Enabling Technology, and Other Treatments in Consumer Behavior Studies: Protocols and Guidelines."
Todd, Annika, Peter Cappers, and Charles A. Goldman."Residential Customer Enrollment in Time-based Rate and Enabling Technology Programs: Smart Grid Investment Grant Consumer Behavior Study Analysis."
Cappers, Peter, Annika Todd, and Charles A. Goldman."Summary of Utility Studies: Smart Grid Investment Grant Consumer Behavior Study Analysis."
Cappers, Peter, Jason S. MacDonald, and Charles A. Goldman."Market and Policy Barriers for Demand Response Providing Ancillary Services in U.S. Markets."
Satchwell, Andrew, Charles A. Goldman, Hossein Haeri, and Mark Lesiw."An Assessment of Analytical Capabilities, Services and Tools for Demand Response."
Delurey, Dan, and , Judith Schwartz."Demand Response Program Design and Implementation Case Study Interviews."
Woolf, Tim, Erin Malone, Lisa C. Schwartz, and John Shenot."A Framework for Evaluating the Cost-effectiveness of Demand Response."
Goldberg, Miriam L., and G. Kennedy Agnew."Measurement and Verification for Demand Response."
Cappers, Peter, Andrew D. Mills, Charles A. Goldman, Ryan H. Wiser, and Joseph H Eto."An assessment of the role mass market demand response could play in contributing to the management of variable generation integration issues."Energy Policy
48 (2012) 420 - 429. DOI
Bode, Josh L., Michael J. Sullivan, and Joseph H Eto."Measuring Short-term Air Conditioner Demand Reductions for Operations and Settlement."
(2012) 120.
Cappers, Peter, Andrew D. Mills, Charles A. Goldman, Ryan H. Wiser, and Joseph H Eto."Mass Market Demand Response and Variable Generation Integration Issues: A Scoping Study."
(2011) 76.
Hoffman, Ron, Roger Levy, and Karen Herter."Technical Options to Address Cyber Security, Interoperability and Other Issues with ZigBee SEP."
Cappers, Peter, Charles A. Goldman, and David Kathan."Demand Response in U.S. Electricity Markets: Empirical Evidence."Energy
35.4 (2010) 1526-1535. DOI
Goldman, Charles A., Michael Reid, Roger Levy, and Alison Silverstein."Coordination of Energy Efficiency and Demand Response."
(2010) 74.
Coughlin, Katie, Mary Ann Piette, Charles A. Goldman, and Sila Kiliccote."Statistical analysis of baseline load models for non-residential buildings."Energy and Buildings
41.4 (2009) 374-381. DOI
Bharvirkar, Ranjit, Grayson C. Heffner, and Charles A. Goldman."Retail Demand Response in Southwest Power Pool."
(2009) 33.
Bharvirkar, Ranjit, Charles A. Goldman, Grayson C. Heffner, and Richard Sedano."Coordination of Retail Demand Response with Midwest ISO Wholesale Markets."
(2008) 39.
Puckett, Curt D., Timothy P. Hennessy, Grayson C. Heffner, and Charles A. Goldman."Regional Approaches to Measurement and Verification of Load Management Programs."IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
23.1 (2008) 204 - 212. DOI
Coughlin, Katie, Mary Ann Piette, Charles A. Goldman, and Sila Kiliccote."Estimating Demand Response Load Impacts: Evaluation of Baseline Load Models for Non- Residential Buildings in California."
(2008) 33.
Goldman, Charles A., Nicole C. Hopper, Ranjit Bharvirkar, Bernard Neenan, and Peter Cappers."A Methodology for Estimating Large-Customer Demand Response Market Potential."
(2007) 19.
Heffner, Grayson C., Charles A. Goldman, Brendan J. Kirby, and Michael Kintner-Meyer."Loads Providing Ancillary Services: Review of International Experience."
Hopper, Nicole C., Charles A. Goldman, Ranjit Bharvirkar, and Daniel Engel."The Summer of 2006: A Milestone in the Ongoing Maturation of Demand Response."
(2007) 22.
Puckett, Curt D., and Timothy P. Hennessy."Deemed Savings Estimates for Legacy Air Conditioning and Water Heating Direct Load Control Programs in PJM Region."
(2007) 101.
Sezgen, Osman, Charles A. Goldman, and P. Krishnarao."Option Value of Electricity Demand Response."Energy
32.2 (2007) 108-119. DOI