X Author: D.K. Fork
Young, D., A. Christou, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, D.K. Fork, and B. Krusor."Growth of (001) oriented La-Sr-Co-O/Pb-La-Zr-Ti-O/La-Sr-Co-O ferroelectric capacitors on (001) GaAs with a MgO buffer layer."Integrated Ferroelectrics
12 (1996) 63-69. DOI
Lee, J., Ramamoorthy Ramesh, V.G. Keramidas, and D.K. Fork."Fabrication and testing of micron-size (pb,la)(zr,ti)o3 thin film capacitors."Integrated Ferroelectrics
8 (1995) 35-44. DOI
Ghonge, S.G., E. Goo, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, R. Haakenaasen, D.K. Fork, and Garratt-Reed G.W.."Epitaxial ferroelectric thin films."Proceedings - Annual Meeting, Microscopy Society of America
(1994) 572-573.
Ramesh, Ramamoorthy, T. Sands, V.G. Keramidas, and D.K. Fork."Epitaxial ferroelectric thin films for memory applications."Materials Science and Engineering B
22 (1994) 283-289. DOI
Ramesh, Ramamoorthy, J. Lee, V.G. Keramidas, D.K. Fork, S. Ghonge, E. Goo, and O. Auciello."Interfaces in ferroelectric metal oxide heterostructures."Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings
343 (1994) 431-443.
Ghonge, S.G., E. Goo, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, R. Haakenaasen, and D.K. Fork."Microstructure of epitaxial oxide thin film heterostructures on silicon by pulsed laser deposition."Applied Physics Letters
64 (1994) 3407-3409. DOI
Ramesh, Ramamoorthy, T. Sands, V.G. Keramidas, D.K. Fork, Myers R., Tuttle Bruce A., Desu Seshu B., and Larsen Poul K.."Ferroelectric La-Sr-Co-O/Pb-Zr-Ti-O/La-Sr-Co-O heterostructures on silicon: reliability testing."Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings
310 (1993) 195-200.
Ramesh, Ramamoorthy, H. Gilchrist, T. Sands, V.G. Keramidas, R. Haakenaasen, and D.K. Fork."Ferroelectric La-Sr-Co-O/Pb-Zr-Ti-O/La-Sr-Co-O heterostructures on silicon via template growth."Applied Physics Letters
63 (1993) 3592-3594. DOI
Ramesh, Ramamoorthy, W.K. Chan, B. Wilkens, H. Gilchrist, T. Sands, J.M. Tarascon, V.G. Keramidas, D.K. Fork, J. Lee, and A. Safari."Fatigue and retention in ferroelectric Y-Ba-Cu-O/Pb-Zr-Ti-O/Y-Ba-Cu-O heterostructures."Applied Physics Letters
61 (1992) 1537-1539. DOI
Ramesh, Ramamoorthy, A. Inam, B. Wilkens, W.K. Chan, T. Sands, J.M. Tarascon, D.K. Fork, T.H. Geballe, J. Evans, and J. Bullington."Ferroelectric bismuth titanate/superconductor (Y-Ba-Cu-O) thin-film heterostructures on silicon."Applied Physics Letters
59 (1991) 1782-1784. DOI