Publications: Building Façade Solutions
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Lee, Eleanor S., and Dennis L. DiBartolomeo."Application issues for large-area electrochromic windows in commercial buildings."Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells
71.4 (2002) 465–491. DOI
Byon, Eungsun, and André Anders."Bias and Self-Bias of Magnetic Macroparticle Filters for Cathodic Arc Plasmas."Journal of Applied Physics
93 (2002) 8890-8897.
Shehabi, Arman, Charles N. Eley, Dariush K. Arasteh, and Phil Degens."A Characterization of the Nonresidential Fenestration Market."
Prindle, Bill, and Dariush K. Arasteh."Energy Savings and Pollution Prevention Benefits of Solar Heat Gain Standards in the International Energy Conservation Code."
Lee, Eleanor S., Stephen E. Selkowitz, Christian Kohler, Vladimir Bazjanac, and Vorapat Inkarojrit."High-Performance Commercial Building Façades."
Klems, Joseph H.."Solar Heat Gain through a Skylight in a Light Well."ASHRAE Chicago
108, Part 1 (2001) 512-524.
Richardson, Thomas J., Jonathan L. Slack, Baker Farangis, and Michael D. Rubin."Mixed Metal Films with Switchable Optical Properties."Applied Physics Letters
80.8 (2001) 1349-1351. DOI
Griffith, Brent T., Howdy Goudey, and Dariush K. Arasteh."Infrared Thermography Measurements of Window Thermal Test Specimen: Surface Temperatures."ASHRAE Seminar
Kohler, Christian, Dariush K. Arasteh, and Robin Mitchell."THERM Simulations of Window Indoor Surface Temperatures for Predicting Condensation."ASHRAE Transactions
109, Part 1 (2001) 593-599.
Arasteh, Dariush K., Robin Mitchell, Christian Kohler, Charlie Huizenga, and Dragan C. Curcija."Improving Information Technology to Maximize Fenestration Energy Efficiency."Performance of Exterior Envelopes of Whole Buildings VIII
Ehrlich, Charles K., Konstantinos M. Papamichael, Judy Lai, and Kenneth L. Revzan."Simulating the Operation of Photosensor-Based Lighting Controls."2001 Building Simulation 7th International Building Performance Simulation Association Conference
Selkowitz, Stephen E.."Integrating Advanced Façades into High Performance Buildings."Glass Processing Days: 7th International Conference on Architectural and Automotive Glass
Richardson, Thomas J., Jonathan L. Slack, Robert D. Armitage, Robert Kostecki, Baker Farangis, and Michael D. Rubin."Switchable Mirrors Based on Nickel-Magnesium Films."Applied Physics Letters
78.20 (2001) 3047-3049. DOI
Ruck, Nancy, Øyvind Aschehoug, Sirri Aydinli, Jens Christoffersen, Gilles Courret, Ian Edmonds, Roman Jakobiak, Martin Kischkoweit-Lopin, Martin Klinger, Eleanor S. Lee, Laurent Michel, Jean-Louis Scartezzini, and Stephen E. Selkowitz."Daylight in Buildings. A Source Book on Daylighting Systems and Components."
Arney, Michael, James Fairman, John Carmody, and Dariush K. Arasteh."The Integrated Energy-Efficiency Window-Wall System."
Ehrlich, Charles K., Konstantinos M. Papamichael, Judy Lai, and Kenneth L. Revzan."A Method for Simulating the Performance of Photosensor-Based Lighting Controls."Energy and Buildings
34 (2001) 883-889.
Mitchell, Robin, Christian Kohler, Dariush K. Arasteh, Charlie Huizenga, and Dragan C. Curcija."WINDOW 5.0 User Manual for Analyzing Window Thermal Performance."
Gustavsen, Arlid, Brent T. Griffith, and Dariush K. Arasteh."Natural Convection Effects in Three-Dimensional Window Frames with Internal Cavities."ASHRAE Transactions
107, Part 2 (2000).
Gustavsen, Arlid, Brent T. Griffith, and Dariush K. Arasteh."Three-Dimensional Conjugate Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulations of Internal Window Frame Cavities Validated Using IR Thermography."ASHRAE Transactions
107.2 (2000) 538-549.
Rubin, Michael D., and Rebecca Powles."Optical Properties of Glazing Materials at Normal Incidence."Revista della Statzione Sperimentale del Vetro
(2000) 13-16.
Richardson, Thomas J., Jonathan L. Slack, and Michael D. Rubin."Electrochromism in Copper Oxide Thin Films."4th International Meeting on Electrochromism
Richardson, Thomas J., and Michael D. Rubin."Liquid Phase Deposition of Electrochromic Thin Films."Electrochimica Acta
46 (2000) 2119-2123.
Mitchell, Robin, Christian Kohler, Dariush K. Arasteh, Elizabeth U. Finlayson, Charlie Huizenga, Dragan C. Curcija, and John Carmody."THERM 2.1 NFRC Simulation Manual."
(2000) 260.
Klems, Joseph H.."U-Values of Flat and Domed Skylights."2000 ASHRAE Annual Meeting
106, Part 2 (2000).