Publications: BTUS Energy Analytics
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Ford, Rebecca, Marco Pritoni, Angela Sanguinetti, and Beth Karlin."Categories and functionality of smart home technology for energy management."Building and Environment
123 (2017) 543 - 554. DOI
Fernandes, Samuel, and Jessica Granderson."The State of Advanced Measurement and Verification Technology and Industry Application."The Electricity Journal
30.8 (2017) 8-16. DOI
Pritoni, Marco, Kiernan Salmon, Angela Sanguinetti, Joshua Morejohn, and Mark Modera."Occupant thermal feedback for improved efficiency in university buildings."Energy and Buildings
144 (2017) 241 - 250. DOI
Singla, Rupam, and Jessica Granderson."Using EMIS to Identify Top Opportunities for Commercial Building Efficiency."
Granderson, Jessica, Samir Touzani, Samuel Fernandes, and Cody Taylor."Application of Automated Measurement and Verification to Utility Energy Efficiency Program Data."Energy and Buildings
(2017) 191-199. DOI
Franconi, Ellen M., Matt Gee, Miriam L. Goldberg, Jessica Granderson, Tim Guiterman, Michael Li, and Brian Arthur Smith."The Status and Promise of Advanced M&V: An Overview of “M&V 2.0” Methods, Tools, and Applications."
Iyer, Maithili, Satish Kumar, Sangeeta Mathew, Hannah Stratton, Paul A. Mathew, and Mohini Singh."Establishing a Commercial Buildings Energy Data Framework for India: A Comprehensive Look at Data Collection Approaches, Use Cases and Institutions."
Granderson, Jessica, Marco Bonvini, Mary Ann Piette, Janie Page, Guanjing Lin, and R. Lily Hu."Can We Practically Bring Physics-based Modeling Into Operational Analytics Tools?."Proceedings of the 2016 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings, Pacific Grove, CA, August 2016
Granderson, Jessica, Samir Touzani, Cody Taylor, and Samuel Fernandes."Will the Measurement Robots Take Our Jobs? An Update on the State of Automated M&V for Energy Efficiency Programs."Proceedings of the 2016 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings, Pacific Grove, CA, August 2016."
Granderson, Jessica, Samir Touzani, Claudine Y. Custodio, Michael D. Sohn, David A. Jump, and Samuel Fernandes."Accuracy of Automated Measurement and Verification (M&V) Techniques for Energy Savings in Commercial Buildings."Applied Energy
173 (2016) 296-308. DOI
Berger, Michael A., Paul A. Mathew, and Travis Walter."Big Data Analytics in the Building Industry."ASHRAE Journal
(2016) 38-45.
Granderson, Jessica, Erin L. Hult, Samuel Fernandes, Paul A. Mathew, and Robin Mitchell."Unlocking Energy Efficiency in Small Commercial Buildings through Mechanical Contractors."Journal of Architectural Engineering
Mathew, Paul A., Sangeeta Mathew, Satish Kumar, Mohini Singh, Hannah Stratton, and Maithili Iyer."India Commercial Buildings Data Framework: A Summary of Potential Use Cases."
Iyer, Maithili, Hannah Stratton, Sangeeta Mathew, Satish Kumar, Paul A. Mathew, and Mohini Singh."Review of Building Data Frameworks Across Countries: Lessons for India."
Regnier, Cynthia, Paul A. Mathew, Alastair Robinson, Peter Schwartz, and Travis Walter."Beyond Widgets – Systems Incentive Programs for Utilities."ACEEE
Granderson, Jessica, and Guanjing Lin."Building Energy Information Systems: Synthesis of Costs, Savings, and Best-practice Uses."Energy Efficiency
Singh, Reshma, Paul A. Mathew, Jessica Granderson, Rohini Srivastava, and Yash Shukla."Caring for the Energy Health of Healthcare Facilities U.S.– India Joint Center for Building Energy Research and Development (CBERD)."
Price, Phillip N., Mary Ann Piette, Jessica Granderson, and John Elliott."Automated Measurement and Verification of Transactive Energy Systems, Load Shape Analysis, and Consumer Engagement."GridWise® Architecture Council Transactive Energy Conference
Price, Phillip N., Bruce Nordman, Mary Ann Piette, Richard E. Brown, Janie Page, Steven Lanzisera, and Jessica Granderson."Automated Measurement and Verification and Innovative Occupancy Detection Technologies."
Granderson, Jessica, Samir Touzani, Claudine Y. Custodio, Michael D. Sohn, Samuel Fernandes, and David A. Jump."Assessment of Automated Measurement and Verification (M&V) Methods."
Touzani, Samir, Claudine Y. Custodio, Michael D. Sohn, Samuel Fernandes, Jessica Granderson, David A. Jump, and Cody Taylor."M & V Shootout: Setting the Stage For Testing the Performance of New Energy Baseline."2015 International Energy Program Evaluation Conference
Lask, Kathleen M., Kayje Booker, Taewon Han, Jessica Granderson, Nina Yang, Cristina Ceballos, and Ashok J. Gadgil."Performance comparison of charcoal cookstoves for Haiti: Laboratory testing with Water Boiling and Controlled Cooking Tests."Energy for Sustainable Development
26 (2015) 79 - 86. DOI
Mills, Evan, Jessica Granderson, Wanyu R. Chan, Richard C. Diamond, Philip Haves, Bruce Nordman, Paul A. Mathew, Mary Ann Piette, Gerald Robinson, and Stephen E. Selkowitz."Green, Clean, & Mean: Pushing the Energy Envelope in Tech Industry Buildings."
Granderson, Jessica, Phillip N. Price, David A. Jump, Nathan J. Addy, and Michael D. Sohn."Automated Measurement and Verification: Performance of Public Domain Whole-Building Electric Baseline Models."Applied Energy
144 (2015) 106-113. DOI