Publications: Buildings
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Sundell, Jan, Hal Levin, William W. Nazaroff, William S. Cain, William J. Fisk, David T. Grimsrud, Finn Gyntelberg, Yuguo Li, Andrew K. Persily, Anthony C. Pickering, Jonathan M. Samet, John D. Spengler, Steven T. Taylor, and Charles J. Weschler."Ventilation rates and health: multidisciplinary review of the scientific literature."Indoor Air
21.3 (2011) 191-204. DOI
Apte, Joshua S., Thomas W. Kirchstetter, Alexander H. Reich, Shyam J. Deshpande, Geetanjali Kaushik, Arvind Chel, Julian D. Marshall, and William W. Nazaroff."Concentrations of fine, ultrafine, and black carbon particles in auto-rickshaws in New Delhi, India."Atmospheric Environment
45.26 (2011) 4470–4480. DOI
Sathaye, Jayant A., Stephane de la Rue du Can, Maithili Iyer, Michael A. McNeil, Klaas Jan Kramer, Joyashree Roy, Moumita Roy, and Shreya Roy Chowdhury."Strategies for Low Carbon Growth In India: Industry and Non Residential Sectors."
Logue, Jennifer M., Thomas E. McKone, Max H. Sherman, and Brett C. Singer."Hazard Assessment of Chemical Air Contaminants Measured in Residences."Indoor Air
21.2 (2011) 92-109. DOI
Sherman, Max H., and Iain S. Walker."Meeting Residential Ventilation Standards Through Dynamic Control of Ventilation Systems."Energy and Buildings
43.8 (2011) 1904-1912.
Bhangar, Seema, Nasim A. Mullen, Susanne V. Hering, Nathan M. Kreisberg, and William W. Nazaroff."Ultrafine particle concentrations and exposure in seven residences in northern California."Indoor Air
21.2 (2011) 132-144.. DOI
Xu, Tengfang T., Jing Ke, and Jayant A. Sathaye."User's Manual for BEST-Dairy: Benchmarking and Energy/water-Saving Tool (BEST) for the Dairy Processing Industry (Version 1.2)."
Coles, Henry C., Tae Won Han, Phillip N. Price, Ashok J. Gadgil, and William F. Tschudi."Air Corrosivity in U.S. Outdoor-Air-Cooled Data Centers is Similar to That in Conventional Data Centers."
Zhou, Nan, Michael A. McNeil, and Mark D. Levine."Assessment of Building Energy-Saving Policies and Programs in China During the 11th Five Year Plan."
Zhou, Nan, Michael A. McNeil, and Mark D. Levine."Assessment of Building Energy-Saving Policies and Programs in China During the 11th Five Year Plan."
McKone, Thomas E., William W. Nazaroff, Peter Berck, Maximilian Auffhammer, Timothy E. Lipman, Margaret S. Torn, Eric R. Masanet, Agnes B. Lobscheid, Nicholas J Santero, Umakant Mishra, Audrey Barrett, Matt Bomberg, Kevin Fingerman, Corinne D. Scown, Bret Strogen, and Arpad Horvath."Grand Challenges for Life-Cycle Assessment of Biofuels."Environmental Science & Technology
45.5 (2011) 1751 - 1756. DOI
Sreedharan, Priya, Michael D. Sohn, William W. Nazaroff, and Ashok J. Gadgil."Towards improved characterization of high-risk releases using heterogeneous indoor sensor systems."Building and Environment
16.2 (2011) 438-447. DOI
de la Rue du Can, Stephane, Michael A. McNeil, Virginie E. Letschert, Bo Shen, and Jayant A. Sathaye."DSM Electricity Savings Potential in the Buildings Sector in APP Countries."
Satish, Usha, William J. Fisk, Mark J. Mendell, Ekaterina Eliseeva, Toshifumi Hotchi, Douglas P. Sullivan, Lisa B. Cleckner, Krishnamurthy Shekhar, and Kaeling Teng."Impact of CO2 on human decision making and productivity."Indoor Air 2011
Noris, Federico, Brett C. Singer, and William J. Fisk."Indoor environment quality and energy retrofits in low-income apartments: retrofit selection protocol."Indoor Air 2011
Sidheswaran, Meera A., Hugo Destaillats, Douglas P. Sullivan, Joern Larsen, and William J. Fisk."Quantitative room-temperature mineralization of airborne formaldehyde using manganese oxide catalysts."Applied Catalysis B – Environmental
(2011) 34-41. DOI
Petrick, Lauren M., Mohamad Sleiman, Yael Dubowski, Lara A. Gundel, and Hugo Destaillats."Tobacco smoke aging in the presence of ozone: a room‐sized chamber study."Atmospheric Environment
45 (2011) 4959-4965.
Sleiman, Mohamad, Peyton Jacob III, Emma Smith, Kevin R. Wilson, Musahid Ahmed, Neal L. Benowitz, James F. Pankow, Brett C. Singer, Lara A. Gundel, and Hugo Destaillats."After the Smoke Clears: Indoor Chemistry of Thirdhand Smoke."Proceedings of the Indoor Air 2011, The International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate
Logue, Jennifer M., Phillip N. Price, Max H. Sherman, and Brett C. Singer."Assessment of Indoor Air Quality Benefits and Energy Costs of Mechanical Ventilation."Proceedings of the 2011 32nd AIVC Conference and 1st Tightvent Conference, Toward Optimal Airtightness Performance
Fisk, William J., Douglas R. Black, and Gregory Brunner."Benefits and costs of improved IEQ in offices."Indoor Air
21.3 (2011) 357–367. DOI
Klug, Victoria L., Brett C. Singer, Tod Bedrosian, and Chris D’Cruz."Characteristics of Range Hoods in California Homes — Data Collected from a Real Estate Web Site."
Mortensen, Dorthe Kragsig, Iain S. Walker, and Max H. Sherman."Energy and air quality implications of passive stack ventilation in residential buildings."ACEEE 16th Biennial Summer Study
Sherman, Max H., Iain S. Walker, and Jennifer M. Logue."Equivalence in Ventilation and Indoor Air Quality."HVAC&R Research
Apte, Michael G., Mark J. Mendell, Michael D. Sohn, Spencer M. Dutton, Pam M. Berkeley, and Michael Spears."Final Report: Balancing energy conservation and occupant needs in ventilation rate standards for “Big Box” stores in California: predicted indoor air quality and energy consumption using a matrix of ventilation scenarios."