Publications: Buildings
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Han, Hyun Joo, Muhammad Uzair Mehmood, Rahate Ahmed, Yeongmin Kim, Spencer M. Dutton, Sang Hoon Lim, and Wongee Chunb."An advanced lighting system combining solar and an artificial light source for constant illumination and energy saving in buildings."Energy and Buildings
203 (2019). DOI
Fisk, William J., Pawel Wargocki, and Xiaojing Zhang."Do Indoor CO2 Levels Directly Affect Perceived Air Quality, Health, or Work Performance?."ASHRAE Journal
Zhou, Nan, Lynn K. Price, , Dai Yande, Jon Creyts, Nina Khanna, David Fridley, Hongyou Lu, Wei Feng, Xu Liu, Ali Hasanbeigi, , Zhiyu Tian, , Hongwei Yang, , Quan Bai, Yuezhong Zhu, , Huawen Xiong, Jianguo Zhang, , Kate Chrisman, , Josh Agenbroad, Yi Ke, , Robert McIntosh, , David Mullaney, , Clay Stranger, , Eric Wanless, , Daniel Wetzel, , Cyril Yee, and , Ellen Franconi."A roadmap for China to peak carbon dioxide emissions and achieve a 20% share of non-fossil fuels in primary energy by 2030."Applied Energy
239 (2019) 793 - 819. DOI
Zhu, Weina, Zhihui Zhang, Xiaodong Li, Wei Feng, and Jifeng Li."Assessing the effects of technological progress on energy efficiency in the construction industry: A case of China."Journal of Cleaner Production
238 (2019) 117908. DOI
Jin, Ming, Ruoxi Jia, Hari Prasanna Das, Wei Feng, and Costas Spanos."BISCUIT: Building Intelligent System Customer Investment Tools."Energy Procedia
158 (2019) 6152 - 6157. DOI
Wang, Lan, Eric WaiMing Lee, Richard K.K. Yuen, and Wei Feng."Cooling load forecasting-based predictive optimisation for chiller plants."Energy and Buildings
198 (2019) 261 - 274. DOI
Feng, Wei, Qianning Zhang, Hui Ji, Ran Wang, Nan Zhou, Qing Ye, Bin Hao, Yutong Li, Duo Luo, and Stephen SiuYu Lau."A review of net zero energy buildings in hot and humid climates: Experience learned from 34 case study buildings."Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
114 (2019) 109303. DOI
Feng, Wei, Qianning Zhang, Hui Ji, Ran Wang, Nan Zhou, Qing Ye, Bin Hao, Yutong Li, Duo Luo, and Stephen SiuYu Lau."A review of net zero energy buildings in hot and humid climates: Experience learned from 34 case study buildings."Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
114 (2019) 109303. DOI
Li, Han, Carolyn Szum, Clay Nesler, Sara Lisauskas, and Steve Snyder."Targeting Building Energy Efficiency Opportunities: An Open-source Analytical and Benchmarking Tool."2019 ASHRAE Winter Conference
Ding, Chao, Wei Feng, , Xiwang Li, and Nan Zhou."Urban-scale building energy consumption database: a case study for Wuhan, China."Energy Procedia
158 (2019) 6551 - 6556. DOI
Huang, Sen, Ana Carolina Laurini Malara, Wangda Zuo, and Michael D. Sohn."A Bayesian network model for the optimization of a chiller plant’s condenser water set point."Journal of Building Performance Simulation
11.1 (2018) 36 - 47. DOI
Szum, Carolyn, Liu Shan, and James Connelly."China’s Roadmap to Nearly Zero Energy Buildings."ACEEE 2018 Summer Study, Pacific Grove, CA
Wetter, Michael, Milica Grahovac, and Jianjun Hu."Control Description Language."1st American Modelica Conference
Modera, Mark, Jonathan Woolley, Spencer M. Dutton, and Daniel Studer."User-Oriented Modeling Tools for Advanced Hybrid and Climate-Appropriate Rooftop Air Conditioners."
(2018). DOI
Chen, Sharon S., Hugo Destaillats, Jing Ge, and Ronnen M. Levinson."Calibration of laboratory aging practice to replicate changes to roof albedo in a Chinese city."
Singh, Reshma, Paul A. Mathew, Jessica Granderson, Yash Shukla, Amiya Ranjan Behera, and Michael Pitt."Packaged Scalable Energy Information Systems for Hotels."Journal of Facilities Management
16.2 (2018) 119 - 141. DOI
Ruiz, Iván, Mark Sprowls, Yue Deng, Doina Kulick, Hugo Destaillats, and Erica S. Forzani."Assessing metabolic rate and indoor air quality with passive environmental sensors."Journal of Breath Research
12.3 (2018).
Singer, Brett C., and William W. Delp."Response of consumer and research grade indoor air quality monitors to residential sources of fine particles."Indoor Air
28.4 (2018) 624-639. DOI
Huang, Sen, Wangda Zuo, and Michael D. Sohn."A Bayesian Network model for predicting cooling load of commercial buildings."Building Simulation
11.1 (2018) 87 - 101. DOI
Fischer, Marc L., Wanyu R. Chan, William W. Delp, Seongeun Jeong, Vi H. Rapp, and Zhimin Zhu."An Estimate of Natural Gas Methane Emissions from California Homes."Environmental Science & Technology
(2018). DOI
Hang, Bo, Yunshan Wang, Yurong Huang, Pin Wang, Sasha A. Langley, Lei Bi, Altaf H. Sarker, Suzaynn F. Schick, Christopher Havel, Peyton Jacob III, Neal L. Benowitz, Hugo Destaillats, Xiaochen Tang, Yankai Xia, Kuang-Yu Jen, Lara A. Gundel, Jian-Hua Mao, and Antoine M. Snijders."Short-term early exposure to thirdhand cigarette smoke increases lung cancer incidence in mice."Clinical Science
132.4 (2018) 475-488. DOI
Gerber, Daniel L., Vagelis Vossos, Wei Feng, Chris Marnay, Bruce Nordman, and Richard E. Brown."A simulation-based efficiency comparison of AC and DC power distribution networks in commercial buildings."Applied Energy
210 (2018) 1167-1187. DOI
Oh, Seung Jin, Spencer M. Dutton, Stephen E. Selkowitz, and Hyun Joo Han."Application of a coelostat daylighting system for energy savings and enhancement of indoor illumination: A case study under clear-sky conditions."Energy and Buildings
156 (2017). DOI
Wilson, Daniel L., Vi H. Rapp, Julien J. Caubel, Sharon S. Chen, and Ashok J. Gadgil."Verifying mixing in dilution tunnels: How to ensure cookstove emissions samples are unbiased."
Fisk, William J.."The Ventilation Problem in Schools: Literature Review."Indoor Air
27.6 (2017) 1039-1051. DOI