X Author: Annika Todd-Blick
Rezaei, Nazanin, Annika Todd-Blick, K. Sydny Fujita, Natalie Popovich, Zachary Needell, Cristian Poliziani, Juan Caicedo, Carlos Guirado, and C. Anna Spurlock."At the nexus of equity and transportation modeling: Assessing accessibility through the Individual Experienced Utility-Based Synthesis (INEXUS) metric."Journal of Transport Geography
115 (2024) 103824. DOI
Yang, Hung-Chia, Ling Jin, Alina Lazar, Annika Todd-Blick, Alex Sim, Kesheng Wu, Qianmiao Chen, and C. Anna Spurlock."Gender Gaps in Mode Usage, Vehicle Ownership, and Spatial Mobility When Entering Parenthood: A Life Course Perspective."Systems
11.6 (2023) 314. DOI
Cappers, Peter, and Annika Todd-Blick."Heterogeneity in Own-Price Residential Customer Demand Elasticities for Electricity under Time-of-Use Rates: Evidence from a Randomized-Control Trial in the United States."Utilities Policy
Fowlie, Meredith, Catherine Wolfram, Patrick Baylis, C. Anna Spurlock, Annika Todd-Blick, and Peter Cappers."Default Effects and Follow-On Behaviour: Evidence From an Electricity Pricing Program."The Review of Economic Studies
88.6 (2021) 2886–2934. DOI
Todd-Blick, Annika, C. Anna Spurlock, Ling Jin, Peter Cappers, Sam Borgeson, Daniel Fredman, and Jarett Zuboy."Winners are not keepers: Characterizing household engagement, gains, and energy patterns in demand response using machine learning in the United States."Energy Research & Social Science
70 (2020). DOI
Spurlock, C. Anna, Annika Todd-Blick, Gabrielle Wong-Parodi, and Victor Walker."Children, Income, and the Impact of Home- Delivery on Household Shopping Trips."Transportation Research Record
(2020). DOI